This may be your lucky day!!!!!! – IOTW Report

This may be your lucky day!!!!!!

Read this from Eugenia –

Here’s something lighter, far from all the Killary Does the Graveyard posts. Would you consider asking readers if they do collectibles?
Since I have been clearing out decades of accumulated stuff I am curious about what others collect.  Who knows, I may have the ultimate orgasm of all collectibles for a reader somewhere in all this stuff.

I’ll take this one step further.

If there are others who are doing the same, weeding out a garage, attic or basement of some stuff, let us know in the comments. Maybe we can make a Trove Connection.

96 Comments on This may be your lucky day!!!!!!

  1. I collect 1960’s toys from my childhood.
    I have some mint in the box.
    It was a golden era.
    Grab a 1969 Sears catalog and thumb through it.
    Awesome stuff!
    I also have some from the 70’s thru 90’s.

    Additionally I have books and magazines.
    A bit of a pack rat, I sell things on ebay when I can bring myself to it.
    I hate to let stuff go.

  2. I have massive number of magazines dating back decades mostly related to experimental aviation i.e. Homebuilt Aircraft, AOPA Pilot, Kitplanes, Sport Aviation etc. Also a few Popular Science, SCCA Racing, and Trade-A-Planes. And the first four or five Foxfire books if memory serves.

  3. PJ & MJA — Such specific collectibles! This will be a fun post!

    I wouldn’t call it a collection because I don’t look very often for stuff — but I’m interested in vintage, uniquely Seattle memorabilia from long-gone restaurants (cutlery, menus, small advertising things), local attractions or department stores. I have a Jim Beam bottle in the shape of the Space Needle, for example, issued the year of Century 21 World’s Fair. Oh, and anything old related to J.P. Patches.

  4. I’ve been packing stuff away for the kid’s “delight.”

    Stuff sitting on shelves in basement range from used once Ravenswood Royal Daulton china to “I made THIS for you with my two hands and you didn’t want it for your kids, so YOU get to pitch it after your poor mom who slaved away for you, is dead” items. 🙂

    Only problem with that is that I won’t see their faces when they open the boxes and read the notes. Actually, I know they will crack up laughing because they “get” my humor.

  5. I didn’t collect it, but inherited it from my husband’s grandfather — a small slice of leftover fruitcake that was made by him on the day JFK was killed in Dallas. It has been in a freezer (his, then mine) ever since.

  6. Does this count? Collections I have but am not really adding to?

    Breyer horse statues. I have 300+ in all shapes and sizes- and the boxes they came in.

    I do add to my Golden Books from the 1950’s-70’s.

    I’ve been buying collectible dish towels/fabric (1950’s-69’s) with a Colonial America theme. I have a secret stash! Don’t tell Mr. Illustr8r!

    If anyone has a mug from the old Dutch Pantry restaurants- I’ll buy it from you!

  7. @ Sam #neverhillary
    But does you dust come wrapped around tree frogs? I once had a hopping dust bunny right next to my computer armoire. Didn’t see the tree frog and almost stomped the dust bunny.

  8. I had a friend that collected gold coins. He had so many he started a business
    buying and selling gold. He became so rich he moved away 40 years ago.
    Last time I saw him he was 28 years old. He showed me over 1700 gold coins.
    I think he lives in NYC now. But we don’t talk anymore.

  9. MJA — Thanks! I’ll have a look. I’m going to bookmark this page so if I run across anyone’s favs I can make a note of it.

    If there’s anyone close, we’ll be cleaning out the garage this fall. Lots of duplicate camping gear and a really cool 1920’s rolled back sofa and matching chair (custom made in Oregon).

  10. Lol, I go to auctions regularly and occasionally buy storage lockers or inventory. Have I got collections! You know what they say; If you have more than one, it’s a collection.

    But I don’t collect that stuff purposely, it builds up. You make deals and are on to the next thing while profit (basically free shit) collects dust. Outside of this I do have numerous personal collections from garbage pail kid stickers to guns and all kinds of weird shit in between.

    I am however starting to see the benefits though of just getting rid of it all and start over. I’ve got so much stuff, I don’t even know what I have anymore.

