Jeh Johnson, Is it Still Relatively Early To Call You a Friggin Moron? – IOTW Report

Jeh Johnson, Is it Still Relatively Early To Call You a Friggin Moron?

‘It’s Still Relatively Early’ To Call Dallas Attack A Hate Crime. – Jeh Johnson.
During a Sunday morning interview with CBS’s John Dickerson, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson stated though Dallas shooter Micah Johnson told hostage negotiators he “wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers,” “it’s still relatively early” to qualify his actions as a hate crime.

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25 Comments on Jeh Johnson, Is it Still Relatively Early To Call You a Friggin Moron?

  1. It’s too early to say muslim terrorists are connected to islam. It’s too early to believe the blatant black racist’s actions were a hate crime.
    The obama administration must think we’re all idiots or at least those who still support his BS.

  2. Stupidity is hereditary. His parents couldn’t even spell Jay.

    Hate crimes are a one way street with black racists like Johnson and Obama. I think only whites v
    Can be charged with it.

    It’s a stupid law anyway.

  3. @JohnS. “Obama’s ‘President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report’ urges the Federal Government to federalize police training and practices via the use of lawsuits, grants and treats to cut off federal aid. So far Obama’s deputies have cajoled and sued more than 30 police jurisdictions to adopt federal rules in a slow-motion
    creation of a national police system similar to the slow-motion creation of a federal- run health system via Obamacare.” Drudge Report July 9,2016 Nat Munro.

  4. It is too early to say how many milliamps at 30KV 60Hz applied up one arm and down the other of a cabinet-level senior govt executive will cause atrial fibrillation. Here, Jeh, grab these metal rods.

  5. @unruly – I actually did that to myself when I was young and stupid. 30KV neon sign transformer powered Jacob’s ladder setup. I incredibly stupidly tried to adjust the wires wearing not heavy enough leather gloves. I’m lucky to be alive.

    @Lowell – Experimental results suggest that 3 ma across the heart can be fatal, so 5 sounds just about perfect!

    @greetingsfromyonkers – Thanks for mentioning one of America’s finest poets!

  6. @ unruly and freedom cat

    I can’t seem to get a link to work at the moment but I’ve seen from at least two sources that the Dallas shooter and the Orlando shooter trained at the same camp.

    Mindless blacks that are embracing islam may want to take note of the fact that 10x as many Africans were exported to the ME as were to the New World and compare the relative numbers in those areas today.

  7. Some things don’t change, even after 2000 years.

    “A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?”
    Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106 B.C.- 43 B.C.

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