Don’t give Marxist monsters or terrorists an out by calling them “crazy” – IOTW Report

Don’t give Marxist monsters or terrorists an out by calling them “crazy”

Call Obama what he truly is: a hate-and-spite-inspired, jihadist sympathizing, Hillary Clinton-boosting Marxist monster.

-CFP: For the sake of the hopeful security of your own loved ones, do not fall into the well-oiled trap that Obama is “crazy” or even plain “nuts”.

Never apply the word “crazy” to Obama unless it is followed by the words “like a fox”.

If Obama were only off-his-meds type “crazy”, we could call for the men with the white coats and the butterfly nets.

Calling Obama “crazy” and letting it go at that is the equivalent of calling Omar Mateen “crazy”.  But calling Mateen “crazy” is akin to bestowing an alibi on a self-admitted Islamic terrorist who premeditated the wanton slaughter of American civilians at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub.

It makes not a whit of difference whether Mateen was gay or straight because gay or straight, he was a monster who took full advantage of all his America-given privileges, including his job with G4S, the world’s largest security company, to snuff out the lives of 49 human beings, seriously injuring some 53 others.

Calling Obama “crazy” is letting him off the hook, – MORE

13 Comments on Don’t give Marxist monsters or terrorists an out by calling them “crazy”

  1. I read where they are calling the Orlando shootings a “hate crime.”
    They then went on to say how this will allow more cooperation from all federal authorities.
    You mean if he had killed 49 straight people it would have simply been a shooting and didn’t deserve the full force investigation?

  2. Some words have lost their edge. One day were going to stop using any of them. In my mind there’s a lot more clarity in pain and I’m beginning the think its the only way to get through to any of them.

  3. According to Islam, killing gays is an act of compassion.
    Obviously this was not a hate crime, it was an act of love.
    At least according to Mohamad.
    Yes, the killer was insane, but isn’t every member of that death cult?

  4. Here’s ZerO and Hildabeast leading.

    In 2015, The New York Times reported that U.S. soldiers serving in Afghanistan were instructed by their commanders to ignore child sexual abuse being carried out by Afghan security forces, except “when rape is being used as a weapon of war.” American soldiers have been instructed not to intervene — in some cases, not even when their Afghan allies have abused boys on military bases, according to interviews and court records. But the U.S. soldiers have been increasingly troubled that instead of weeding out pedophiles, the US military was arming them against the Taliban and placing them as the police commanders of villages — and doing little when they began abusing children.

  5. Like I have long said: Never concede “good intentions” to the progressive movement. Progressivism is a wicked and evil world view that is totally invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death.

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  8. Not “crazy.”
    Not “insane.”
    Not “stupid.”

    EVIL – TRAITOROUS – HATEFUL – Call it what it is!
    (the musselmen aren’t traitorous (they are not Americans) – just evil and hateful)

    izlamo delenda est …

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