Obama Backs Colin Kaepernick – IOTW Report

Obama Backs Colin Kaepernick

Obama backs Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest and says he is ‘exercising his constitutional right.’ 
“He’s concerned about legitimate issues.”
Funny how Obama doesn’t cite “constitutional rights” for any freedom fighter who, hmmm, I don’t know, wears an American flag shirt on Cinco de Quatro.

22 Comments on Obama Backs Colin Kaepernick

  1. Barack Obama, Jeh Johnson, Susan Rice, Valarie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Lisa Jackson (former EPA) – the power list goes on. I fail to see any repression.

    Not to mention all of the black entertainers, sports figures, black media, local government officials, holidays, academics, etc., etc. I fail once again to see the repression.

    Useful idiots exploiting the most destructive wedge issue with the greatest potential to divide the country even further. The wonderful aspect of free speech, the idiots will reveal themselves. Don’t give in and become a pawn.

  2. I also have a Constitutional right. I have the right to not pay for any NFL tickets or goods. And at some point to write to NFL sponsors and let them know I am not happy with the NFL anti-Americanism.

  3. 1A reaffirms that government can not pass laws to repress an individual’s speech(among other things) It most definitely does not forbid the 49ers from firing his ass.

    And you have to wonder how come our universities are forbidding certain speakers from coming to campus. Or how come people who believe AGW is a scam are being threatened with loss of their job or prison. How about those homos in CA that hounded contributors to the amendment saying marriage was one man-one woman, and hounded is putting it nicely.

    Or the tsunami of hate unleashed on N Carolina for stating boys will use the boy’s bathroom? I mean, this shit just goes on & on.

    How come it seems that the left can cover themselves with 1A whenever they need, which is fine, but when our side states our values, suddenly it’s outside the bounds of protection?

    Fucking REGressives. Bet your ass if they had the power to herd us into cattle cars, and that is the reason for the push to kill 2A, they wouldn’t hesitate.

  4. Of course he does. They are both half black half white raised by whites, which they hate because they hate their black culture of MIA daddies. Which of course they blame on the whites. Not to mention they both are dumb as rocks and insane koranimals.

  5. As soon as Obama reads a newspaper and finds out that capp’s girlfriend is a jihadi activists, I see a WH dinner invitation. Hell as a twofer Obama might also include clock mo.

  6. Shame Obola hasn’t read that pesky 2nd Amendment yet … that twatwaffle wouldn’t be able to mock our Anthem if it wasn’t for the men who died giving him that “right.”

    Fuck him, fuck Obola, and fuck the NFL.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. As usual, Obama jumps the gun: Before inviting him to the WH, I suggest he review the entirety of Kapernick’s remarks. He also said that Hillary belongs behind bars. I would love to hear the dinner conversation when that topic comes up.

  8. Obama is correct – Kaepernick’s exercising his Constitutional right to make a statement. And Obama’s exercising his Constitutional duty to stick his nose into every sociological question, dispute, or problem that arises in America, no matter how small or meaningless it may be.

    What’s that you say? There is no such Constitutional requirement for a President to do that?

    Well, you coulda fooled me…

  9. Then Barry, I’m sure, doesn’t mind that we are exercising our constitutional right not to respect him because he is a despicable, putrid, flaming, dirtbag, scum-eating asshole!

  10. He started out sticking his nose where it didn’t belong, and we had a Beer Sumit.
    He’s sticking it, again where it don’t belong. These are not not presidential issues.

    The are also some places, rather than issues, a president should never, ever, stick his nose in, though in the current situation it’s probably too late.

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