Islam is not only being allowed to flourish, it’s being given fertilizer – IOTW Report

Islam is not only being allowed to flourish, it’s being given fertilizer

PickeringPost –  ht/ blazing cat fur


This so-called coup is not all that convincing and it smells of something that was arranged by the deviously cunning Erdogan who is determined to rebirth a Saudi style Ottoman Empire with all that’s hideous about Islam’s Shariah law. And Obama is not aware of this? Bullsh!t he’s not.

Erdogan (and the Islam tolerant Obama) are the sole beneficiaries of this coup.

US Secretary of State, John Kerry, when asked for a comment said he was not in a position to comment “at this stage”. About one hour later, after he had spoken with Obama, Kerry was pleased to announce that the US fully backed Erdogan in his attempt to put down the coup. Hillary Clinton repeated Obama’s sentiments.

A detailed report shows how both Obama and Erdogan worked with and supported ISIS and it includes photos of Erdogan’s son posing with ISIS fighters (below) and praying beneath ISIS flags.


Meanwhile, in Nice:

What we have been told is an amateur video, taken from a flat opposite, shows clearly a 20 tonne truck parked by the side of the Esplanade. It is then shown moving off and gathering speed before it begins a two kilometre killing spree. Okay, now I start thinking. Why would a Bastille reveller watching fireworks and a million people celebrating Independence Day from his/her balcony, be filming an innocuous looking truck for quite some time while it was parked and stationary, before carefully filming the imminent atrocity?

Was this person a truck perve or was a record of this atrocity needed for posterity?

Hmmm, it would only take a little triangulation from the filming position to discover which flat it was and possibly who the “alert” photographer was! But no sign of that happening.

12 Comments on Islam is not only being allowed to flourish, it’s being given fertilizer

  1. Good observation. Coconspirator in action.
    In the meantime John Kerry was out on CNN saying ISIS is losing. I’d sure hate to see what things look like when they’re winning.

  2. I got news for ya, they’ve been feeding fertilizer to us for the past eight years while running guns and weapons to our enemies and propaganda to our allies!
    Every time the Øbamboozler inhales it’s followed by a load of fertilizer!

  3. How come there is NO blood on the truck? He mowed over dozens and dozens of people and not one drop of blood? Has anyone ever hit an animal with their car? Strange.

  4. Pokémon is a total distraction from reality. It’s just another form of bread and circuses to keep the hoi polio uninformed but happy playing an idiotic game. There are enough real monsters out there to be worried about and idiots are running around going ape shit crazy pretending they’re chasing fake monsters. Gimme a friggin break!

  5. A friend and I were discussing this idiotic Hokemon phenomenon the other day, he said that any male over the age of 21 who plays this stupid game should have their man card permanently revoked. Am I turning into a geezer and old fart or what? Get off my lawn you damned kids and take your fake monsters with you!

  6. The truck was for show and protection of the Islamic shooter, many were shot before being run over. This was reported early on, then scrubbed, since the ‘authorities’ haven’t confirmed it. There is no confirmation I can find about how the victims were killed. No autopsy reports, nothing.

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