We Must Stop Hillary Clinton At All Costs. That Means We Must Stop Trump. #FreeTheDelegates – IOTW Report

We Must Stop Hillary Clinton At All Costs. That Means We Must Stop Trump. #FreeTheDelegates

Erick Erickson, a man who looks like a sweaty thumb trying to take a difficult sh!t, wrote this-

I do not believe that it is impossible for Trump to be elected President of the United States. Events change things. A major terrorist attack, an indictment of Hillary Clinton, or everyone in the United States dropping dead except for Trump’s family and supporters could all happen. But those events are highly improbable.

What is most probable and more obvious each day is that with Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States. There is too much on the line for us to let that happen. The Supreme Court decisions this past week prove it. But to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming President, Republicans must stop Donald Trump from becoming the Republican nominee. Trump as the nominee makes it vastly more likely that Hillary Clinton will become President.

No amount of calls for rallying to Trump’s banner will help him. The Republican Party is already the smaller of the two major political parties. Even if I and all the Republicans who oppose him should suddenly support him, it would not be enough. His negatives are over 70%. He hovers around 30% in the polls. His fundraising is, politely, anemic. He is prone to gaffes of extraordinary size. He has no campaign apparatus to turn people out in November and his campaign surrogates have no compelling message to convert the undecided to supporters. His loudest existing supporters are seemingly working over time to turn off undecided voters and drive them into the arms of Hillary Clinton.

In the RealClearPolitics polling average, Hillary Clinton is now up 6.7%. Last week it was 5.5%. Trump has only been above 40% in four of the last eleven polls taken and in all of them he trails Clinton. Already Trump and his supporters are claiming the polls are rigged, they seek to “unskew” the polls, they claim too many Democrats have been sampled, and they claim the polls are simply wrong.

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33 Comments on We Must Stop Hillary Clinton At All Costs. That Means We Must Stop Trump. #FreeTheDelegates

  1. This muther fxcker is SO dumb, he requires watering.

    How does a guy like this achieve so much notoriety? IOTW regulars would bury this SOB in a debate.

  2. BFH, I think I will always remember your appropriate description of him. Literary graphic of genius proportions – “…a man who looks like a sweaty thumb trying to take a difficult shit…”

  3. No, Brad. IOTW regulars would just sit back and watch you take him apart by yourself. 🙂 Otherwise, it would be extremely mismatched. We’re not thugs, you know.

  4. This election season is quickly evolving into Globalist vs Nationalists, I guess we know what category Pork Chop boy falls into. I swear, the second revolution is under foot. And fat boy here is the enemy. Somebody pass him one of those old English Wigs.

  5. “We are not thugs you know”

    No but, inadvertently FURs no bann policy here, unlike other places, a bunch of us have learned to hold our own. Honestly I don’t think IOTW is a place to bring your war. Because we will embarrass you. Just sayen I look forward to the next time this idiot hosts Limbaugh’s show and we all call in. Wouldn’t that be fun.

  6. Why does Erickson think another “major terrorist attack” will help Trump? The Dems keep telling me that Hillary Won the last two “major terrorist attacks”.

    Who are these majors, and what are their demands, Erick?

  7. Erick you dolt, don’t you realize that if Trump is removed and replaced, the millions of Trump supporters are going to revolt and not vote for the RINO of your choosing and Hillary wins anyhow? I guess not. How people like this can’t take simple note of this political reality are really smoking some serious crack.

    I also get quite a kick of the #NeverTrump crowd saying that if Trump loses its his fault. NO! If Trump loses, its the fault of the Republican Party for 6 years of having no backbone to stand up to Obama and flat out lying to the voters who put them in office. If the GOPs had made their stand and fought back on the big issues, Trump is never, ever the GOP nominee in 2016. But Erick, your establishment peeps screwed the pooch and that is how we got Trump for better or worse. The GOP is 100% responsible for this mess and if Trump loses a close election, you and you ilk can be part of the list of those responsible.

    Of course has been mentioned, at least if Trump wins and does nothing in 4 years, the voters will get rid of him in the primaries in a heart beat. If Hillary wins, you can bet your last nose hair that she will start laying the ground work to ensure she stays for the full two terms and then a string of Democrat losers to follow.

  8. What Erikson isn’t saying – and won’t say – is the candidate he wants is one who will keep Obama’s open borders-sanctuary city, TPP, oppressive government and crushing deficit policy.

    I’m certain they – and Ryan – think Ryan’s the guy. That’s why Ryan will not support Trump. His owners have promised him the presidency, voters be damned.

