When Dog Realizes It’s About To Be Rescued She Nearly Begins To Talk – IOTW Report

When Dog Realizes It’s About To Be Rescued She Nearly Begins To Talk

13 Comments on When Dog Realizes It’s About To Be Rescued She Nearly Begins To Talk

  1. I’m going to cynically agree with #1, something fishy about this rescue. When the dog reaches the surface you can count seven men in the rescue team plus a cameraman. No wonder they are seeking donations with teams of that size.

  2. Organizations will do anything to get a donation. Why were two of the rescuers wearing sandals and the others proper shoes? Maybe this was a practice run. Looking at the depth of that well, the dog should have died falling down it. I’m such a cynic the3se days.

  3. I was feeling pretty good about this until I read the first two comments. They’re probably right, but damn the Internet anyway, for making us have to be so cynical.

  4. Not trying to diminish the video, it’s a good one, but I’ve personally know women who’d weep openly, hug each other and share it with every email in their address book but who also are bitterly (to the point of viciously) pro-abortion. I’ve long assumed a few of them have filled a bucket or two of their own. Knew one who was AGHAST at the suggestion her dog be taken to the vet and given an abortion after it got out the fence in heat and impregnated. Insane.

    Like the video, though. Good doggy.

  5. Maybe it was a set up maybe it wasn’t, regardless it was nice to watch the better side of man for a change. I don’t know about the rest of you but I’m, getting tired of watching two bad candidates vie for the most important job on the planet, or watch people come out and cheer cop killers, or watch blatant racism practiced by people within the very groups that hate laws were established to protect, to watch groups that used to be bullied become meaner and crueler then their former bullies ever were. The list just goes on and on so when I see a dog happy to see a person pull it out of a hole I think I’m allowed to feel just a little joy even if it may have been done for donations. Hell, I’d give my money to them instead of any political groups up here in Canada anyway.

  6. Dogs are amazingly resilient. They’re skeletal structure allows them to take hits or falls that would break a human bone. I have no problem believing the dog fell down there, probably bouncing off a wall to slow its decent, and landing OK. I’m going to believe it’s real.

  7. I witnessed my dog hit by a car once, the lady stopped and apologized profusely. It wasn’t her fault, it was mine. He was out of the yard and I called him. He came running, jumped a deep ditch and right into the path of the car. He was hit square broadside and was bounced off the car like a billiard ball.
    I ran out and picked him up, he had an arterial cut on his foreleg.
    Easter Sunday, good luck with a vet. I got out my suture kit and sewed him up. Took him to the vet on Monday, the vet complimented me on my stitching ability, despite it being done sans lidocaine.
    After x-rays, the cut was the only damage, take it from an eye witness, a dog can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

  8. BFH August 15, 2016 at 9:32 am

    Oh you cynics.

    BFH, I think it’s the violin music and then the crescendo that really dramatizes it. I can buy into your you tube because we can see that 1/2 the dog’s face was missing. That video was speaking to the heart but like the first video, both had a happy ending. I’m still the cynic when it comes to these types of videos. I’ve made provisions in my trust for such animals, I hope they spend the money wisely.

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