The Best Part of Electing Trump President Will Be… – IOTW Report

The Best Part of Electing Trump President Will Be…

I’ve got a few,  but I want to know what everybody else thinks.

94 Comments on The Best Part of Electing Trump President Will Be…

  1. We won’t have to look at a big black wookie in the White House presiding over children’s school lunches. We won’t hear Melania say “for the first time in my life I am proud to be an American.”

  2. Watching all the foreign shitpickles that paid the Clinton’s for influence, favors, powers, under aged girls have a collective shit hemorrhage.

    Pride in all things American. Feeling secure. Not having to press 2 por Espanol, energy independence and FU to the Saudi’s.

  3. “we could dig up some dirt on the South Lawn … and we would plant a wonderful garden that would be a space for us to talk about the food we eat.”

    We will have a green lawn back on the South Lawn instead of watermelons and a mustard green vegetable garden. A place where children will again haven an Easter Egg Roll.

  4. Border security, the END of “Sanctuary cities”. The return of the rule of law with our police officers once again being, valued respected, and BACKED. MUCH lower Corporate and Individual tax rates. Solid SCOTUS justice appointments should the need arise, and it will. The repeal and replacement of Obamacare with common sense reforms that will spur the desperately needed competition we are lacking now. A FULL STOP on both ILLEGAL and the LEGAL immigration that comes from countries that either hate us or are infested with Muslim “extremists”. And, most of ALL the pride that will come from having a POTUS who is not owned by anyone, who LOVES America, will never apologize for her and will NEVER bow to ANYONE.

  5. Gonna be funny. All the sudden the real jobless & homeless numbers will be reported as a Trump failure. Two dollar gas prices will be toooooooooooooooo high:) and … and … damn, all caused by Trump

  6. The “we’re sorry world” bunch of ugly pictures will be updated and postedwith uglier and stupider pictures.

    Yup. Leftists holding hands and singing in the streets:

    All we are saying blah blah blah

    give peace a chance blah blah blah

    Can’t wait.

  7. I want him to pick a kickass head of DOJ who will properly investigate and prosecute ANY and ALL who were involved in FAST AND FURIOUS, and personally frog march them to Leavenworth.

  8. Waking up on the morning after the election and not hearing that hellary is President and thanking God for deliverance from evil averted. I think that Trump like Esther in the Bible was born for such a time as this. And the noose/gallows that hellary made on which to destroy the American people will be used on her and the democraps.

  9. And after that shake-like-a-dog-shitting-peaches those boneheads will coalesce into a visible single team against President Trump. Gonna be rough for awhile I think.

    This will be a good thing. Our citizens will be able to see the forces allied against true freedom.

    Free market Trump will outsmart those socialist pig in fed gov

  10. I would say having a REAL MAN with big brass ones in the Oval Office, but knowing Trump, I bet he paid to have his plated with 18K gold.

    A first lady who is intelligent, classy, and gorgeous to die for. Who will immediately rip up the ugly carpeting and take down the horrible painting in the Family Dining Room.

    I WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO RELAX. The Obama Administration has turned me into a depressive worrywart, and his policies are killing me in a number of dfife rent ways. I can’t name another president in my adulthood who has had such a bad impact on my peace of mind and my personal happiness.

  11. @ Jethro, what a brilliant idea to take time off to help build the wall. Another way Trump can get the wall built – volunteer patriotic Americans pitching in to the do work. Instead of pitching in pennies to build a Statue of Liberty we can all in pitch in a donation of money and/or time.

  12. GFY — Boy, you said a mouthful! So many great “Best Part”(s), but your last para truly sums it all up for me.

    I think back to last year and the first exposure to Trump’s outrageous clarity and unvarnished, un-PC statements and I was thinking at how unbelievably refreshing (and entertaining) it will be to hear him in his first State of the Union address.

    I also look forward to his weekly radio address where he gives an update of all the fraud, waste and gov’t abuse that’s been identified, eradicated and prosecuted.

    I am also looking forward to seeing his sense of humor — I guess he’s a pretty funny guy, but we haven’t seen as much of that as we will when he doesn’t have #NT on his back.

  13. hahahh Easy – watching my most-lefty friend go bonkers for the next eight years. And not needing to say a damn word to start him off. hahahah His bi-polar ways won’t allow him to be sane. Unpossible! hahah

    Remember – this is the guy with the OBAMA plate in Texas.

    ohhhh. This will be good. And juicy!

    Doin’ the “we won” dance in front of him will be sweet.