  11. Illustr8r and LocoBlancoSaltine – I have been looking for 3 story books from the 50s that were very special to my mom. Trouble is, I don’t know the titles. I found one of them about Mrs. Mouse’s family. But I’m still looking for one about Rooty Kazooty and the pineapple pie, and the third was about puppies. The momma dog bathed the puppies then doused them with “sweet-smelling poochie powder.” My mom always smiled and quoted that phrase. Mom is gone now, but I would love to have them as mementos if you know which ones I’m talking about.

  12. I used to collect lots of different things but don’t collect much any more. However I still have a large collection of shot glasses from all over, and a collection of dog figurines. Now I just collect yarn and books. 😉

  13. Illust8r — You crack me up! 300+ anything (with original boxes), whether you’re adding to it or not, qualifies as a collection. You’re probably a collector’s collector. 🙂

    I had to think on that for a moment because I have a large eave space in my attic and a couple of storage areas in the play room devoted to George Wysocki jigsaw puzzles. Some haven’t been used yet. They are wonderful art and really fun to do. So, if there’s anyone out there who loves good jigsaw puzzles, let me know. All 1000 piece.

  14. @Illustr8r, I had a collection of Breyer horses, though not nearly as many as yours. Sadly, I gave them to my niece when she started getting interested in horses. 🙁

  15. Illust8r, what year did you and your husband do the drive through in the housing complex in the South Sound that was paid for by the taxpayers? And mantained by us. AA and I were looking back at old iOTW posts and miss the old archives.

  16. I used to collect floaty pens. Those are the pens that have half of the pen as a “snow globe”-like thing where it is filled with water and some piece of plastic floats up or down. One I have for Minnesota has a loon floating in a lake. I probably have about 30-50 from all over.

    Last time I went to Washington, I had to visit Mt Rainier (most beautiful area ever). When my friend and I went to the gift shop at Paradise, I was joking that they should have one of Mt. St. Helen’s with the explosion popping out of the top. We laughed.

    Then my jaw dropped as she slowly turned around and held a pen in my face – yup, Mt. St. Helen’s blowing her top!

  17. I kind of collect Dala horses from Sweden and Swedish glass. I love cookie cutters of all kinds! And I have collected a few Victorian antiques such as pickle casters and salt cellars.

  18. Refrigerator magnets cover three sides of Mom’s refrigerator and her full size freezer. She changes them for every new season. She has hundreds of them,each is unique.

  19. @Loco I’m a Golden Book snob kinda. My collection is from my childhood and I add to it if I like the art style and subject matter. Maybe send BFH pics of what you might want to part with and $?

    @RiverLife Have you done searches on eBay and Etsy for those books? Etsy is a great place to look for vintage items. Sssh! Don’t tell Mr Illustr8r!

    @Geoff I’m having a complete brain fart. I cannot remember. I’ll see if I can do a search thru old posts.

  20. I have about 1200 pounds of empty brass. I have 2 ranges on my property and
    years ago I said to people just leave the brass if you don’t want it.
    I’ll reload it. Great idea when your young, not so much now. I’ve sold older
    brass to brass recyclers. But this is cleaner.

    I had to get rid of the live ammo. There was a huge amount. Everyone stored
    it in an under ground vault. Mostly . .308…..30-06….45 …..357 mag……38……22. If your name was on it you got a call.
    If not members took what they wanted.

    Most people don’t want your crap.

  21. Wowzer, all this just because I am curious, no make that nosy.

    MJA – we must be sisters. Ribbon, vintage repro, trim, etc. I haven’t gone through the fabric and sewing stuff mainly because it takes up 2 rooms and a closet. And a few shelves in the basement.
    I do know I have some lovely Sajou ribbon from France. If I remember it’s a linen (maybe) ribbon with Eiffel towers, at least 2 color ways, I think blue towers and red towers. I know there is striped vintage ribbon It’s probably been reproducing in the storage drawers for all I know.
    I will look in the next 2 days and e-mail BFH w/pictures if you are interested.
    I probably will not get to the sewing rooms til fall. Oh yes and small silk flowers are in there somewhere.

