#BLM Storm Stage At Milo Event – Take Mic, Threaten To Punch Milo in the Face – IOTW Report

#BLM Storm Stage At Milo Event – Take Mic, Threaten To Punch Milo in the Face

Breitbart– Milo Yiannopoulos’ event at DePaul University had to be cut short Tuesday night after protesters stormed the stage, blew whistles, grabbed the microphone out of the interviewer’s hand, and threatened to punch Yiannopoulos in the face.


26 Comments on #BLM Storm Stage At Milo Event – Take Mic, Threaten To Punch Milo in the Face

  1. What y’all don’t seem to unnerstan is this shit is all well planned. The RCPUSA is behind it since the Ferguson riots. (And well before) It will continue and get worse. It is out of control. We fucken well lost the Republic. Big time.
    Check out the Revolutionary Communist Party USA. They are getting stronger by the hour. All this bathroom shit, LBLG, shit, BLM, Hands up don’t shoot, rape charges, riots, police attacks, resisting arrest,
    are all part of the program.
    And there ain’t a fucking thing thing y’all can do about it now,’cept load up and protect your family when the time comes. The police have been neutered so be careful where you go after dark, my fellow Americans.

  2. And Oh, the Baltimore police trials on the death of Freddy fucking Grey are a result of ignorance on the part of affirmative action mayor,prosecutor City Council people; people who got jobs because of the color of their skin and turned out to be absolute morons. Scum who turned the lives of six police officers up side down, destroyed them.

    Write now, as I right (sic) The RCPUSA are at the Trump rally in NM
    I’m sure the Bern is delighted.

  3. Yikes! I hope his hair is intact.
    We plan on seeing the Dangerous Faggot Tour in October at Ohio State. Perhaps we should take a couple of Louisville sluggers with us to baptize any SJW’s.

  4. I bet security would have acted real fast if Milo took a swing a the attacking protester though!

    the extra security required was only to keep the attendee’s from taking care of the protesters themselves not to protect the attendee’s.

    the extra security was so the protesters could shut the event down and it worked.

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