The Woman Tim Kaine Can’t Keep Up With – IOTW Report

The Woman Tim Kaine Can’t Keep Up With

Also – Diazepam Pen Dude is Back.

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25 Comments on The Woman Tim Kaine Can’t Keep Up With

  1. I have leftist friends who are pathetically trusting of HRC because they trust what they hear from NPR, WaPo, NYT and ‘ impartial’ CNN.
    They were troubled by whatever tiny hints of HRC’s many scandals managed to trickle through the MSM filtering.
    So they have embraced a new meme which soothes their cognitive dissonance while flattering their Leftist magical thinking.

    They have now decided that HRC has “had some people who made mistakes” but that’s all OK and she “still deserves” to be President because, you know, “she means well, and she cares”.

    The Left’s white upper-middle base consists of hypnotized children.

  2. I thought that too. August heat wave, and she’s wearing a double breasted trench coat in size XXXXL-Shopliftet’s Cut.

    What’s Dyin’ Granny hiding under there? She’s got room under that curtain for a catheter bag, plus a portable Dialysis machine, a Vitals monitor satellite uplink to Johns Hopkins Neurology, plus a Stoli vodka IV drip.

  3. Back when my Zeus (RIP) first began having grand mal seizures the vet ended up giving me a syringe type thing full of liquid valium. Which is basically the same thing as diazepam. She instructed me that if the seizure went past a full five minutes I was to insert the syringe into his rectum (no needle on the thing) and “inject” the full syringe into his rear. I asked a ton of questions, like, five minutes from onset? Five minutes from when the onset gets really bad? What if it’s been five full minutes, he isn’t coming out of it but it doesn’t seem as violent? I wanted SPECIFICS on what to consider the exact symptoms within the five minute window. Was it when he first rolled his head back, or when he went rigid? Was it when he went rigid or when he began the spasms? What if the spasms stopped in the five minute window, but he was still rigid and prone beyond that five minutes?
    The five minute thing is to PREVENT PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE, is what I was told. And stroke. If they go too long in that state it is very bad.

    Now, I happen to have a bottle of prescription diazepam on my nightstand. I take it if I begin to suffer from vertigo, along with another medication. I have some sort of chronic condition where I frequently do a bit of a stagger, get a little off balance if I look upwards while I am walking, get a little off balance if I am in a place where there is a lot of activity – like a busy mall. I also have brutal fatigue often, no matter how much sleep I get. Recently I had a full-on massive bout of vertigo, which is how I ended up with that prescription for diazepam. It would seem counter intuitive, but it did help somewhat. If I get another bout I am grabbing that pill bottle so fast !

    So, Diazepam works for knocking you out of a seizure, and also for vertigo symptoms.

    I also use a pillow behind me when I sit because I can feel woozy from leaning back, and/or the effort to scooch out of the chair. I do a lot of the same “tricks” Hillary does – because it helps me feel more stable.

  4. Looks like Huma gave Ratchet’s nurse some orders as she walked by: “Let her walk on her own for a few steps. The cameras are on.”

    And note how Huma got away from the van as fast as she could. Didn’t even look back to see if Hillary stuck the dismount. She’s probably as sick of the treacherous old hag as everybody else, but in for a penny, in for a pound.

  5. Just a thought exercise:

    Soros etc all know Hillary is dying.
    She wins the rigged election ( the fix was in all along).
    She dies before being sworn in.
    Constitutional crisis. Uncharted waters. No legal precedents.
    Now acting-President-elect Kaine appoints Obama to magnanimously answer the call of a grateful nation in crisis, and generously deign to continue to lead us by decree for the indefinitely foreseeable future.

    Totally unconstitutional. But no ones stopped them yet.
    And really, at this point, what difference does it make?

    Just speculating. Any thoughts?

  6. It matters not.

    There is a reason Trump got the invite to Mexico.

    The President of Mexico realizes Trump is going to be the next POTUS. He is not even thinking of Hillary.

    He offered his prestige to a candidate in an American Presidential election, and discussed his opinions as a base for future negotiations with the future POTUS.


    I give Enrique Peña Nieto credit. I suspect he also didn’t want Mr. Trump to take positions in his speech tonight that would cause unneeded inflexibility in future negotiations.

    Carlos Slim probably knows the real deal too, but you won’t see it in the NYT.


  7. @MftM, a Trump landslide, God I hope so.

    The choice seems so obvious, and Hilary is so completely unelectable and grotesquely destructive on so many levels.
    We know the polls are rigged and skewed. I can’t imagine that this country is not at least 60-40 for Trump, and hopefully higher.
    Yet I meet so many people who still see no sense of urgency here. Otherwise seemingly intelligent, civic minded people who think HRC ‘wont be so bad’, ‘she’s pretty qualified’ and are actually looking forward to her Presidency. (These same folks believe Obama is an inspired genius whose best ideas have sadly been thwarted by a mean evil GOP, and the all-powerful Koch Brothers, and the Orwellian lies spread by Fox News to legions of racist flyover rubes.)

    A landslide? Dear God, I hope so.
    Remember I’m here in DC, in the lair of the beast.

    Trump 2016.
    Damn he looked fine onstage with Nieto.

  8. Yes, sig94, that is the other med I have. I also cannot sit up, or almost even move when it hit. It is very like my brain tells me that I am paralyzed, but I sense that I am not – yet still cannot move. Your wife will know what I mean. It is very scary. When I was “able” to get up my limbs were in spasm and I was slamming all over the place. Then the puking starts, just starts. No control at all.

  9. It looks like everybody in the video hates working for Hillary. Even pen dude made a gesture with his hand like “whatever bitch, I’ll just put the diazapam back in my pocket.”

  10. GrandMe- sorry you have to go through that. I get a little lightheaded from sinus problems sometimes and that is intolerable for me, so I cannot imagine how you feel. Ugh.
    Are you taking blood thinners? (ie: Xarelto) That can cause vertigo.

    As for Hillary, it looked like she was going to plow right into that red car before she stopped herself.

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