Classy – IOTW Report


This is a picture of a gesture Rosie O’Donuts made during her ridiculous rant about Trump.

#NeverTrump nods with approval.


17 Comments on Classy

  1. These leftist are gonna make it awful hard to oppose Trump in November.

    It means siding with Hillary, Obama, Hollywood, Planned Parenthood, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Sharpton, Black Lives Matter, big government, RINOs, LGBT, transgenders, muslims out to destroy our way of life, and the rest of the fucked up world.

    I already caved and jumped on the Trump Train!

  2. Anonymous, that was Roseanne Barf who trashed the National Anthem, grabbed her nasty crotch, and hawked a goober on the ground. She also had to keep a low profile for awhile for it too.

    But I do hope that Rosie O’Dogshit does move to Canada, those liberal idiots up there deserve her.

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