EAG is Calling all watchdogs – IOTW Report

EAG is Calling all watchdogs

EAG: — Are you aware of any situations in public schools where tax dollars may have been wasted or misused?

We want to hear about them.

EAGnews is scouring the nation, looking for examples of school waste or fraud, to illustrate the problem and convince more taxpayers to scrutinize what is happening in their local schools.

The existing examples are endless:

  • Near Los Angeles, a high school principal recently spent more than $100,000 on a school credit card over two years, prompting an investigation.
  • In Florida’s Pasco County school district, a recent audit revealed $568,719 in missing items.
  • In California, the Poway school board recently fired the district superintendent for allegedly collecting more than $345,000 in authorized pay over the last several years, and trying to stop an investigation of the issue.
  • For years, the Buffalo, New York has been funding free plastic surgeries for unionized teachers, routinely costing $5 million per year.
  • When Arne Duncan left Chicago Public Schools to become President Obama’s Secretary of Education, he walked away with $50,297 in unused sick day pay.


5 Comments on EAG is Calling all watchdogs

  1. Of interest. The school district where I pay taxes was really good at spending money they didn’t have. Several years ago, at the surprise of everybody, three people associated with the tea party got elected to the school board, turning it into a conservative majority. The liberals couldn’t believe this happened and demanded investigation into voting practices, etc. Of course, there was no wrongdoing. Here it is a few years later and the school district has completely turned around with no increase in taxes and they are now building a new high school – again with no increase in taxes.
    Bottom line – I don’t care if you lean left or right (well, okay, I do) but you need conservatives controlling the purse strings.

  2. may have been wasted or misused?

    converting to Common Core curriculum

    teaching anything about izlom and calling it history

    teaching anything about globull warming/cooling etc.

    teaching that businesses just want to kill the Earth

  3. Hiring pedophile teachers. Especially female teachers exploiting horny teenaged boys.

    There was a case of this at my own alma mater, Columbia High School in Maplewood, New Jersey, a couple of years back. I think I heard my father (same school, Class of 1936) spinning in his grave.

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