“The Best Obtainable Version of the Truth” – IOTW Report

“The Best Obtainable Version of the Truth”

Asked about the Washington Post committing 20 reporters to the mission of digging into Donald Trump’s past, Bob Woodward said this-

Does anyone else get nauseated by this? This is a “reporter” admitting that the truth is not reported, it’s the best obtainable version of the truth.

There are no “versions” of the truth. A “version” of the truth is called an opinion, and that is what the left routinely publishes as truth.

A transgender may be the “best obtainable version of a woman,” but it ain’t no woman.

A  gun butt might be the “best obtainable version of a hammer, ” but it ain’t no hammer.

Bob Woodward might be the “best obtainable version of a reporter,” but he ain’t no reporter.

ht/ Sam#nevercriminalhillary

12 Comments on “The Best Obtainable Version of the Truth”

  1. I saw that live yesterday after the awful “interview” Chris Wallace did of Reince Priebus (who – surprisingly – defended Trump quite well).

    Fox is right behind the WaPo (and Woodward) in being headed for the garbage bin.

  2. Trump needs to open up a bit, and soon.
    Not releasing his tax records makes it look like he is hiding things.
    Naturally that kind of thing causes people to start digging around looking for it.

  3. other than watergate (40++ years ago) can you name just one other story that woodward or buttstain “broke”?

    I know I can’t … so GFY boob <– not a typo

  4. About Trump’s tax records – he is currently being audited. He told George Shittyopolous last week that he will release his tax returns when the audit is done. Not that it’s anyone else’s business. Apparently the IRS audits him almost every, if not every, year. So if there was something wrong with his taxes, you can bet we would have heard it by now.

    Nice try though lyin’ JohnS.

  5. Where was Woodward and the Washington Post when Obumbler ran for President? Why didn’t Woodward dig into all the travesties of the Obama/Clinton Regime? The answer is simply that the vast majority of the MSM were in the tank for anyone the Democrats ran for office. They even hesitated to expose Anthony Weiner after he was exposed as Carlos Danger, man of many guises. Woodward’s days as a real investigative journalist were over by the time he failed to expose the Clintons’ wrongdoings. Just watch him go after Trump and barely expose all the dirt on Clinton’s years in public view. Clinton will be given a version of the truth that supports her election as a better alternative to the fatally flawed Trump.

  6. WaPo has a long history of lying … from “Little Jimmy” to all that “Deep Throat” bullshit. Woodward is old enough now to be staring into the abyss, and, thus, says things that ring more true than the other hacks at WaPo. “Version of the truth” is the closest he’ll come to saying: “outright lies.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Trump should release the previous tax returns, until the one under audit is ready. Even weasel Hillary has done so. Her refusng to release her speech contents opens all kinds of speculation.

    Transparency starts with disclosure.

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