Gun Shmun – IOTW Report

Gun Shmun

Guns are a red herring. Muslims will use anything they can get their hands on to kill non-believers.

11 Comments on Gun Shmun

  1. Tall buildings, gasoline, drowning, stoning, crucifixion, gang rape, automobiles, blood draining, poison, clubs, daggers, . …., the list is rather long. Anything Satan could come up with; moslems call him “allah”.

  2. Look for the depravity to explode when the muslims feel they have attained sufficient numbers/capacity.

    There is no place on Earth that they have not trashed according to this method.

  3. The immediate and concerted outcry against the II-A and NRA leads one to wonder if the Orlando massacre too was a concerted effort to provide a stage for such outcry.

    When gun availability is determined by a “terrorist watchlist,” we will all be surprised how many law-abiding gun owners are labeled as terrorists.

  4. Flip, as the feds force the NRA to hand over it’s member lists life members like myself are there and ready to be added at a moments notice.
    Actually, we may already be on the list as the terror watch list is much longer than the no fly list. Around 1 in 300 people are on the list. It is, as trump would say, HUGE.

  5. I’m probably already on a watch list, as I frequently visit “conservative” sites in the web. I also tend to speak my mind when commenting, and what I say, while being the truth as I see it, is most likely considered subversive by the current administration.

    Therefore, I don’t care what the muslim in chief does with his pen and his phone. He can outlaw firearms for private ownership, and I will still have mine. If they try to confiscate them, I will give them up, one round at a time. The 2A was put into place to prevent government tyranny, period, and I will not submit to tyranny from an overreaching government, no matter what kind of oppressive laws they create in order to keep control of us.

    In fact, if the powers that be want me to disarm, then they will have to disarm first. The police, military, secret service, and any other governmental agency must surrender their firearms before I will surrender mine.

  6. A Peaceful Muslim™ just murdered a French police chief, and then tortured and murdered the chief’s wife in front of her son.

    The goat fucker used a knife for the murders.

    It’s not the weapons, it’s the muslims that are evil.

  7. @ Ms. Thracts

    …unless, someone wakes up, bucks the Administration, and brings Fat Man and Little Boy out of mothballs. It worked in 1945. Face it, there’s more at stake in 2016.

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