American Soldiers “In Tears” Over Prayer Breakfast Speech – IOTW Report

American Soldiers “In Tears” Over Prayer Breakfast Speech

Let’s just melt our weapons down and form them into strap-on dildos.


A Kansas military base abruptly canceled an upcoming prayer breakfast that featured retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin after complaints were lodged that Boykin is anti-Muslim and anti-gay.

Military Religious Freedom Foundation founder Mikey Weinstein told Army Timesthat Boykin’s invitation had caused great angst among soldiers at Fort Riley – leading some to break down in tears.

“I have clients of ours weeping on the phone about this,” he said.

Weeping? Oh, please.

“I sincerely doubt that America can expect to win wars if the people who are tasked to do so are frightened by an old retired general with biblical views and a testimony of faith,” Boykin told me.


ht/ just the tip

20 Comments on American Soldiers “In Tears” Over Prayer Breakfast Speech

  1. Wow, I guess the Obutthole administration has ‘pussified’ the military much more than I realized.
    It looks like those that support the 2nd Amendment will have to straighten out the BullShit that Obunghole has created.

  2. Tommy, I would beleive that. Look at the leadership they’re getting rid of. I hope someone from the Trump campaigns reaching out to these guys telling them day one your back in.

  3. It’s this kind of liberal nonsense that only serves to strengthen by faith in God almighty.

    The more evil that is revealed, the more I believe in the saving of my soul by God; and that ultimately the devil loses for all eternity.

    Knock yourself out, Satan.

  4. I’m sure Mikey Weinstein is a fine, upstanding, and above all honest agenda-driven activist, but I wouldn’t start shitting on the whole US military based on what Mr Weinstein claims happened.

  5. I’ve heard of our soldiers “screaming in anguish,” and “crying in frustration,” but never “weeping” over a visiting General.

    There’s something terribly amiss.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I call bullshit. The average soldier couldn’t care less, much less cry over a prayer breakfast. More likely this is the MRFF looking to generate controversy whenever they can for LTG Boykin.

  7. Society as we’ve known and enjoyed it must end in order for the final reckoning to fall. Only then will God be fully justified before all, as every mouth is stopped and all mankind is shown to be utterly and irrefutably without excuse. Sad and painful as all this is to witness it is necessary, and it will happen.

  8. Wonder how far Hitler and Tojo would have gone if American and Russian soldiers could be reduced to tears by anti-Nazi and anti-Bushido comments

    My guess is they would have conquered the entire planet by mid-1942

  9. You know, this shit is beyond parody. About six years ago, we had a contest where we came up with historical headlines if the world had been run by proggressives throughout history

    In my wildest dreams, I couldn’t have come up with something as hilarious as “Patton speech canceled due to concerns about anti-Nazi sentiments”

    I would have won the contest hands down

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