Dallas Can’t Honor Fallen Cops – But Kaputnik Can Wear Police Are Pigs Socks – IOTW Report

Dallas Can’t Honor Fallen Cops – But Kaputnik Can Wear Police Are Pigs Socks

Technically, the NFL allowed Dallas to honor the police in the pre-season, but not during the regular season. Why the delineation is anyone’s guess.

Still, Kaepernick’s militance is idiotic.

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ht/ js

23 Comments on Dallas Can’t Honor Fallen Cops – But Kaputnik Can Wear Police Are Pigs Socks

  1. Poor dumb and uninformed asshole. He dumb! He be trippin. He be libbin’ up to dee sturyo-type mang! He isn’t destined to change anything and he won’t be remembered for this display of dumbassery!

  2. Wait a minute! I thought he was a muzzie? What’s he doing with pork on him?

    This guy’s 15 minutes are almost up. Stuff a ham sandwich up his tail pipe and let him dig it out if he wants to go anywhere. Don’t care which way you interpret the pipe part. Either way, it works for me.

  3. This guy reminds me of Obama, an unwanted seed abandoned by his loser parents, raised by white grandparents in a comfortable home.

    Does this douche have any gratitude? Hell no. He’s a cancer cell attempting to devour its host.

    Hopefully someone will fuck him up in tonight’s game and that his offensive line will accidentally miss some blocking assignments.

  4. Just keep in mind that this whole BLM thing started with a sketchy shit swastika and some other asshole football players. We have come full circle, and we are about to go around again.

  5. The Obama comparison is 100%. Same resulting pathological personality, too.

    Both illegitimate, throwaway ‘mistakes’. Shiftless black ‘travelin’ man” knocks up foolish young white chick, then splits. Spoiled teen mom dumps biracial ‘punishment baby’ to be raised by kindly, affluent grandparents.
    Both grow into ungrateful, hate-filled, racist attention whores.

    No sympathy from me. This kid’s made a lot of dumb-luck money, and doesn’t seem bright enough to keep it.
    Either the current girlfriend or the next will pull a Mile Tyson on him and he’ll wind up under a bridge or in a cell next to O.J.

  6. $61 million guarantee on salary and your feelings got a booboo about America? I’m glad you’re passionate about something but maybe you should’a checked with someone before this “showing of your ass”. College learnt y’all nuttin at all!

  7. Gee Wally, he’s got a 6 year, $114,000,000 contract. How much of that is he giving to his “oppressed” buthas? If he is so passionate about this maybe he should put his money where his big mouth is he should be giving $1,000 to 114,000 needy, oppressed Blacks and live at their level just to show “solidarity”!

  8. C*ck sucker got 114 million votes because we were suckered into believing, at the end of the day, we’d be feeling pretty darned good about watching him deliver. No one cares about the color of his skin. Worthless f*ck dropped the ball. Big time. Send his sorry, ungrateful ass to the middle east, wearing his grade school sox. And give his money to the treasury. They’re about to go broke funding all those blacks who refuse to work.

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