  9. That sounds like a great plan Erick – steal the nomination from Trump and put up the guy that was out of the field FIRST (Walker).
    This is the last gasp of the #NeverTrumpers. There are some people that identify as Tea Party conservatives in CO and ND that are pushing the free the delegates too. They publish editorials and prattle on about everyone not understanding the ‘rules’ and relish the idea of getting enough delegates to abandon Trump to implement their plan to slip in another candidate.
    The working class overcome and got Brexit and the same will happen here hopefully next November and these losers can blog about their dismay on their irrelevant sites. Good riddance. And I refuse to listen to Rush if he gives this putz airtime when he is gone.

  10. I guess idiots like Erickson don’t realize that the Democrats and RINOs in Congress will act as a check against Trump, whereas the Democrats will vote for Clinton’s crap lockstep and the RINOs will go along so as not to be called sexist.

  11. Rather than cheering those, like George Will and others, that leave Trump, and assaulting those who mention Trump’s shortcomings, why not ask yourselves why his popularity has been shrinking. Especially among Republicans.
    Trump’s steady drift to the left is killing him. If that is not reversed, the calls for a Trumxit will continue to grow.

  12. The people have voted in Trump as the nominee.
    And here come the GOPe stooges to tell us who to vote for, again.
    Kiss my entire ass!!!

    It’s OVER. Trump vs Hillary. That’s it. Ain’t no more!

    PS. You people are cracking me up. 😀

  13. Exactly MJA. If Trump is removed as the GOP nominee by shenanigans, those millions of supporters are going to stay home and will not vote for the RINO piece of crap that is installed as the new GOP nominee. Or Trump will run 3rd party to pay back for the back stab and in either case, HILLARY WINS. Those are guaranteed losses do they not understand this.

    Yes, for the 10,000th time Trump is not the ideal candidate. We all know that, but like MJA and everybody is saying, its over, he is the candidate deal with it.

    And as far as this nonsense Trump is going to lose us the House and or Senate? What have they done for us the past 6 years? A big fat near zero. If we lose the House and the Senate what difference does it make? LOL. They are going to confirm Hillary’s far left picks and put up token resistance to her far left edicts out of fear of being labeled sexist even if they still hold both houses.

  14. So the party should overrule the unwashed masses and put into place their own choice, to protect the people from their own ignorance. If this makes sense wouldn’t it make even more sense for the two branches of the Ruling Class Party to get together and simply work out between themselves who should be the next president? After all, isn’t it the premise that the party is wiser than the voters?

    And this is different, of course, from the USSR, where the party made choices for the masses for the benefit of all. It’s different because… because… er… ah… um…

  15. I want to thank Czar and others for confirming what I long suspected.
    Many, or most, of his hard line supports WANT him to move to the left. Apparently Trump winning is not the goal. Destroying the Republican party is.
    Now that Trump’s supporters are shouting down, cursing, and downvoting people that are asking that Trump do the things he promised when they voted for him, millions are going to stay home.
    Get outside your echo chamber sites.
    His backing down on the deportation issue and the Muslim ban issue makes a lot of people think he is selling us out even before he is nominated.
    So, go ahead, keep pushing him to the left. By the time the election comes around the few remaining differences in policy between Punch and Judy will be erased and there won’t even be an illusion of our vote making a difference in the course this country takes.

  16. JohnS – your ‘intellectual prowess’ is pretty silly.

    the Republican party has destroyed itself with Bush, McCain, Romney and all the other RINO’s in Congress. People are fed up.

  17. When the special snowflakes here find an idea so frightful that they can’t even risk viewing it accidentally in their safe space they vote it down until it becomes a link rather than a post.
    It is the internet version of getting together and shouting down free speech.
    Basically, any post that is not politically correct gets dumped into the Asian link gulag. I imagine the idea is that this will force those averse to groupthink to change their evil ways.
    It has chased away many people, but, at least for now, I am hanging in there and wanting to vote for Trump. They may, or may not succeed in chasing me away as they have many others here. November is a ways off still. They won’t convince me to vote for Hillary, but they might convince me to stay home as they already have for a large group of Republicans. Some polls put those walking away at this point at over half.
    I don’t think these people chasing voters away are really working for Hillary.
    I truly believe they are just weapons grade stupid and believe that it doesn’t matter how many people they chase away, if 20-25% of the people just visualize a Trump win, it will happen. There will be another 6-8% that just reflexively vote Republican.
    Trump can turn this around.
    He won’t because his hard core supporters are chanting ‘Go left!’
    And he is listening.

  18. John, answer this seriously and not like a mental patient.
    A snapshot of Trump and his policies, when his campaign started, put him where on the political spectrum?
    And name a like-minded politician that was comparable.

    Where is he today on the spectrum?
    Name a like-minded politician that is comparable.

    Back it up with facts, not opinion.

  19. But they might convince me to stay home.

    Way to go loser. You are no conservative. No way you are a business owner. Like I said, mom basement in Milwaukee. Stay your ass home, you weren’t voting for the last hope anyway.

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