Dennis Prager Minces Words In Order To Not Offend His #NeverTrump Friends – IOTW Report

Dennis Prager Minces Words In Order To Not Offend His #NeverTrump Friends

It’s in his article, if you read it carefully. Prager thinks #NeverTrump are a collection of dangerous idiots who don’t fully understand the damage a Hillary presidency will cause. He won’t overtly say it because he admits he’s friends with many of the leading #NeverTrump leaders. But I’m not, so I’ll say it.

These deranged loons have convinced themselves that Trump would be “worse than Hillary” with weak soup arguments. Some of the arguments are downright asinine, calling Trump a xenophobe, a homophobe, an Islamophobe, a misogynist, a bully and a racist. These are the arguments that induce eye rolls when the left uses them, and to hear conservatives using them is nauseating.

You can make the argument that Trump would be worse than Cruz. I’ll listen to that argument. But worse than HILLARY?  I won’t mince words. Anyone mouthing that is a danger to this nation. Any conservative facilitating the advancement of Hillary to the position of commander-in-chief is a disgrace.

I cannot think of a worse presidential candidate than Hillary Clinton. Can you? (If you “cleverly” answer Trump, make your case.)

Prager’s article is HERE.

Prager is no fan of Trump. In fact, he seems to hate Trump, yet he still understands that Trump is vastly better than Hillary. How far gone are these conservative #NeverTrump hipsters? (Yes, I call them hipsters because this, to me, seems to be a faddish bandwagon position, because it isn’t based on reality.)


29 Comments on Dennis Prager Minces Words In Order To Not Offend His #NeverTrump Friends

  1. Dennis Prager is rather unique among today’s talking heads.
    I admire the man greatly; he thinks before he speaks and he always gives you a basis for his arguments.
    I don’t always agree with him, but I always respect what he has to say.
    He always gives you food for thought, and leaves it up to you to make your decisions.

  2. How does one stand against all their friends and still be #NeverTrump? Is it it worth it? I say it is. I want conservatism to continue to exist. I am #NeverTrump!

    (but….he still has 5 months to convince me otherwise.)

  3. Menderman, I spoke with the new Sascramento Trump campaign office today and mentioned you. They said they only wanted intelegent people voting for Trump so your off the hook. You’re free to vote for Hillary with Trumps blessing. Go get em champ.

  4. and BTW, Big Fur Hat, git rid if the down thumb option. Let them do a call out or shut the eff up! I wanna know who dares down thumbs me but can’t tell me why! Don’t let the cowards cower behind a click!

  5. I’ll thumbs down you. Why? Because you’re an ignorant fool who’ll put Hillary or Bernie in office rather than Trump. At least he cares about America, and won’t run it into the ground like the other two.

    Happy now?

  6. Menderman, I love ya like a brother, but you got some stinken thicken going on here. I’m mean really your not going to vote for the second amendment? Cause that bitch is coming for our guns. The only thing that currently separates us from Europe is our guns. Ponder that.

  7. Rich Lowry in today’s NY Post on Hillary;

    “Armed with an impeccable resume and pedigree,and an impressive campaign and fundraising apparatus,Hillary has it all–except a rationale for her campaign and the ability to excite voters.”
    Lowry then goes on to advise Hillary. He is convinced that Trump is bad for the conservative movement. He, Goldberg, Kristol, National Review, The Weekly Standard, and our very own Menderman are of the same mind.

    The common enemy of America is Hillary, not Trump, and we will “tear ourselves asunder,” fighting Trump.

    An impeccable resume and pedigree? My arse!

  8. This used to be a place where conservative thinkers could discuss opinions. Not anymore. If one dare say a bad word about trump, one get’s attacked. Sad times kids, sad times. It matters none what trump says or does, he is not hiliary, so vote for him or you are my enemy. Got it. Y’all don’t want me here. Remember:

    “make the bastards live by their beliefs.”

    I’ll be here in 2017 reminding you of that.

  9. ” Got it. Y’all don’t want me here. Remember:”

    Not true Menderman. No matter how anybody feels about it anymore, Trumps the guy. The rest are done. Gone. History. So when you say things like #neverTrump, and some of us are thinking this guys voting against our constitutional rights, your probably going to catch some shit. Just trying to be honest with you.

  10. Menderman, not true. You can say anything bad about Trump that you want. The facts are that Bernie will take 90% of your wages in taxes to pay for free shit for the stupid and lazy. And if you think Stalin killing 30 million Russians was bad, then Killary will knock your socks off when she kills off 3 times as many Americans; That bitch is pure evil, and the #neverTrumpers want her or that old bastard of a socialist Sanders? Come on man, wake the hell up!

    No, Trump aint perfect, but then what candidate in the last 100 years has been? I like that he’s not PC. I like that he talks straight and doesn’t pull punches. I like that he plays as dirty as the liberals do. Romney would have been President if he had balls half the size of Trumps’. If he gets in office, if he does nothing more than build the wall, then that’s good enough for me. That alone will boost our economy as we won’t have to pay for free shit for illegals. If he does keep his promises of stopping Muslim immigration, (and just fixing immigration, period) re-negotiating the treaties and trade deals that have been letting every nation on the planet fuck the U.S. in the ass, stop sending U.S. money to nations that hate us and spit in our face, and make the middle east nations fight their own goddamn wars, then America may just become great again.

    Hell, he does all that, then I could give a shit if he lines his pockets while in office, or has orgies in the oval office.

    Goddamn it, the so called conservatives in this country need to understand that you don’t win anything by ‘playing nice’.

  11. Anyone know how to get rid of the Lyft ad that pops up and doesn’t let you X out of it?

    I use an older smartphone and it is not there anymore. iPhone 4….no ads

  12. Joan May 25, 2016 at 1:07 am

    When I give Menderman a TD it is more than one. Sometimes 5.
    Anyone else get more than one?

    That’s what it looks like when others are reading and participating in TU/TD on a post at the exact same time as you are.

  13. Dadof4 May 25, 2016 at 7:25 am

    “Joan May 25, 2016 at 1:07 am

    When I give Menderman a TD it is more than one. Sometimes 5.
    Anyone else get more than one?”

    That’s what it looks like when others are reading and participating in TU/TD on a post at the exact same time as you are.


    Hahahah! Seriously? A TD for explaining why something is happening?

    That is some f*cked up sh*t right there.

    I find it funny. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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