Trump’s Dimondale, Michigan Speech Puts the Failure of Inner City Cesspools At the Feet of Progressives – IOTW Report

Trump’s Dimondale, Michigan Speech Puts the Failure of Inner City Cesspools At the Feet of Progressives

This is a gut punch to the left, and it’s a speech that has been a long time coming from any politician we’ve had on the right in recent memory.

Trump makes a plea to blacks- “you’ve been controlled by democrats for over 50 years with no signs of progress. When is it time to say, ‘enough!”?

Your cities are dangerous, your schools stink, you have no jobs, what do you have to lose by trying something different?

It’s a monumental speech.

40 Comments on Trump’s Dimondale, Michigan Speech Puts the Failure of Inner City Cesspools At the Feet of Progressives

  1. Is it pom pom time yet? 😉

    Welcome, friends, to the new century. No black, no white, just red, white and blue. No D’s, no R’s, just Americans who know there was a time, once upon a time, and we can create a prosperous, safe, harmonious country for all Americans. It will take work, but who said it wouldn’t? Aren’t we sick in our souls of the past 50 years?

  2. We haven’t had anyone on the Right say these things in living memory! It’s what comes from owning your own soul and funding your own campaign. Is there any question, now, that Trump means what he says when he wants to “Make America Great Again!”?

  3. I’ve been saying for years on this blog that the right has been tagged with some of the dumbest shit by the left and no politician has been willing to shake it off of us.

    I want nothing more than to wake up tomorrow and blacks have full employment, nice houses, great schools and education, happiness, and a future.
    What do I have to gain from black failure?
    In fact, I want it to end.
    I have everything to gain from seeing it end… for everyone.

    But the left has successfully tarred us with the charge that we want to keep blacks down.
    My biggest frustration is that our conservative stalwart politicians never say anyhting like that.
    They don’t want to discuss it for fear of touching a third rail and being destroyed.
    Trump doesn’t give a FRIG about a third rail.

    I said the other day. Trump is our first right-wing blogger president, the fearless kind of blogger, the one not afraid to say some tough things, the one not afraid of being called an Islamophobe and a racist and a bigot because in their heart they know they aren’t.

    And how do some of our “conservative” bloggers respond?
    They hate him.

    They have met themselves and they don’t like what they see.

    I like what I see.
    The others are frauds. Or perhaps they are the ones that want to see blacks kept down?

  4. “refugees in their own country” is a really good line, he needs to keep that up. However, I hope he drops African-American for just plain old American. This hyphenated crap only benefits the race hustlers.

  5. Remember this speech, remember this week. It looks like a Third Act kind of week. But next week the full fury comes back. Barky’s off vacation, and he’s wounded and angry. He’s not going to put up with Trump’s racist poaching. Hillary is not going to stand for it either.

  6. Trump knows enough that the JohnSs of the world would zero in on Trump saying “blacks” instead of African American, and that would be the debate and it would obscure a beautiful important speech.
    John does it all the time.

    Trump’s smarter than John.
    For now he’ll play the “African_American” phrase game in order to take the power away from the trolls.

  7. There are unifiers and dividers. People who take and those who give. You just have to decide which one you are. At some point you arrive at a place and wonder how you ended up there. Every choice is a moral choice. Every choice puts you a little closer to where you end up.

    JohnS doesn’t obscure a dang thing. He’s not strong enough.

  8. @BB — He reminded me of Donald Trump. There is real greatness in him. 😉

    (Okay, okay, I’m crowing a bit! I saw this greatness in him a long time ago. I’m just doing a little happy dance these past few days.)

  9. He seems to be a competent success business man who made his name by giving people what they want within the economic realities he has been presented with.

    Which is a far cry from the typical run-of-the-mill politician of either strip who only pursues their own self-aggrandizement on everyone else’s dime. We’ve put these people in office for years and they are rapidly driving the nation to ruin.

    The argument for Trump was that he’s a gigantic middle finger to the political class and if that’s all he ever is or will be it will be good enough for me.

