#BLM Activist Has a Message – IOTW Report

#BLM Activist Has a Message

34 Comments on #BLM Activist Has a Message

  1. Yeah, well okay, stand in front of PP in your hood and say dat. No white women coming in, only blacks who are going to kill their black babies. Chant dat!

  2. If you kill all the white babies all the future black athletes will pretty upset.

    Not sure that sentence was finished but interesting subject. the two sports blacks struggle to succeed in are swimming, what ever, but more importantly the highly combative sport of wrestling. Not to sound like Howard Cowsell, but long muscle fiber is not always strong muscle fiber. Weight lifting is another venue where they fail miserably. Just sayen we aren’t pussies after all.

  3. That’s gonna pretty much kill the source of all the “public assistance” cash. Some of these people are not capable of thinking 30 seconds ahead.

  4. Unruly, it won’t go that far. We are a pop corn fart away from let’s get it on. It could happen any day from now until when Trump wins the election. But take mark, when Trump wins violence will be wide spread and not limited to the ghetto. They will bring the fight to us. Ordering even more ammo tomorrow.

  5. if, and this is just a thought experiment, if we “kill all the white babies” who is going to pay for her government handouts 25 years from now?

    I don’t think she has thought this through. Or maybe she did- the “logic” works either way if you factor in “Hillary voter”.

    By the way, anyone screaming that outside my house would be shot. But I live in Colorado and the “make my day law” is pretty broad; I’d be willing to shake the dice on that.

  6. @Brad, I hear ya. At least when Trump is Commander in Chief we can expect some real action to dispatch the problem. Rather than the way Barry Hussein throws gas on the fire.

  7. The best example outcome would be Zimbabwe. It is unlikely this person knows what Zimbabwe is, let alone what has happened to “it” since it became Zimbabwe.

    More importantly: Can you imagine the fun that Mugabe would have with those breasts? Followed by a few thousand of his closest friends.

  8. When Clinton wins, there will be no riots. Whites never do and blacks will have no reason to anymore. BLM will fade away like the Leftist op it is, its distractive function complete.

  9. I’m surprised there isn’t a BET TV show called “Life after Whitey”
    Just like Life after People, only where all the goodies and infrastructure remain and evil whitey is gone!
    The show is wonderful showing previously oppressed American Blacks getting aall whitey’s stuff for free!
    This is dandy until the lack of maintenance becomes apparent and the power grid goes down and they live like they did long ago before Kunte Kinte

  10. Lazlo,

    True that. My dad used to warn us of all urbans pouring out of Gary and Chicago when collapse comes, but that was when we lived in Porter Co. Indiana.

    When we moved south we took comfort that those who can drive will get as far as a tank of gas and no further.

    Now we know the Fed would spare no expense resetting them far from trashed cities, as Europe puts Mohammedans in the countryside.

    Used to be we could escape the collapse. Now the leftists in charge will be sure to bring the collapse to you.

  11. My first thought was sneaking a peek at the National Geographic magazines in the grade school library.

    My second thought was watching old Tarzan movies where the Jungle Bunnies are hopping up and down around a fire to the sound of war drums.

    Then I thought of Cheeta, Tarzan’s loyal chimp companion.

    After that I was caught in a loop.

  12. She could probably kill a full growed-up man with them big old bouncing barrels of pork fat contained inside what can only be a Kevlar-reinforced harness inside that size-medium t-shirt.

    I love people like her. They make the argument against welfare-for-life and universal enfranchisement better than the most eloquent ever could.

  13. While doing yard work yesterday I was thinking about how much better off America would be if those in the past picked their own cotton or paid workers?

    During that thinking I considered how dismal life would be for Blacks as it is in so many places around the world. Had Blacks migrated to America, like the family up the street (real African Americans), looking for a better life and willing to do what it takes to achieve, instead of being shipped here. How much more Black’s contribution to society would be viewed as a plus.

    I understand it is way to late now for everyone involved. The continual actions by one segment using government to keep Blacks in their place on the ideological plantation the divisive rhetoric and special programs basically telling Blacks how they as a people can’t be better than they are now.

    I do too much yard work … and thinking lately.

  14. Best case scenario: (Please remember, I’m an inveterate optimist.)

    Trump is elected, there are rapid, vast, positive changes in much of gov’t (including unheard of cessation of fraud, waste, abuse and accounting for huge sums of money that shouldn’t be there); the border patrol and ICE are required to do their jobs and deport, deport, deport; repatriation of trillions takes place coupled with the nullification of trillions of dollars in business-crippling regulations, and so on and so on and on.

    With that as a backdrop, ghetto blacks who refuse to make anything of their lives will be in stark contrast to the rest of us who are. As we and our families dig ourselves out of the obamahole (really the globalist economic hole) and restart the economic engines toward true wealth, ghetto blacks will become more and more obvious in their slavish devotion to their dead dogma. In other words, they will have run out of excuses and progressive media, already on the ropes for having been so terribly wrong about everything, will be looked upon as either insane or instigators in keeping blacks on the ideological plantation — as will any politician or ‘community organizer’ grievance-monger. The contrast will be just that undeniably stark.

  15. @AA I really wish you were right but that presupposes the leftist trash will stop doing their damnedest to bring our country down. If anything, they’ll double down to hinder Trump’s administration any way they can. BLM and the panthers have tasted blood and they’re not going to give up making trouble – it’s too profitable.

    He won’t be able to pry the entrenched leftist bloodsucking ticks out of the bureaucracy where they’ve attached themselves. At least 50% of minorities who do happen to have jobs are affirmative action GOVERNMENT employees, the teachers unions and colleges are overrun with leftists who Trump can’t just fire and who control the indoctrination of our kids, and the laws were rewritten to protect them – forever.

    Assuming Trump wins past the leftists’ cheating, I fear his presidency will just be a temporary hiatus before the flushing continues. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m not betting on it.

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