The Wages of Liberal Narrative Sin – IOTW Report

The Wages of Liberal Narrative Sin

The liberal go-to explanation for all injustice in Democrat run municipalities is now reaping the discord that comes from sowing the myth of white privilege and racism used for generations.

Heather McDonald names the perpetrators of the narrative that has lead to the black residents of Milwaukee to riot and gunmen in Dallas and Baton Rouge to assassinate the police.


The left had better take recent events as a warning that the narrative will break down once the intended audience finally realizes that it’s their own Democrat governance that has condemned them to perpetual impoverishment not those their leaders keep blaming.

9 Comments on The Wages of Liberal Narrative Sin

  1. Since the Democrat Party is the world’s number 1 terrorist enabling organization it is not the least bit surprising that they would agitate for a war between the races which will be disastrous for the outnumbered and outsmarted black people of this country!

  2. Yes Heather, I’m fully aware that Obama/Jarrett has upped the ante. The level of hating whites has risen considerably from an already high point 7 years ago.

    I know, you know it, the left dominated media knows it and most of the black “leadership” knows it too.

    The real question is where is it going to go? There’s going to come a point, say when a car full of blacks barrels through some suburb with guns blazing and kill a bunch of innocents-or maybe a little league game will get some drive bys-a mall-a school. They like to burn buildings, maybe a pizza parlor after they’ve barred the doors? Then what?

    The fact is these low IQ savages, whose race hasn’t an invention or a successful 1st world country to their collective names are here in the millions. They hate us. They feel entitled to us supporting them and they resent us because of it. And they ain’t going away and we aren’t going to kill them.

    I’ve said elsewhere you have to be crazy to live with them. I self segregate. In the past, I’ve hired blacks, I would never ever do that again. In the past, I’ve had black friends, no more. I will not patronize a black owned business although that’s not very difficult. I just won’t have anything to do with them and my spidey senses are on DefCon 5 and my hand is real close to my weapon whenever I see more then 1(they always attack in bunches).

  3. @MM there are going to be a lot of whites with conceal carry who are going to defend themselves, their loved ones and their homes in their neighborhoods. Those that attack the self defenders will be shot to pieces.

    That forces the disillusioned and violent back into their own neighborhoods. What will they do then? Further impoverish themselves by burning their own neighborhoods down? Create their own no go zones like those that exist on the outskirts of French cities and Rio? Or realize they’ve fallen into a trap that the only way they can ever escape is to confront the destructive aspects of the urban culture and turn on their politicians who look upon them as so many votes to be harvested at election time.

    Eventually either these neighborhoods will become desolate abandoned ruins or those that can will get themselves out of the trap.

  4. When I worked for a courier co. 20 yrs. or so ago we had a customer who owned a small hip hop record store in a predominantly black area of town that none of the drivers wanted to deliver to. To make matters worse they were a cash only customer, needless to say we all hated going there. Fortunately they saved us the trouble when they went out of business within a year.

  5. I would remove all police from these urban ghettos and secure the “borders” When they’ve burned down all their grocery stores and “weave” parlors, that’s just going to be too fucking bad.

    As for confronting the truth, ain’t gonna happen Dr Tar-it takes a bit more then a room temp IQ

  6. A big problem is there are no fences keeping ferals separated from civilized people. I live 25 miles from a major city but these animals can drive so distance is no protection. Right now they’re too lazy to go that far for them to bother us much but when, not if, EBT cards stop working or TSHTF and cities get burned out, these animals will leave the zoo.

    Most will attack the suburbs but some will leapfrog. They’ll all have to leave the city because there won’t be anything to eat so they’ll attack homes along major roads first, then spread out to the back roads. They always travel in packs, so the rural guy in his home trying to protect his family had better be ammo’d up and ready to fight back, and had better teach every family member how to shoot too.

  7. Liberal democrat policies in the big cities, black on black homicides, and planned parenthood, are all working feverishly to insure that blacks never rise above 13 % of the population, so there is that.

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