Portland Scrubs All Mention of Global Warming Dissent From School Materials – IOTW Report

Portland Scrubs All Mention of Global Warming Dissent From School Materials

Portland’s Public School Board unanimously voted to scrub from their schoolbooks all mention of climate scientists who don’t fully embrace the idea that man is RAPING THE PLANET WITH ITS FOSSIL FUELS!!!!!

Dissent from leftist orthodoxy is verboten. And Portland is unabashedly declaring that they are full lefttard. They don’t care about no stinkin’ diversity.

To hammer home just how much they are in control, Portland sent out one of its pint-sized zombies to make a statement –

VIA JAMIE WEARING FOOL-  “It is unacceptable that we have textbooks in our schools that spread doubt about the human causes and urgency of the crisis,” said Lincoln High School student Gaby Lemieux in board testimony. “Climate education is not a niche or a specialization, it is the minimum requirement for my generation to be successful in our changing world.”

As JWF says:

Well, isn’t Gaby precious? Seems to know everything for a student.

See more of his fisking here.



11 Comments on Portland Scrubs All Mention of Global Warming Dissent From School Materials

  1. Get your kids out of govt youth indoctrination facilities. Portland may be particularly awful but they are all of them doing bad things to your children by their very nature, and regardless of how wonderfully caring some individual teachers are.

  2. That is how science works. You burn all conflicting books and people, pretend they never existed, and lie to children about it.

    Wait, no, that was the Nazis, my bad. Easy mistake to make, though.

  3. Aaaaaand. . . . why isn’t the Portland school board renouncing ITSELF!!?? I’ll bet’ch’a a dollar to a Dunkin’ Doughnut they are still living in their large homes, consuming large quantities of electricity, driving their large cars, and burning large gallons of petrol gasoline. ALL of which adds to their YUUUUGE Carbon Footprint.

    I hereby dub thee, Poertlan Public School Board, one and all, with your new Collective Libtard Quoranimal name, “Fak-queem!”

    I’m sure the names and addresses of every one of those Portland Public School Board members is on public file. Need to research and publish those names and addresses. Maybe even do a little reconnaissance and get their cars and license plates. Does the School Board have a FB presence? Put the information there. Use their own social medium against them. Let them know that they are being Targeted (see what I did there?). Get screen shots in case they get FB to remove that information. Digital is forever.

    Now. . . all that being said, what you DO with that information is up to you. Broken windows, flat tires, anything to get the point across that they’re a bunch of Libtard hypocrites and to cost them money out of their own personal pockets.

    So now I say to you, go forth and have fun!

  4. So much for the scientific method. That’s being tossed out the window. Common core will take its place.
    I wonder if the ‘dark ages’ started like this.

  5. @Zonga:

    Unky, tell me how they calculate the rise of the earth’s temperature to four decimal points? Wait, I’ve got it, they make it up.

    Literally and technically, no they don’t make it up. But they might as well, because with the way they do their “math” they may as well be looking for some numeric interpretation of the distribution of pigeon droppings on the sensitive thermometers they use to record temperature 12 feet away from a blacktop parking lot on one side, and 18 feet away from a bank of air conditioning compressors on the other.

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