As Obamacare Flat Lines – IOTW Report

As Obamacare Flat Lines

The Hill reports that the insurance marketplace created by the Affordable Care Act is rapidly becoming a system of haves and have-nots. Southern states and rural communities are finding their Obamacare exchanges are becoming a single or no vender market as the big insurers pullout. Coastal and Northern states on the other hand still have private insurers willing to service their markets.


Of course the ACA makes no provision for uncompetitive insurance markets, so either pay higher premiums or a tax penalty for not having insurance.

10 Comments on As Obamacare Flat Lines

  1. I pay the damn fine.
    Their ‘Insurance’ costs 400 bucks a month each for me and Mrs. Lazlo PLUS a three hundred dollar a month subsidy (which is taxed as income) AND an eight thousand dollar deductible each
    So, $16,400.00 each before somebody buys me a band aid
    Swell, Barry
    Up yours

  2. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
    The Affordable Care Act will reduce your premiums.

    Just a part of Obama’s legacy of lies and failure.

    And Hillary wants to expand government healthcare.

  3. Obamacare is NOT failing.
    It is succeeding.
    The goal is to nationalize the healthcare system. The current system has to collapse before much of the public will buy into that idea.
    Be careful what you wish for.
    Had Ocare worked it would have taken another generation to turn every healthcare worker into a government employee. If the crash continues to accelerate, Soetoro may be able to push it through in November.

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