I’d Pay This Guy To Follow The Stronger Together Tour Bus – IOTW Report

I’d Pay This Guy To Follow The Stronger Together Tour Bus


14 Comments on I’d Pay This Guy To Follow The Stronger Together Tour Bus

  1. Illustr8r, I’m near her age, and besides earrings, the only jewelry I wear is a gold chain with a crucifix on it, and a Swarovsky crystal Trump broach. Can you see her wearing either? 🙂

  2. @PJ Nope! Does she wear any jewelry-a wedding ring? I just think she would do more to soften her look, mask her age a little. Her boobs are to her knees in that coat!

  3. Thirty years ago she really wasn’t bad looking, not at all. Vodka shots and carpet munching put the wrinkles on her in a hurry. I’m her age and have hardly a wrinkle; my mom is 88 and has a very smooth complexion still.

    @Illust8r – “Boobs to Her Knees” – isn’t that a song by Melissa Etheridge?

  4. @ sig94

    You left out evil and hatred. Those two alone will age a body and soul.


    Excellent , GFY. Few think I’m near 60 also. IMO, never having smoked tobacco helps a lot. My friends that are near my age and have smoked for decades look wrinkled and older. Even ones 10 years younger.

    I tell them I hope I don’t have their problems when I get their age. Yeah, I can be a smart ass to my close friends also.

  5. Plates like this almost always get refused in Texas. Even if it does get through – it usually will be reported at some point and they will get the plates back from you.

    They’ve been slacking the last 7 years, though. My most-lefty friend has had an ASSHOLE plate for that long.

    He was very clever about the spelling – OBAMA

  6. We had an unfortunate incident here in East Texas a few years back. A elderly woman, shaped much like Hillary, managed to blow her left kneecap off with a pistol. Reporters questioned a close friend to learn the woman had been through a long period of depression and had tried to commit suicide. After years of watching TV, her best idea was to shoot herself 3″ below her left breast.

  7. Years back a neighbor of mine had a personalized plate that read
    3M TA3

    I I figured he worked for 3M Corp until the day I saw it in my rear view mirror and it said EAT ME.

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