Judge: Voter ID Not Unconstitutional – IOTW Report

Judge: Voter ID Not Unconstitutional

Make the bastards live by their own words.

If healthcare is a right, why is Obamacare more difficult and harder to figure out than voting?

Washington Times-

Kansas, Alabama and Georgia can demand their residents submit proof of citizenship before signing up to vote even if they’re using the federal government’s registration forms, a judge said Wednesday, delivering a win to states concerned about voter fraud.

The League of Women Voters and the Obama administration had tried to halt the practice, arguing that federal law doesn’t require an extensive citizenship check when people register to vote, and saying the three states were imposing an extra burden on voters.

But Judge Richard J. Leon said that while it may be an inconvenience to require proof of citizenship, and voter registration drives may have to do more work to get folks signed up, it’s not an insurmountable burden — and certainly less so than trying to explain Obamacare.

“The organizational plaintiffs and their members will undoubtedly have to expend some additional time and effort to help individuals,” Judge Leon wrote. “But let’s be candid: doing so pales in comparison to explaining to the average citizen how the [Affordable Care Act] or tax code works!”

Since the voter groups didn’t show a real and irreparable harm, he rejected their request for a preliminary injunction.


ht/ annie

6 Comments on Judge: Voter ID Not Unconstitutional

  1. Go sit in 16 hours of class, be judged on your aim, apply to the state police, wait 4 months, reapply in 5 years – Only to use your clear-cut second amendment right to carry defense and should you have a valid reason to exercise that right, be prepared for the rest of your life to be turned upside down.

    The voting process in any state is not anywhere near a burden or inconvenience.

  2. You can’t get an EBT card, cash a check, board an airplane, buy a gun, drive a car, buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, or do any number of other things without a photo ID.

    They won’t let you enter the Democrat convention without a photo ID.

    If you’re so pathetically useless and/or lazy you’re unable to get a photo ID, you’re patently unqualified to exercise such an important duty as voting.

    Committing voter fraud or working against the prevention of it is nothing less than treason.

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