Hacked DNC Documents Were Attack Plans onTrump – IOTW Report

Hacked DNC Documents Were Attack Plans onTrump

Townhall—  An unknown hacker has leaked thousands of documents reportedly stolen from the Democratic National Committee servers, including a 200-page opposition research book that shows the party’s battle plan against Donald Trump.

The document is mainly filled with public comments and biographical information about the Republican nominee. But it also included the possibility of reviving his ex-wife’s rape allegation.

The DNC confirmed Tuesday that its computer networks had been breached by hackers apparently working for the Russian government.

“Our experts are confident in their assessment that the Russian government hackers were the actors responsible for the breach detected in April, and we believe that today’s release and the claims around it may be a part of a disinformation campaign by the Russians,” said a senior DNC official. “We’ve deployed the recommended technology so that today our systems are secure thanks to a swift response to that attack and we will continue to monitor our systems closely.”  more


13 Comments on Hacked DNC Documents Were Attack Plans onTrump

  1. So the Russians are releasing disinformation about the spin they hacked from the DNC server. Got it!! Where does the DNC keep their server — Hillary’s bathroom?

  2. Uh huh. “The Russians” did it.
    My money’s on the DNC releasing non-threatening info on themselves to get their sheeple to believe they had Trump on something juicy.

    Funny how Hillary’s ugly ass jackets weren’t mentioned in them. lol.

  3. In all honesty, I would have never thought the DNC made documents rallying for Trump. What would be more useful would be documents detailing how the DNC plans to cover up Hellery’s past.

  4. So the DNC detected the breach in April, but kept mum until the Russians forced their hand. As I recall, Hillary’s people were claiming back in April that a Russian hack of her server was inconceivable and laughable. I guess April would not be the best time for the DNC to admit to being the victim of Russian hacking. Looks like Putin has them all by the short hairs.

    Now I really want to see all of Hillary’s deleted yoga class schedules. Because she is obviously capable of performing some frightening contortions for Putin.

  5. Let’s see what’s going on here:

    The “Russians” hack into the server in April: a “bad thing”, no doubt. But nothing more is mentioned for two months, giving the issue a convenient “cool down” period.

    Then, just weeks before the RNC convention, the “Russians” release info on what was hacked. Turns out that it was all attack plans against Donald Trump.

    I guess we’re supposed to —

    (1) forget that the DNC can’t secure a server (and by extension certainly won’t secure the country),
    (2) assume that the “Russians” released this info as a “heads-up” to the presumptive nominee,
    (3) conclude that this “heads-up” proves Trump has “Russia’s” support, and
    (3) stop looking into Hillary’s failures as SoS, because we have a “Russian” sympathizer in the GOP now.

    That’s ONE way to get the crazy vote, I guess…

  6. Should be pretty easy to comprehend. They figure on spending 1.5-2 billion dollars to continue to smear the shit out of Trump. It’s like you guys that smeared the shit out of Cruz, only a billion times more money behind it.

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