    PJ – will add the Fenton ware to my ‘look for’ notebook. I ‘pick’ 1-2 days a week just for fun. I’m in Ohio and do well with glass and pottery at insanely low prices. There is still some glass packed in the basement I haven’t seen in a while. Lots of 1940 pressed glass.

    Menderman – do you need any ice fishing lures? I have a few carved by old farts in Minnesota.

    riverlife_callie – I haven’t gotten to the yarn stash yet either, however, a lot needs to go. Any particular brand, weight, colors? The Addi Turbo lace needles are MINE!.

    AA – will put your collectibles in my picking notebook too.

    LBS – do you have any ‘Who is John Galt?” matchbooks from the ’70’s?

  22. Bad_Brad, if cali puts an ammo registration in place can you have friends from out-of-state ship you ammo without breaking the law or otherwise putting you in jeopardy?

  23. Phuzzy, these laws are written so poorly nobody knows yet. Ever seen the Cali Nevada border at Tahoe? This should be interesting because I know of 5 ways around that AG check point.

  24. I collect cats especially old ones or from people who have died or gone in the nursing home. I also collect ferals and TNR. Don’t need any more of either thank you.

    Sewing stuff – I feel like I need a confessional. 2,000 yards, I guesstimate, of quilting fabric. I’m going to use it all before I die…. Heavy on the Aunt Grace repro, cat themes, traditional Japanese, very little blue, Halloween, Christmas, Benartex Fossil Fern, junk food. Yes, I quilt and sew and all that stuff. Most quilts go to an annual animal charity auction//raffle.

    Vintage buttons – glass especially from the ’30’s, pierced plastic house dress buttons, calico buttons and other china buttons, bakelite.

    Other women’s unfinished or unstarted embroidery projects from the 1890’s through the early 1950’s. I finish them and feel like I am preserving part of the American and British housewife domestic history. Got the cutest pink satin boudoir pillow with ‘Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition’. Dish towels with non-PC Mexicans and Chinese from the ’40’s and ’50’s. I do finish and sell in the animal shelter’s store.

    Vintage embroidery transfers. Masses of them.

    Cross stitch charts, masses of them from the 1980’s ’til the present. Looking for something? Let me know.
    Yarn – not as bad as I used to be.

    Vintage cat figurines especially Nippon, Occupied Japan, Japan. The goofier the better. My antique dealer grandmother started my collection back in the 1960’s.

    That’s all I am admitting to for now.

  25. Oh, yeah. I forgot about the quilting fabric. We’re packing to move and I have five large U-Haul boxes full of fabric.

    MJA – some of that fabric is repro with sewing and comic books themes. I collect a lot of fabric with text on it. I want to make a newspaper quilt someday.

    Illustr8r – yes I’ve done searches but without titles I’ve had no luck. Except for the Mrs. Mouse book.

    Eugenia – re the yarn, I really don’t need any more (I keep buying anyway), but I’m currently loving The Uncommon Thread yarn (a UK brand) and I like searching for indie dyers on Etsy. Hedgehog Fibres and madelinetosh, too. Are you on Ravelry? I have a lot of my stash posted there.

  26. riverlife – Yes I’m on Ravelry with the user name Siggycats. I don’t go very often in the summer because knitting is done during football and basketball season. Madelinetosh is a favorite of mine. The LYS closed a while ago so now I buy on line.
    I’m still pissed about the IOC’s wooha over the

    Scout’s Swag was a great Indie dyer/painter except she quit. She had a 3 colorway special Olympic medal yarn that was to die for.

    Knitterman in Texas has lovely hand dyes and you can get custom orders.

    Nope, no Asian/Japanese/koi/or children’s designs . Sorry.

  27. Riverlife_callie, that’s fine and I’ll do the same. I’ll try and get over there more often.

    I did remember I have one Asian pattern from the now-closed Cross Stitch Pattern Gallery. John died and then Felice died not long after.
    Had to use the Wayback. It’s either the Peacock Kimono or the Dragon Quest. I’ll have to check. I wanted to order more but Felice was in hospice at that point.

