“We Are In a World War” – Donald Trump – IOTW Report

“We Are In a World War” – Donald Trump

ht/ c. steven tucker

20 Comments on “We Are In a World War” – Donald Trump

  1. Clinton responded – she wants a summit and an intelligence surge. That is what every issue a Dem touches requires – summits and more information.


    Watch the MSM fawn over how intelligent and level headed she is and Trump is dangerous because he is correctly addressing the issue and promising to kick some f-ing Islamic ass back to where it belongs.

    Americans better take note and vote right.

  2. Fuck Mark Levin. You can tell a lot about people by their body type. He’s a little fire plug and tired of being pissed on by every big dog. And Trumps a big ass dog and a LOT smarter than him. Trump reminds him he’s a loser, and that’s a problem.

  3. I do not understand why people say that Trump is crazy. I can understand it if someone does not like him, but to say that Hillary would be better? I just do not understand it.

  4. Nausea inducing:

    Statement by the President on the Attack in Nice, France

    On behalf of the American people, I condemn in the strongest terms what appears to be a horrific terrorist attack in Nice, France, which killed and wounded dozens of innocent civilians. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and other loved ones of those killed, and we wish a full recovery for the many wounded. I have directed my team to be in touch with French officials, and we have offered any assistance that they may need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice. We stand in solidarity and partnership with France, our oldest ally, as they respond to and recover from this attack.

    On this Bastille Day, we are reminded of the extraordinary resilience and democratic values that have made France an inspiration to the entire world, and we know that the character of the French Republic will endure long after this devastating and tragic loss of life.

  5. loose the kracken! Trump can promote or appoint the proper generals and officers and let them kick ass. We know they are chomping at the bit to destroy isis.

    btw, put those trannies in the front line.

  6. just remember who the real enemy is.

    the one world government central bankers who have unleashed this muslim army on the Christian nations hoping to get word war three started so that we can all beg for the same people who started this mess to get us out of it by taking away the freedoms God gave you.

  7. Their co-religionists in general have insinuated themselves into pretty much all areas and levels of the fed. With help, I might add and that needs to be fixed as well. This dog needs a good de-ticking and flea bath. We really need to officially label it as a dangerous, violent cult and outlaw it so we can get away from this suicidal freedom of religion charade. It isn’t a religion as they “properly” practice it. We should admit no more, it should be a disqualifier for further immigration let alone citizenship, being totally incompatible with the Constitution, and we should contain – tightly – those that are here and/or repatriate them at our leisure.

    We also need to free up the oil industry so the Saudis’ et al influence wanes and they quit buying their way into our culture just so they may subvert it. Help get Venezuela back on line and watch the price of oil plummet. Let the Saudis try and fund THEIR lifestyle at a deficit and let THEM work up a couple tril in debt. I suspect some of their “projects” (madrassas and politicians) might start to dry up and some of our bought off, scumbag politicians may wake up as to who they actually work for. Hint: it’s not some be-ragged bandido in Riyadh or any other ME capitol trying to shove their cult down our collective throats. We need to wall them off financially, militarily and if need be, nutritionally. Cold, hard fact is that much of the ME gets a lot of food from us. They like to fuck with our lifeblood as a cultural/financial weapon? Fine, I say halt grain shipments for a while and when they realize allah can’t feed them but we can, they may start the long, long journey to become good little world citizens. We can accelerate the process by taking out the “moon rock” in Mecca. Show them whose magic is bigger and become that so admired strong horse.

    Sorry re the rant, I’m getting less and less temperate with each passing attack by those that, apparently, cannot be named.

  8. This is the same war islam has been waging against the world ever since the pedophile prophet had his first psychotic delusion that the Arabian moon god was talking to his crazy ass.

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