  14. OT, any of you Instagram people I recently started following Donaldjtrumpjr. I got to tell you it’s become the highlight of my day when he posts something. The guys one of us. Merica.

  15. Brad – maybe this isn’t “who we are” but I’d really like to hear Trump use Obama’s infamous “because We Won” phrase when the lefties are bitching and moaning about his policies. 🙂

  16. Yea well that sure is helm isn’t “This isn’t who we are” now is it. My prediction is if we get Trump in office you won’t hear any shit like this. What you will hear is what politician is standing between us and the recovery.

  17. Separation of powers fully enacted and enforced.

    The president and the judiciary cannot legislate,
    exec. orders repealed, corporations will not receive tax dollars to relocate out of the country, federal agencies cannot legislate through agency rules and edicts.

    A government that cannot pick winners and losers in business bailouts.
    Get the country out of debt.
    Encourage, creativity and Create a level playing field for individuals and businesses to succeed.
    Rebuild the military, increase technological superiority.
    Regain control of the internet and free speech.
    Implement a National work fare program. To remain on welfare you must work for local towns, cities, counties or states to get back on your feet and contribute to society in a reasonable time. Other wise they will be cut from the welfare rolls permanently.
    Eliminate the designation of hyphen Americans. Eliminate Dept. of Education, Dept. of Labor, EPA and return confiscated US land by BLM back to the states.
    Return the Power back to the states to decide what they believe to be best for them. Cut salaries of representatives and senators Congress and get rid of the perks and benefits they receive that far greater than the public. They shall live under the same legislation, rules and laws as do the public.

    Bring back the sense of self worth, patriotism and respect.
    Get the UN out of the US and the US out of the UN. They are an impediment to liberty and self rule.

  18. I don’t have a clue where to start on this. The Supreme’s would be a good start and then arrest all the muzzie scum obama has appointed to destroy this country. It would be an added bonus if he were to arrange for liberal scum like pelosi and reid to have fatal accidents or illnesses!

  19. Just being able to quietly snicker behind the backs of the lefties who were counting on a Hillary victory. Oh and being able to have free expression again. Oh and reopening The Dog Room!

  20. Waking up and seeing absolute asshats = Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, and Mika Brzezinski getting served. Their absolute dominate world view on an absolute perfect leader will be crushed. We the people win.

  21. As a Canadian, I anticipate Trump’s victory to spread beyond the USA’s borders and inspire “closet” conservatives – national leaders as well as populace – to likewise grow a spine and speak up against the march of the cultural Marxism which lusts after utopia while keeping the city gates open to barbarians, threatening all of civilization.

    Oh yeah, to be a fly on the wall when The Donald lambastes Canada’s arrogant shallow selfie-taking narcissist useful idiot radical leftist PM Trudeau.

  22. Having my dad stop being so damn depressed and actually TRY to find work again, I miss the ‘old’ him. Hopefully between prayer and Trump helping the economy along, it’ll work it’s magic.

  23. Watching Hillary go to prison for breeching our National Security, getting American Citizens slaughtered in Benghazi, and using an alleged charitable foundation as her personal slush fund and ATM machine.

  24. We almost made it with out a negative, but there had to be one. Glad that’s out of the way.

    Watching Hillary dance at the end of rope, Obama claim political asylum in Kenya and Bill Clinton tossed into general population to serve out his life sentence as a serial rapist and pedophile.

  25. Thumb hurts from all the way numbs up!

    How about seeing that Trump receives a historically high percentage of the black vote, and wins Hispanics and women. That would be something,.

  26. Abigail Adams, it’s true. Earlier this year I realized that the things that are making me dissatisfied with my life can all be blamed on libs. The degree of worry that Obama’s ham-handed leadership promotes has put me in a state of depression and anxiety that I just can’t shake off. His failure to enforce immigration law makes my work life a living Hell, as I have seen a huge uptick in the number of illegals I have to help at work. They’re all very high-maintenance, and frustratingly stupid. Every time I have to use the rest room at work I pray that there isn’t a tranny rapist in there. I have been relentlessly bullied by two minority co-workers at work, and for this I can thank Obama for the great sense of overentitlement he has given them. Even though i don’t have an Obamacare policy, my own health insurance and care has been profoundly affected by the ACA. Finally, I can barely pay my bills, partly because I am paying so damn much in taxes for crap like illegal benefits, a Federal system of corrupt agencies, and Obamaphones.

    T R U M P 2 0 1 6!

  27. @jethro/eugenia

    great stuff from you. how about everyone buying a brick that you can personalize? libs love doing that for streets, walkways etc. your message can be english on one side, spanish on the other!

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