    If you want it, it’s yours. I’ll check and see which one it is. Probably the Peacock

  28. Wow, what a fun post! I haven’t been able to go through all the comments, but hope to over the weekend, to see what peeps are looking for.

    I collect things related to Richard III and bottles/jars of various shapes and sizes, mostly small and medium. I especially love those little ones. Also old books.

  29. @Illustr8r – that would be great. Thanks so much.

    @Eugenia – either one of those is lovely. I’d be happy to take it off your hands if you don’t want it. 😉 Maybe you’ll find something in my yarn stash you’d like. I’ll message you over there.

    @Lisl – I just remembered another thing I collect…perfume. Are you interested in any miniature perfume bottles? I have a lot that I could get rid of.

    Anyone else interested in miniature perfume bottles? Some are empty, some are partially full.

  30. riverlife_cali, those are so sweet and deffo interested. The first one I ever got was from my little boy, he was about five or six and had something like $1.37 while in a lovely second-hand boutique with me. He wanted to buy me a fancy present and God bless her, the owner made it happen. She helped him pick out a pretty (very fancy) perfume bottle (about an inch tall), and even boxed it and put in an equally fancy shopping bag. He was so proud! I’ll always remember that.

    Thanks for thinking of me, cali!

  31. Old (and new) telegraph keys. I have old landline keys and sounders from the early 20th century and fancy shmancy new custom made keys and paddles. I rotate the keys through my ham radio station from time to time. I work primarily Morse code. I didn’t start specifically to collect. Just looked around one day and found I had a collection.

  32. I still have my collection of old Mad Magazines (Humor in a jugular vein) from issue #25 Sept. 1955 which was the 2nd issue of Mad, #24 being the first, before that they were in comic book format. I go from #25 all the way through the mid 70’s. Still have the stickers and posters etc. including the Mad flag from the early 70’s which is so politically incorrect now it could get me in serious trouble if I put it out. No one and especially libs has a good sense of humor anymore. All the reprints of the EC Segar Popeye comics from Fantagraphic Books in Seattle, did I tell you I love Popeye. Also old sci fi books, particularly Edgar rice Burroughs, Clifford D Simak etc. and more books of every description especially conservative and history books than I really need but won’t give up. And if I hadn’t sold my comic book collection in 1990 I’d be a fairly well off man but the money from selling them allowed me to buy my house so maybe it was worth it. I do wish I could’ve bought that copy of Superman #2 from 1940 in 1972 from Powell Bookstore in Portland, Or. I was going to pay $75 for it, some one else got it for $80 and I kick myself for not buying Batman #3 (the first appearance of The Joker) for $50, I’d be a fairly rich man if I had either one of those, oh well is what my daughter tells me. I guess I’m still an old fashioned geek which may not be a bad thing, all the new stuff for the most part stinks since the late 70’s and early 80’s but then I grew up and out grew those things.

  33. I collect and restore diecast cars and like Loco I reacquired toys from my childhood. I have a collection of pinup art from the late 1800s to mid 20th century, and advertising art from the same period, comic books and electric guitars. But I’m getting to be too old for it all and I’m downsizing.

  34. I collect turkey feather. I’ve got vases of them every where and I’m running out of room. If I see one I pick it up and stick it somewhere into an already crowded vase. However, I rationalize this hobby by cleaning out my clothing closet and I got rid of everything that I hadn’t worn in 5 years. Eight sacks of blouses, pants, jackets, sweaters, etc. Got rid of the coat hangers too! 🙂

  35. LocoBlancoSaltine August 12, 2016 at 11:38 pm

    Claudia, my grandfather had one of those pens where a pinup model’s clothes would come off when turned over.
    Fascinating to a twelve year old. 🙂

    I had one of those – actually two. One was a nude woman and the other a nuyde man. One day I loaned someone the nude girl. He had a fit over it, raved about it, blah, blah. So, I gave it to him. He was thrilled.

    I kept the nude guy for myself. 🙂

    I also have a collection of colored glass balls made from lava from Mt. St. Helens. I also have 4 Galileo glass thermometers. They all read the same temp. I use to collect barometers, I let loose with some of them but kept the more unusual ones. I like clocks too – not old ones. I’m thinking about unloading stuff – too much of it. Yard sale in September. Oh and I collect beads and rhinestone jewelry. I also have a fortune in Silver Strike pure silver coins from Las Vegas casinos.

