Whoa – Green Day Singer Compares Obama To Hitler – IOTW Report

Whoa – Green Day Singer Compares Obama To Hitler

I never saw this coming.

Daily Caller

Green Day lead singer Billie Armstrong compared Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler in an upcoming issue of the U.K. magazine Kerrang.

“The worst problem I see about Obama is who his followers are,” Armstrong said, according to UPROXX. “I actually feel bad for them, because they’re poor, working-class people who can’t get a leg up. They’re pissed off and he preyed upon their anger.”

“He just said, ‘You have no options and I’m the only one, and I’m going to take care of it myself,’” he told Kerrang. “I mean, that’s f–king Hitler, man! I don’t even know how else to explain it.”

“I wish I were over-exaggerating,” he continued. “And sometime maybe I do over-exaggerate with [George W] Bush. But with Obama, I just can’t wait ’til he’s gone.”

Now, of course this moron didn’t say Obama. He said Trump. But how is the premise being leveled at Trump any different than Obama in regards to tapping into the “anger of working-class poor people who can’t get a leg up”?

Would big brain Billie feel better if some woman wailed, “I’m not gonna have to worry about my gas bill no more. I’m not gonna have to worry about my mortgage no more” while wearing a HOPE AND CHANGE button?

I have a more important question.

How many people on the right, wrestling with whether to vote for Trump or “sit it out” and watch Hillary win, are impressed with Big Brain Billie’s Hitler comparison? Not so much the direct comparison of being Hitler, but more so towards the insulting charge about the people who are supporting Trump.

How about if the comment was made by Erick Erickson, Ben Shapiro, Jonah Goldberg, Steve Deace. William Kristol or any other of your handlers?

Lest you become outraged, “outraged, I say!!,” I’ve heard NeverTrump leaders say that Trump supporters are the worst the right has to offer on more than one occasion.




26 Comments on Whoa – Green Day Singer Compares Obama To Hitler

  1. I just don’t get the comparison of the current “Resident” to Hitler. While both are (were) loathsome, Hitler did not intentionally destroy the country he led.

    But, I suppose, the fact both used ethnic fracturing to gain and keep power is a strong parallel. Still Hitler worked hard and smarter than our current POtuS does.

  2. You could easily swap in Hillary’s name, too, if he wants to play.
    All I hear from Hillary is who she’s going to make PAY. We’re all victims! Rich people are the devil! A lot of “DARK” tones in her speeches, aren’t there?
    She comes off like a dictator… Hey, wait a minute!!!

    Doom and gloom fits right in with the left but we’re done with that, thanks.

  3. BJA sucks dick. Literally, he sucks dick. He’s a LGBTZGAZZ or whatever the fuck they call themselves. Maybe he can play a concert for ISIS and they will help him do a stage dive off a 40 story building for finale… And stone him afterwards.

  4. You should care because this is to appear in an upcoming magazine.
    If you care what the kids are being taught in schools you should care what they are being taught in pop culture schools (magazines, movies, TV, social media) by these “teachers.”

    You don’t have to know a teacher’s name in order to care what is being taught to them, do you?

    You’d never say, “I don’t know who Mr. Faversham at Our Lady of Obama is, why should I care what he’s teaching in that school,” would you?

  5. Mr. Mxyzptlk – Let me give you an idea of why we unfortunately have to pay attention to people who have microphones. lol

    California, as an example- The second a celebrity starts talking politics, you know who they’ve donated to and there’s always the fear that person is going to run for public office.
    Remember ‘Meathead’ from Archie Bunker? That guy got himself involved in CA education and ripped off citizens for millions of dollars.

    Clay Aiken and Ashley Judd, both crazy, ran for congress.

    So every time a famous leftard opens their yap, you gotta ‘ cut their mic’ by fighting them. Which is difficult because they have media following them around 24/7 for free, while us peons don’t.

  6. And now that I know this information – what good does it do me? I can’t do anything about it. Knowledge is not power if you have no way to counteract it. You just go around pissed off all the time.

  7. Hey BJ Billie, we’ve had 7 and a half years of Obama and the working class still “can’t get a leg up.” What’s the problem here? “Welcome to paradise” dopey.

  8. I would never let my kids play greenday. Don’t you think this guy sings way off tune? I literally cannot stand greenday’s music because he is so off key. I was always tolerant of most of my kids’ music but I would never let my kids play horrible greenday.

  9. Thanks MJA, if he ever runs for office, I’ll vote against him. And I don’t have kids which is why I probably never heard of him.
    I took a quick listen to his “music”. Really awful… I put GreenDay in the same trashbin as Coldplay.

  10. Dude is as ignorant of Hitler as he is of Trump.
    Dude is ignorant.
    Pathetically ignorant.
    This level of ignorance passes as balanced “debate” in a dismally pathetically ignorant country.

    His “music” sucks worse than he does …

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Strawman-

    This post linked Uproxx.
    I was writing a headline and switched the names around to make a point.
    The last 6 paragraphs of my post explains the “switcheroo.”
    Sorry bout that.

  12. The lo-fos fell for it and we got barry. Twice.
    And things HAVE changed. For the worse.
    And if you think Cankles will get us our of this morass, you are out of your damned mind.

    Yeah, I said morass.

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