  10. AA, This is a new focused Trump. That’s why he’s using the teleprompters. He needs to stay on message and continue this tact. Just so you know, I was hoping he’d run last time around and disappointed and a little pissed when he didn’t.I’m sticking with the Reagan comparison. This guy can save the country.

  11. Fur, so you have joined team snark that attacks me on threads I haven’t commented on.
    For the record, I am in the heart of darktown.
    I call blacks blacks, blacks call blacks blacks, and morons call them nigga’s.
    Only the MSM calls them hyphenated Americans.
    All blacks I know consider themselves black, however only a tiny minority are offended by the hyphenated term, so I don’t see how it makes a difference.

    As to the first part. I quit criticizing Trump once he was officially nominated. I criticize others, like Horowitz, that make Trump look bad but my comments about Trump himself have been positive and will continue to be so. Search the site, what I am saying is true.
    I was right about Manafort, and now even Trump agrees with me. The FBI is closing in on the guy and he had to go.
    I am also correct about how a large number of people will view horowitz’s blunder. He stepped in it, and I know for a fact that he knows enough history that he would have done otherwise had he given it some thought.
    There are more republican voters that hold Lincoln in disdain than their are Cruz supporters, by an order of magnitude.

  12. BB — I didn’t mean to take away from your Reagan comparison — I think you knew that. And until Trump is more directly ‘experienced’ rather than through the filters of the Established media (both right and left), people will make the Reagan comparison. One thing that helped me even more to understand him was to listen to the people who know him best — his kids, his wife, and particularly Tom Barrack and, of all people, Dan Pena (he’s on YT). What Trump has, you can’t teach people. You can help them, but it’ inborn.

  13. Fur, so you have joined team snark that attacks me on threads I haven’t commented on.>>

    Are you and Menderman taking baths together?
    He has the same complaint.
    Is there some rule that has been established where this is verboten?

    I see my name on threads that aren’t mine and that I’m not on and I don’t fall to pieces.

    Cracker Annie!!!!

    OMG, did you see what just happened there?

  14. @Fur, It’ not even about keeping blacks down. It’ about keeping everybody down. The Leftist, marxist, communists are nothing but a bunch of actuaries, calculating just how much blood they can squeeze out of the nameless, faceless rabble in order to fund their schemes — whether it’s actual blood in war or life’s blood on the rock pile. They needed the black vote to keep them in power and the cost of bad housing, food stamps and a free phone or internet was peanuts compared to the vast wealth they sucked out of the rest of us. Black Americans aren’t the only ones living on the edge. They were just the easiest ones to set up the divide.

  15. John,

    Over 130 comments at FrontPage and nary a whisper about Horowitz insulting Trump with the lIncoln label.
    An internet search of Horowitz Linclonesque returns nothing where anyone is concerned like you are concerned.
    Perhaps you can go mount that surge.

    This topic is closed.
    I said we weren’t going to discuss the tangential angle that you’d prefer to discuss.
    We’re discussing how Trump is gaining momentum.

  16. Black Americans aren’t the only ones living on the edge. They were just the easiest ones to set up the divide.>>>

    This has been my warning to whites with white supremacist leanings that love to shout nigger every time I post something about blacks.
    I post it to show progressive failings, not to be racist.

    Whites are largely responsible for what has happened to blacks because blacks never had the power to vote themselves subsidies in order to finance their ruinous ways, surviving on progressive breadcrumbs on the progressive plantation.
    Whites built that.
    I don’t consider all whites virtuous.
    I don’t consider all blacks evil.

    And my warning always includes this –
    Wake up whitey, progressivism is comin to getch ya.
    It’s already happening to the lowest hanging fruit whites.
    Whites are not immune to becoming niggers, is what I’m saying.

    Too harsh???
    Tough. It’s the truth.

  17. I may write some uncomfortable things on this site but my heart is truly into mending race relations.
    I get emotional when I see whites and blacks coming together.
    I really do. I get choked up with the hope of it all.

