Wanna See A Restaurant Owner in Europe Culturally Enriched By Migrants? – IOTW Report

Wanna See A Restaurant Owner in Europe Culturally Enriched By Migrants?

In under 2 minutes the restaurant of a hardworking earner is overrun by people he should be celebrating and welcoming to his native land, lest he be called a racist and a bigot and a phobe of some order.

Sorry. Don’t want this here. Don’t need this here. These are not my values. These are Islamic values… which happen to suck, as evidenced over and over and over again.

Don’t try and sell me on the notion that this is good for me and will make me a better person for having been exposed to it.

You lie.

ht/ just the tip via Moonbattery

20 Comments on Wanna See A Restaurant Owner in Europe Culturally Enriched By Migrants?

  1. So, these animals came from a different country, different culture, different religion, but yet their behavior is exactly like you see in any inner city in America. Hmmmmm. What is it about these individuals that is the same as those in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Wisconson, Ferguson, etc., etc.?

  2. This is just pure mob action. These men know that they will suffer no consequences for these acts. European society is not prepared to defend itself against the onslaught. The future is not bright.

  3. One if the counter- jumping muzzies had a black t-shirt that looked like it said (m)uzzi. How nice of him to alert us, but then we already knew.

    And I doubt most store/restaurants have the means with which to defend themselves.

  4. Was this posted by the same Moonbattery website that is doing all he can to get “import ever more Muslims” Hillary elected because he thinks Trump is not a real conservative or some shit? He can kiss my ass.

  5. Here is absolute proof that gun control works.
    In the EU, they are disarmed, and none of those young men got hurt.
    Anyway, gang raping a young girl is strenuous work and creates an appetite, who has the right to deny them food under those circumstances.
    So, get rid of your guns, toss your daughters outside, and lock yourselves in your bedrooms just like the good people of Europe do.

  6. The men in Italy are different than in France, Germany, and Sweden. They have retained their machismo (to the point of arrogance I might add) and won’t put up with this crap especially if they molest the women. For this reason I believe the first major counter movement to happen in Italy.

  7. “Mrs. Clinton and her Social Justice Warriors want to bring in further masses of poor Third Worlders to enhance our nation’s diversity. A thoughtful observer might question the wisdom of this in light of our failure to make any progress coping with the diversity we already have.”–JD

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