  36. I collect the following antique thingies for the never-ending beautification of my Yonkers abode:

    –toleware trays (autumn colors)
    –spice jars (blue)
    –salt cellars (blue)
    –novelty teapots (blue/white)
    –sterling silver Victorian calling card cases (with handles for hanging on the wall)

    If I could find a patchwork quilt in shades of lavender/green or a blue children’s carousel horse, I would think I’d died and gone to heaven.

    I’ve bought no antiques for a while now as I watch my finances careen off the track owing to my stagnant salary. While I am not a materialistic person at all, I really love the history and beauty of antiques (especially American antiques) and would have to say my life is the poorer for my lack of recent acquisitions.

  37. I also have a Wheaties box from the 1987 and 1991 World Series won by the Twins. Kellogg’s tried to horn in on the cereal box thing in 1991 so I have that, too. Also have a little bit of newspapers from the Star Tribune and a homer hankie.

    Been thinking of letting my friend sell it at her antique store. Can’t quite let go of it, yet. Maybe when I start packing to move next year.

  38. Another anonymous above is me, greetingsfromyonkers. No idea why that post was ananymous.

    And BTW, re the stagnant salary, it is now 5 years, 4 months, and 12 days since my union had a contract.

  39. Old hand tools. A couple early Rolling Stones 45s and other old records. Lot and lots of hardware. Reloading brass. Arrow heads. More tools.

    I have an automotive spark checker that was patented in 1921 and still works like a champ.

    Hard drive magnets — I have dozens of them. Always have to warn my grandkids not to play with them because they will pinch their little fingers when they are held close and snap together.

    Books, old and new.

    Running late today …

  40. This has been a fun thread — to see the kinds of interesting things IOTWr-ers collect!

    Geoff C. The Saltine reminded me that our biggest collection is Christmas tree ornaments. It’s been an easy and very meaningful pass time. We’ve got ornaments from all our travels as well as adding to it each year, mostly with Christopher Radko, German, Polish, Czek. It makes decorating the tree a trip down memory lane. We even have three Big Fur Hat ornaments.

  41. Eugenia – Neat! Lemme know when you finally get to them. Haha.

    I forgot to add that for a while I was making handmade jewelry. Even had an Etsy store.
    Until my vision started getting bitchy. lol. I still do it from time to time, but only if someone requests it or if it’s for a gift.
    Anyway, I like Czech glass beads is what I’m trying to say. 😀

    This is an awesome site to find beads if you like them, too.

  42. @Lisl – now, how to get them to you? BFH has my permission to share my email address with you if he wouldn’t mind doing that. Or, if you can think of another way???

  43. riverlife_callie – No problem. Both of you guys have to email BFH with the link to this thread and what you want to do (email, address, whatever). He’ll need emails from both the parties agreeing to what they want to have happen.

    Why did I sound like a pimp just now? 😉

  44. MJA, I found the Sajou ribbon and there is more than I thought. Cream with blue Eiffel Towers, cream w/red, black w/pink and black w/ a blue green. I bought it 3 or 4 years ago at an embroidery/x stitch shop in Paris. I had ideas for projects and have never gotten a roundtuit.

    Found some other ribbon and several unpacked bags from Embroiderer’s Guild of America sales 2 and 4 years ago. That’s bad when I buy it and don’t even sort and store, just stuff the bags somewhere.
    This why the destash and clean out.

    I also found ‘a roundtuit’ plus several wooden nickels. Tokens given out by a defunct quilting shop to save and redeem for fat quarters.

    Glad you like the Susan Clarke site.

  45. My gig is vintage Martin guitars, the lower the total production number, the better. I’m not letting any go, but I’ll take all you have, heh.

    My prides are a couple old electrics: a 1959 OO-18E (about 310 made) and a 1964 F-65 (566 made).

    Oddballs are fun too, such as a 1970 O-18T four-string tenor guitar and a 1966 T-18 ten-string tiple.

    They’re all together in the same area… how can I get them to breed?

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