Good News/Bad News Regarding American Retailer Sports Authority – IOTW Report

Good News/Bad News Regarding American Retailer Sports Authority

The good news, they’re going to be holding a huge “Going Out of Business Sale”.  The bad news, another American retailer goes belly up. 

14,500 mostly part time employees will be laid off from their remaining 310 stores. 

 Burdened with a heavy debt load from a leveraged buyout and competition from all sides, the troubled sporting goods retailer has announced yesterday that it will be closing all remaining stores.


They just couldn’t compete with Dick’s, Wal-Mart and the internet.

15 Comments on Good News/Bad News Regarding American Retailer Sports Authority

  1. Pretty much everything they did was stupid, except perhaps that their stores were superficially pretty. They were staffed with people who not only didn’t know what they were selling, but also didn’t know anything about the sporting activities their gear was for, and on top of that more often than not simply didn’t give a damn about all that, and didn’t give a damn about trying to help their customers or even sell them anything. As for the corporate level, they had moron finance people, moron buyers, moron real estate people, and whoever selected the brands and items to stock their stores with were clearly trying just to get through the day after their three-martini BREAKFASTS.

  2. I grew up in the Denver area…there were two sporting goods stores…Dave Cook’s and Gart bros. ….I used to smell the mitts at Dave Cook’s to see which one I needed….it was like saffron in Paella…Gart Bros. bought out Dave Cook’s and Sports Authority bought out Gart Bros. and now they are defaulting on the naming rights for the Bronco’s stadium….HAHAHAHA…you should’a sold guns you dumb assed fullfullas….

  3. Yea BUT, stores like this have survived despite themselves for a long time. The powers to be might want to paint this economy as rosy as possible but the fact of the matter is disposable income is non existent.

  4. Good comment Brad….Golf courses and Tennis clubs are hurting too….you end up winding your money towards eating good stuff….don’t fuck with my eatin’….

  5. Brad, yes things are tight. But a mile or two from me is an old-timey sporting goods store – Cook’s Sportland – that’s been doing a fine and steady business for decades. They have eschewed the flash for the calm and friendly competent, and just keep on selling guns and fishing gear and hunting stuff (land and underwater) to calm and friendly customers.

  6. Gotcha Al, but my point is if our Federal Government had as much passion about protection OUR economy as thy do about taking away our guns we would still have 14,500 people in the work force. And those 14,500 sure as hell won’t be buying anything discretionary.

  7. Al. They’ve got to be trying to turn this place into a third world shit hole on purpose. When you look at the steps they’ve taken, both sides of the aisle, nobodies that stupid, or that consistently stupid anyway.

  8. Brad, they are filthy egalitarians. They truly believe it is wrong (“not fair”) for more productive people to have more stuff and better lives than idlers and parasites. Because that have not one single fscking clue how to make the idlers and parasites produce for themselves, they are, by their sick belief system, morally bound to take things from the producers to give to the wastrels if at all possible, or if they can’t do that make it impossible for the producers to produce so they will be reduced to the same level of poverty.

    Even though it is a very simple concept, this is hard for normal and responsible people to accept because it is so evil and so wrong.

  9. Huh, I kinda remember Mittens bragging about Sports Authority as a Bain win during the ’08 election cycle. Looks like he’s having a pretty sucky ’16; couldn’t have happened to a more deserving GOPe’er.

    Adapt or die; SA chose door #2. Now where am I going to go try on running shoes before I buy them (at 25% less) online?

  10. if being anti-2nd Amendment is cause for going out of business, then the upper management dicks at Dicks Sporting Goods need to get on the unemployment line too. Remember Dick’s fascist fuckery right after that Democrat-registered SSRI-popping nutjob Adam Lanza shot up the Sandy Hook school?

    And their pricing sucks too. When a local Dicks opened up nearby, I went in the day of their grand opening to see if they had any good deals on fishing tackle. I’m a knowledgable shopper, especially when it comes to fishing, hunting and shooting products. I had a Buy List with 5 items on it. In every single case Dicks prices were higher, sometimes much higher, than other area stores. They were higher than even the mom & pop store a 1/2 mile away! Example: 150 yds of Power-Pro braided 30lb test line for $19.99 ?? And it was their “sale price”. wtf, right?

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