Sweaty Thumb’s “Trump Can’t Win” ANALysis Looking More and More Thickheaded – IOTW Report

Sweaty Thumb’s “Trump Can’t Win” ANALysis Looking More and More Thickheaded

Yesterday it was an NBC poll, now it’s A CBS/NYTs poll that has Trump tied with Hillary. (And as we all know, a tie with a NYTs poll means the GOP is in the lead.)

So, what does the bloated dummy, and his moron brigade say now?

When they say, “Trump can’t win,” the part that they are leaving out is, “not if we can help it.”

When Trump leaves Cleveland with the nomination with poll numbers that are competitive, if not ahead of Hillary’s, what will be their narrative?


16 Comments on Sweaty Thumb’s “Trump Can’t Win” ANALysis Looking More and More Thickheaded

  1. They will just stick to the stale arguments that Trump isn’t a real conservative, conservatism is dead, he’ll never do what he promised, boo hoo the party is no longer a party they can support, the pope butted in and the voters are stupid, uninformed, idiots… frankly if they are the ‘conservatives’ it is time for a change.

  2. Trump is going to give them ample opprtunity to get on board gracefully (carrot) and give them ample opportunity to look like treacherous fools if they choose to be dead-enders (stick). Choose wisely, Thumb.

  3. I wish Mark Levin would wise up. He can’t get Ted Cruz out of his mind. He is getting downright boring to listen to and watch.
    Look dummy! I was an ardent Cruz supporter, I still support him for his senate run, but he’s not the presumptive Rep. Candidate. Get over it. Support Trump. Don’t be a Jebber. “Oh,sniff. I can’t vote for Hillary or Trump, bawl, bawl.” Getoutahere you bloody whimp.
    Man up the lot o’ you. NR,Weakly Standard, Erickson, yer nothin’ but a bunch o’ spoiled brats. FFS man!

  4. Sweaty Thumb, just like all the never Trumpers are so flippin desperate to be someone and in need of control and “look at me-ness”, they will sacrifice our country and SCOTUS for their two minutes of infamy and self aggrandizement. They are as low as Soros and his BLMs.

  5. Moe, I finally, after months tuned Levin on yesterday and the day before. Within five minutes, both days, he started doing his utmost to undermine Trump. I am now never Levin.

  6. I tuned into Levin last week after almost 6 or so months-he used to be a nightly must listen. Like PJ, within 10 minutes after he played Patton’s famous movie speech done by George C Scott, for what reason I have no idea, he was bashing Trump in his hysterical persona.

    Yikes, I sure as fuck don’t need that from someone that supposedly wants no part of a President Hillary.

  7. I believe it comes down to the fact that Trump wasn’t their idea. Cruz was their idea(l). And since he wasn’t their idea and they believe themselves to be the Holy Grail of “conservatism”, everyone else is wrong.

    And professional jealousy. Anyone who has worked in a large organization (or even small ones, sometimes) knows what it looks like when the C-level (that’s us voters) brings in “the new guy”. The guys with the pocket protectors (#NT) start up with the mumbling, grumbling, and whining. Then one of them gets the brilliant idea that “this company won’t last a day without us!” The hilarious thing about #NT is none of them had enough clout (or were indispensable enough), so they had to find someone — Romney — to play the role of Head Pocket Protector Guy. And it all started rolling downhill for #NT since then.

    To take this analogy to its painful conclusion: The low-level wankers of #NT, the ones who would never rise above their pathetic rung on our analogous corporate ladder, become the most rabid believers in #NT. The guys who whispered in their ears aren’t much brighter, but they are devious and disloyal; they’re the ones who relented early — seeing that #NT had no future and the little future it did have was going to hurt theirs. (These are the real pocket protector guys who deny they were ever ‘with’ those bad apples in the first place). Feel free to plug in the names of those who play the various roles.

    The New Guy, having been the choice of the C-level pisses the old, disgruntled guard off because they “worked so hard and long” (on things that didn’t work). The New Guy, sometimes without intending to, reveals the ineptitude, sloth, bad logic and over-engineering wastefulness of the old guard. And if that’s not bad enough, The New Guy isn’t even a _______! (Doesn’t have the same vaunted pedigree in their field.)

    The old guard, pocket protector guys feel betrayed by the C-level. Many of them believe it’s because the C-level doesn’t understand the ‘real’ problems. They’ve been thrown over for someone superficially exciting and new. They believe in their hearts that we’ll all “be very sorry” for making such a stupid blunder.

  8. Never mentioned here…. Michael Savage. Frankly, I love the man. Do none of you listen to him ? When I ditched Levin in December I began listening to Savage. Very funny, smart, old school-conservative guy. Did no one hear he got a Radio Broadcast award this week (infuriating all dems and liberals the world over) ? Trump comes on and SPEAKS with him. Actual words.

    AS for Levin, and his idiocy, it’s money. There is no other explanation. Either his life is threatened and/or he’s being paid. I think it is both. That stuff never changes.

  9. @Mother of Three, I have listened to Savage for a long time. When I discovered Levin, I started listening to both. Like others here, I can’t take the ranting against Trump, which to me, is just the same as helping to push our country over the cliff. I think if Trump wins, it will push Levin over the edge of hysteria. I know for certain I won’t be listening after that!

  10. I’ve been listening for about a year or more I think he’s great.Gave up on Levin and Rush long ago.
    Congrats to him for the Award richly deserved and was voted on by the Listeners.Not a Peep outta the Main street Morons. I have heard Trump several times on his show.

  11. @ AA
    I agree with most of what you said, however I have to add one thing.

    The self righteous Never Trumpers are the type of personalities who would make typical muzzies. “I’m so right and you’re so wrong, I will gladly suck the life blood from your country for my huffy righteousness and MY gravy train.” Shapiro fits right in here.

  12. @PJ — Agreed. Think about the media #NT’s. Where will Levin, Beck and Shapiro go? They’re already at the apex of their media careers. The best they can hope for now is to hang on to what they’ve got. And it’s not looking good for any of them. They’ve shot themselves in the foot and it doesn’t seem like they’ll quit, either, until they’ve run themselves off legitimate media. They like to heap scorn on Alex Jones, but they’re making him look like Cronkite.

  13. I gotta ask all you #NeverTrumpeters. . . .
    If you’re against Trump because he’s not a “real conservative”, then why were you SOOOOO gung-ho for Juan McPain and Limp Wrist Romney. According to THEIR OWN politics, THEY weren’t (and still aren’t) REAL CONSERVATIVES either. And they adjusted and shifted their policies, too.
    And yet, the GOPE RINOs urged us, BEGGED us, PLEADED with us, to hold our noses and vote for them. And see where it got us. . . . . #NeverTrumpers, buncha fucktard losers. . . .

  14. @ AA
    The whole comment is excellent. However, I think I will always remember “They like to heap scorn on Alex Jones, but they’re making him look like Cronkite.”

    Same as I will aways remember BFH’s saying of EE looking like a sweaty thumb trying to take a difficult sh!t. 🙂

    Both are classics.

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