Milwaukee Becoming Famous For Something Other Than Beer – IOTW Report

Milwaukee Becoming Famous For Something Other Than Beer


Chicago’s armpit hasn’t seen murder rates like these since took a look into Jeffrey Dahmer’s refrigerator. The August murder rate in Milwaukee was actually higher than Chicago’s, now that’s saying something.




6 Comments on Milwaukee Becoming Famous For Something Other Than Beer

  1. Clearly it’s that racist Sheriff David Clarke, who claims to be a Democrat. It’s really him that goes out and ‘takes care o’ bidness’ like a boss. Or a mechanic, like Charles Bronson.
    If I could, I’d vote for him another ten terms for Sheriff.

  2. Hey Brad! I’ve been looking at the stats ‘Hey Jackass’ puts up on Shytown shootings. There is a business opportunity here.

    These negroes can’t shoot fer’ shit. We could fix that.

    I’m thinking urban centric firearms training. Set up a couple of locations and teach realistic engagement techniques.

    I can see the course titles already. “How to effectively engage from the back seat of a BroHam during a Drive By.”

    “Compensating after a few hits off the Crack Pipe and Still Being Effective in Returning Fire.”

    “One on One Attacks, Never a Good Idea, It’s why we have Gangs.”

    “Shoot the Muthafucka in the Head, Negro!”

    Whadda’ you think?

  3. A New Milwaukee sitcom is coming out with a banging theme song:

    Laverne and Lashonda

    Shlemiel, schlemazel, Bitchs an’ Hos Incorporated
    We’re gonna do it
    Give us more welfare and we will take it
    Pass any law and we will break it
    We’re gonna make your nightmares all come true
    Doin’ it our way

    The police ain’t gonna turn us back now
    We gon’ shoot up the town and sell the crack now
    When Milwaukee is toast we’re coming after you
    Doin’ it our way

    Our way, yes, our way
    All you honkies are screwed
    When we do it our way
    Yes, our way

  4. @Lowell – teaching them how to use the weapons they steal would only be a good idea if they were confined, like in a zoo. If they could only shoot each other it’s a win-win but they can go into other parts of the city, suburbia, or the countryside. That’s exactly what they’ll do when the EBT cards stop working after the financial crash, and they never fight one-on-one, so the less accurate they are, the better.

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