BuckskinGate – Did Justin Lie About Wearing Daddy’s Jacket? – IOTW Report

BuckskinGate – Did Justin Lie About Wearing Daddy’s Jacket?

The Canadian Media went gaga when Justin trotted out Daddy Pierre’s Buckskin jacket for a canoe trip with Aborigines.

Problem is, it wasn’t THE jacket. It was A jacket.

Pierre’s jacket looks much different-

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Justin must’ve bought this jacket at a Wilson’s House of Suede and Leather just before his canoe ride-


Yes, it’s possible his father had more than one buckskin jacket. But everyone was led to believe that this was the jacket Pierre wore during his canoe rides. Pierre’s jacket had an insignia on the sleeve. Justin’s doesn’t.

It’s as if Lou Gehrig’s son announced he was going to take a swing with the last bat his father used in a game and he goes to home plate with an aluminum bat.


Symbolism seems to mean so much to the left, yet, they don’t seem to care if the symbolism has any integrity.

ht/ nm

17 Comments on BuckskinGate – Did Justin Lie About Wearing Daddy’s Jacket?

  1. Gosh, I thought the article was about Justin Bieber, not some complete idiot politician who cannot stop lying. Pls clean up your headlines so I don’t wast my time looking at not celebrity stuff

  2. @Jerry, I think BB was being factious, the purpose for the fringe is to drain rain off before it runs down and soaks through. A proper buckskin has a double layer shoulder yoke, double because they didn’t have nice padded shoulder straps on their packs. The top layer is fringed to keep the water off the inner layer and parts south.
    Also, it’s a handy piece of string, in a pinch.

  3. I’m just telling you what a Cherokee friend told me.
    He had an awesome buckskin, made by his mother.

    The fringe predates any nasty bison hunters.
    If it keeps files away, O’Baja needs one.

  4. I guess this was filmed during the boy king’s tv appearance on a Vice network piece of crap native problems. I assume he forgot about his daddy commissioning his Quebec lieutenant Jean Chretian (future Liberal PM) to create a White Paper (a government study/plan) on how to eliminate the Ministry of Indian and Northern Affairs (as it was called then). The main thrust was that the government would settle all land claims by the natives and cede the reservations to thenatives with each one getting a parcel of land under their own, private ownership. The government money taps would be opened up for a period of time to allow for these settlements as well as scholarships, grants, all kinds of stuff to push the natives into self sufficiency just like any other Canadian. After x years the taps would be turned off, any special laws/legal provisions concerning natives would be stricken from the books, no special status any longer, the Ministry closed down and all natives would be treated like any other Canadian. Unfortunately, the left (as I recall, it was quite awhile ago) managed to kill it. Now the boy king is sucking and blowing with the natives and forgetting the only good idea his old man had.

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