Undercover at the Mosques – IOTW Report

Undercover at the Mosques

Anyone that trusts a Muslim is a moron. This video will pretty much show you why.

ht/ Billy Fuster


20 Comments on Undercover at the Mosques

  1. Let’s play ball. The world needs to start assasinating all Saudi sponsored Wahabi Imans, preferably near their Mosques.

    Then finish in Saudi Arabia proper. Next in line will be those found to be financing these bigots.

    All is fair in war!

  2. Why can’t people preaching this murderous trash be arrested, tried,
    jailed, or deported? The government has to be aware of it, and by not acting against it they are not doing their job: Protecting their
    own citizens. A beniegn dictator is the only answer. Lawyers just muck things up.

  3. The politicians who allow islam to thrive should be dealt with first. Once they are out of the way, justice can be served on the terrorist cult.

    It should have never been allowed to get this far.

  4. Why do they love Muslums so much?
    Because they know they will bring terror and death, then it will will give them an excuse to do what they want to do which is to disarm Americans.

  5. Great find, Billy!

    This is exactly where I have heartburn when Gingrich (and such) says idiotic stuff like, “Well, if they don’t believe in Shariah, they’re welcome to live next door to me.”

    They’ll SAY whatever is convenient for them at any particular time.
    NO trust. NO tolerance.

  6. ALL muslims are the problem, not just the imams or the ones preaching islam, you cant “just throw the ones in jail preaching this shit”…because there will be another replacing that one! ALL MUSLIMS ARE THE PROBLEM…”oh but I have a muslim friend and he doesn’t believe in that stuff” BULLSHIT…THEY ARE LYING TO YOU KAFFIR, AND ARE HERE TO CONVERT EVERYONE TO ISLAM OR KILL YOU! you cant have your cake and eat it too. We can ship their asses back to whatever flea infested piece of shit third world country they came from because for one thing I ain’t paying for 3 hots and a cot for these fucking neanderthal goat fuckers, even though I already am…I reiterate…ALL MUSLIMS ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM !!!

  7. If we’re gonna have a war, and we are in one regardless of what the Liberal Eloi think, we need to recognize that we are up against Hitler’s Arabs and as such they are a subversive group/army/militarized force and have to identify the enemy. Recognizing traditional muzlim garb as their uniform of choice might be a good place to start!

  8. The world has been at war with Moslems for centuries. Until relative recently Islam was generally limited to third-world pestholes.
    These days policies have changed, enabling this scourge to infest the entire civilized globe. How’s that working out in France? Britain? Europe?
    Or the USA for that matter?

    Make no mistake- it is war.
    Aiding and abetting muzzies is treason.

    I’m looking at you, barry.

  9. Shayk Khalid Yasin lives in Seattle. I know his address. He is the guy at the 17:40 mark in the video. If he sounds very much like a #BLM type, it’s because he is an America citizen and was gang banger before he converted to islam. Now he is a self-described world wanderer (converter, teacher)who preaches islam mostly to vulnerable youth. He is also listed as the Chairman of Purpose of Life (“civic and social organization”) and listed as a ‘member’ of Purpose Media, LLC — at 6951 MLK, Jr. Way in Seattle. Even at 70+ yrs., he seems to be going strong.

    Does anyone know an in to working undercover for the CIA or FBI as a researcher or ??? It would be right up my alley.

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