Jay Leno in Rollover Crash – IOTW Report

Jay Leno in Rollover Crash

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18 Comments on Jay Leno in Rollover Crash

  1. Well, scratch THAT one off the bucket list.
    This is why there are 5 point safety harnesses.
    And I’m glad to see that Jay had his hand inside the window during the rollover. Would’a lost all them digits.

  2. Reminds me of being a kid rolling a skateboard down the road with those old hard wheels and squarely running into a pebble sending the pavement towards me at an accelerating rate. The difference is Jay doesn’t have any road rash to prove it.

  3. Saw some great races at Irwindale in the late 60s and early 70s. Admission was just a few bucks and you could see all the top name drag racers there.
    Hemi Under Glass was billed as a special attraction. Everybody loved it.
    He had a little more time to slow down and turn at the end of the 1/4 mile strip, though. 😉

  4. Race drivers are trained to grab the chest belts during a rollover crash to keep their arms from flying away. Forget the steering wheel: you’re just along for the right at that point.

    Bob looked like he was trying to steer his way out of the roll.

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