Throw Open Your Borders in Haste, Regret At Leisure – IOTW Report

Throw Open Your Borders in Haste, Regret At Leisure

A survey done in Ontario found that while 60 percent of residents supported Muslim immigration to their country initially, now only a third still feel positive about allowing in those who “hold fundamentally different values.”

A majority thinks Canada should only accept immigrants that come from nations with similar values. The press in Canada claims this reintroduction of common sense is the same as Islamophobia.


3 Comments on Throw Open Your Borders in Haste, Regret At Leisure

  1. All the military aged males need to be sent back to country of origin, to “fight for their country”. This will take the women and children out of their control, and make them more pliable and compliant with Canada’s laws and customs.
    Don’t want to do that? Then the free ride ends immediately. No more food stamps (or equivalent), no more free medical care, no more free housing. You go out and get a job NOW.

    That is — if you have the higher level skills someone is willing to hire you and pay you for; if you can speak enough of the language; if you’re willing to abide by the laws, rules, and customs of the host country. Otherwise, yer’fresh’out’ta luck, asshole. Have a nice swim back home.

  2. The media quoted by the article is the “Toronto Star” which is the leftist mouthpiece of the Liberal and NDP parties. It was founded by a lefty and I believe is controlled by a trust whose rules actually state the paper is to be “progressive” in it’s political editorial stance. It’s a rag and loses money but it is popular and may have the highest circulation in Canada. I guess what I’m saying is there is quite a bit of “buyer remorse” in play in Ontario after electing Liberals both provincially and federally but the only paper then seems to be demonizing this remorse is the Star. In short, f*ck em.

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