Milo Interviews Time’s Joel Stein and Asks One Question and It’s a Punch in the Face – IOTW Report

Milo Interviews Time’s Joel Stein and Asks One Question and It’s a Punch in the Face

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23 Comments on Milo Interviews Time’s Joel Stein and Asks One Question and It’s a Punch in the Face

  1. The victims are always libs because conservatives are resilient and believe in doing what they can to resolve their own problems.

    Also, not every one of them is a true “victim.” Some of them are just whiny little self-absorbed snotrags.

  2. Joel Stein is a featured writer for the left and writes for TIME quite a bit.

    As for Milo-I’ve read him over at BB and seen a few clips of his appearances but after listening to this take down of the eternally smug Stein, I have to say I’d had no idea he was this articulate. I will be paying closer attention.

    He absolutely made mince meat of the asshole. I loved Stein’s pregnant pauses and throat clearing delays. Milo went right to the point of the insipid column and killed.

  3. This is a lesson on media saturation of leftist narrative. The progressive victim is so ubiquitous in the culture, thanks to the media’s constant harping, that I hardly notice it until someone like Milo points out just how rampant it is.

  4. Stein only “cares” about a victim if it furthers a liberal narrative. Like Black Lives Matters only “cares” about a victim if they can blame whitey. These people, in reality, couldn’t give a crap about the victims. If they did, the Clintons would still be serving time for the rape and cover up of Juanita Broaddrick crime.

  5. “I wished I I had talked to Michelle Malkin about this. I should have.”

    Tactic for disarming and defusing a logical, pointed question for which you have no good answer for.
    Trust me, Joel Stein has no intentions of interviewing Michelle Malkin!

  6. Liberals are easy to take down. I pissed off an Englishman visiting this country the other day. I told him that I love Nigel Farage and Margaret Thatcher. I told him that Nigel was here campaigning for Trump for whom I’m voting for. Him and his frumpy wife about crapped their pants with our conversation. DH had him going, he about choked on the camera he was wearing around his neck. LOL!

  7. Liberals are victim because they’re not adults.
    A child/dependent of the tribe, when confronted with minor difficulty (like someone calls them a ‘boy’ or a ‘girl’), cries for others to come help them.
    Adults deal with it alone.
    Liberals embrace the throw away culture.
    Nothing can be fixed. It must all be thrown away and something new must replace it. Preferably shiny.
    Ultimate Children, the lot of them

  8. Goldenfoxx, I have a really annoying lefty neighbor who chews up hours of time babbling at me every time I’m out walking my dogs. I try to excuse myself politely but she doesn’t take hints. So when she brought up Trump a few weeks back, and declared that only uneducated white people will vote for Trump, I responded, “Oh, yep, uneducated white people such as myself.” Then I proceeded to blast Hillary Clinton by providing a laundry list of her crimes, and kept asking who the idiots are who will vote for Clinton. My old gas bag of a neighbor now avoids me like the plague — problem solved!!!!!!

    I draw inspiration from Milo in being more “out there” about my politics. If you haven’t seen any of his “Dangerous Faggot” tour speeches on college campuses, look them up on YouTube. Milo is fantastic!

  9. He carved this leftist twat up like a Christmas turkey. I’ve heard of his name mostly in relation to the cancelling of his Twitter account by the prog that owns it but I’ll have to have a closer look for him.

  10. @TiredMom, brilliant!

    Time to visit my Milo grotto built by the woods. Going to see Dangerous Faggot in Columbus this October.

    So Stein says he interviews liberal because they are cry babies and only progressives can be victims. What an ass wipe. No wait, that term elevates him to a useful status. Asshat should do it.

  11. So he only interviewed leftists because they are more easily upset and conservative arguments agains them are more effective against leftists than their arguments are against conservatives?

    We’re supposed to take that seriously?

  12. That was the first time I’ve listened to Milo. He asks such pointed questions so politely. Kind of like Buckley used to.
    So Stein says liberals whine more so it makes better press. Then carries on with would’ve, should’ve, could’ve. Uh huh Stein. We all know you just agree with with leftist ideology and want those loudmouth crybabies to be heard instead of anyone who is conservative.

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