Stolen Social Security number? The IRS doesn’t care – IOTW Report

Stolen Social Security number? The IRS doesn’t care


CPR: The IRS is giving away money to people who file tax returns with stolen Social Security numbers, and they intend to keep right on doing it.

That was the message from IRS Commissioner John Koskinen to the Senate Finance Committee during a recent hearing on cybersecurity failures and other problems at the Internal Revenue Service.

“These are cases in which someone uses someone else’s identity, their name or their Social Security number, to get a job illegally,” Sen. Dan Coats, a Republican from Indiana, explained.  more

13 Comments on Stolen Social Security number? The IRS doesn’t care

  1. Easy path for illegals to vote if they don’t have the luxury of living in California.

    0bama has his AG busy fixing a path for felons released from to get easy to obtain identification. Easy 200,000 more votes for the free-shit communist ticket.

    A letter released Monday by the Justice Department calls on governors of all states to allow federal inmates who are returning to their communities to exchange their prisoner identification cards for state-issued identification, or to simply accept their prison cards as supporting documentation to obtain a state ID.

  2. 6 billion a year went into the IRS coffers to die a slow, shielded death from Illegal workers in 2001….don’t ask me how I know, I’m still pissed off…Imagine the figure now…40 million illegals x 25%….fuck I’m mad…

  3. My company received an IRS notice this week, for potentially improper name/SSNs from our 1099s from 2014. The reason they didn’t match was that the IRS entered them incorrectly – one name was off by a letter, another completely unintelligible. That is the level of competency, or care, we are dealing with.

  4. LCD, I got my tax forms returned because my printout wasn’t as dark at the bottom.
    I was running out of toner.
    Even though it was all 100% legible, just some of their boilerplate was faint, they sent it back.

    Did they send me a form that met their demands?
    Of course not, would have made sense and helped out this taxpayer.

  5. Hell, the IRS bastards probably sell our numbers to illegals. Corrupt bastards All of the Obama government is full of stink. It will be amazing after he leaves and we delve into the shit pile left behind.

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