    Be it sports of whatever, when I see people come together that is a wonderful thing.
    That said, we have had a black president with a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to bring the people together.
    Instead he chose to, CHOSE TO! divide the races for partisan gain.
    In a just world the blacks in America would turn their backs to this evil bastard right this minute.
    Instead, it looks to be happy with driving Mrs. Daisy.

  18. Here in Oakland black conservatives probably outnumber white conservatives.
    Between welfare and the unions the place is well locked up, but they tolerate us so that the lights stay on.

  19. I see a lot of people I was doing battle with durring the primaries now behind Trump. Just want to say I’m sorry if I was an ass hole and I’m glad we are on the same team now. Let’s win this.

  20. “Wake up whitey, progressivism is comin to getch ya.
    It’s already happening to the lowest hanging fruit whites.
    Whites are not immune to becoming niggers, is what I’m saying.” –BFH

    At my income, I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been tempted by some of the welfare available. But welfare is at least as addictive as heroin, and to take it would cost me my values.

    I have only one reputation, and only I can sully it.

  21. “I see a lot of people I was doing battle with during the primaries now behind Trump.”

    That’s what primaries are for – to figure out who the best candidate is (Republican primaries) versus annointing another political hack (Democrat primaries). The primaries are over, and Trump won. The only debate is Trump versus Hillary and everything else is past history.

    For what it worth, I like Trump’s statement “what do you have to lose?” Particularly with inner cities, that’s exactly right – your life sucks under progressive Democrats, what do you have to lose? This attitude gets people over whatever reservations they have concerning Trump’s blunt talk, or his lack of political experience, or his penchant for taking on opponents head on and vigorously. For many, the attitude that “although I like what Trump is saying, I don’t like the way he says it – but what do I have to lose?” can put them over the top and into the Trump camp.

  22. I’ve been a Republican for 28 years. I’m also a black American. In all of those 28 years I’ve never been more excited about a presidential election than I am this one. It’s all because of Trump.
    He was my choice from the time he announced his candidacy.
    Trump’s powerful Michigan speech confirmed my instincts about him. He will be an exceptional president if, God willing, he wins the election.
    Ignore the main scheme media, GOPe, and leftist operatives because, reported or not, Trump will have a record breaking number of black Americans voting for him.

  23. That is why i suggested days ago to have every state audit their Deibolt voting machines, and look for tampering, incorrect programming in the software, and even switched wiring internally. The thieves (Dhimmocratz) will stop at nothing to steal what they cannot win. If they refuse to allow access to the voting machines by independent auditors, then just cuff them for attempted hijacking of election votes and try them for treason.

  24. Bad_Brad, Voir Dire, exactly. Voter fraud will be rampant. It will take a miracle to keep Hellary out of the White House.
    Tnx, AbigailAdams. Sometimes you just know when someone is genuine and that’s Trump.

  25. Fur,

    Can you give some serious thought to blocking JohnS?

    This man sucks the air out of every thread he joins. I’m all for spirited back and forth–but it’s got to be serious discussion between people I respect, or amusing (e.g. Bad and Moe busting each other’s chops). And apparently, no body else here respects him either. On just this thread he puts up 3 posts and gets 3 TU. You put up 5 posts and get 101.


  26. I’ve been uncomfortable… no, the word is disgusted… when I see posts here using nigga or other racial epithets against all blacks. I’ve made posts about feral city dwellers but that includes ANYONE who descends to uncivilized behavior and there are plenty of white liberal thugs – . Proving the leftists’ false claims that all conservatives are racist is just stupid.

    I’m with Fur – how does it hurt me if everyone is prosperous and secure. We all benefit when there’s no racial strife, when opportunity is there, when no one is dependent of others for their very existence. Training an entire people to be mere pets is evil.

    Trump has an Augean task in restoring racial harmony when he’s elected because too many people have a vested interest, either in money or power, in pushing them apart. Anything will be an improvement.

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