Update on Connor Golden – The Young Man Who Lost Half His Leg In Central Park – IOTW Report

Update on Connor Golden – The Young Man Who Lost Half His Leg In Central Park

Village Voice-

A plastic bag and matchbook were about the only pieces of evidence left after a tourist stepped on an explosive in Central Park over Fourth of July weekend. Police say that the results from an examination of that evidence reveal traces of TATP, or triacetone triperoxide—an extremely explosive material.

“These substances, which are commonly and legally available for sale in certain hardware stores, can be used in combination with other products to develop a home-made explosive agent,” reads a statement released by the NYPD. “Based on the crime scene investigation and the forensic examination, it is believed that this explosive material was made by someone experimenting with commercially available products.”

The incident happened when Connor Golden, 19, was in the park with two friends near Fifth Avenue when he jumped off a rock and landed on a plastic bag with the material inside, causing it to detonate. The teenager’s grandparents, who spoke with NBC News, say Golden’s foot was amputated below the knee, and he is in stable condition at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan.

ht/ rob e.

16 Comments on Update on Connor Golden – The Young Man Who Lost Half His Leg In Central Park

  1. As a New Yorker, Trump should visit this oung man in the hospital. For many reasons, some not so obvious yet. And before the Senator from Goldman Sach gets there. Like tomorrow.

    Did somebody say that Hillary’s new attack on Trump was that he was a bad role model for children? I thought I heard somebody say that.

  2. I am on vacation July 22-31.

    If the young man is still in the hospital at that time, I might go visit him myself and bring good tidings and best wishes from the iotwreport.com crew.

  3. Test run for a bigger batch? It is a target rich environment after all. By a guy named “Mo” who has nothing whatsoever to do with the religion of peace. Sitting on a park bench thinking peaceful thoughts and noting the force and character of the detonation.

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