Admin Girl and Buddy Holly – IOTW Report

Admin Girl and Buddy Holly

Col. Angus writes-
I am still kinda numb over Admin Girl’s passing.
She was the first person I corresponded with at iOTWreport.
I started coming to site within days of Peter UK’s passing, good ol’ PUK and the PUK Awards.
I sent an email to the ‘contact us’ address and asked if it would be possible to note Buddy Holly‘s birthday on Sept. 7. I got a nice reply from Admin Girl, she said that she had lived in Lubbock while attending Texas Tech, and was a big fan. She put up a brief post, and the banner on that day said something like “Hello Lubbock, Texas. Happy birthday Buddy Holly.”
I was overwhelmed by her gesture. It turned out that many of the regulars that were also fans.
If you’re inclined to post something this coming 9/7, Holly‘s 80th, your readers would appreciate it, and for me, personally, it would be more of a tribute to Admin Girl.  – Col. Angus

 From Colonel Angus, In Tribute To Buddy Holly’s 80th Birthday


17 Comments on Admin Girl and Buddy Holly

  1. I hope they’re rocking out together in heaven. Admin Girl was awesome but I did not know that she was gorgeous as well.
    Dear Big Fur Hat and the entire iOTWreport family, I am so very sorry for your loss. (((Hugs)))

  2. How is it that some few people I’ve not met, their passing, works on me? Admin girl, Survey Punk (from another venue, Jim Baugh in real life) both passed this year.

    Both losses mattered. I had not the pleasure of meeting either in person.

    I’m of the age where I attend a lot more funerals than weddings. Some are celebrations of long lives well lived and the gathered hold up those departed as examples of how you do this thing we call life.

    Others, not so much. Young people, taken from us far too soon. Those feel like crime scenes. And they are. We were robbed of their presence, their being,the parts they played on this stage.

    I understand mortality. I do not understand the fickleness of the timing.

  3. We have been to several of Buddy Holly’s birthday parties. Assorted folks of all ages and a surprising number of foreign visitors, too. I wonder what Buddy Holly would have achieved if he was not gone too soon?

  4. I never got to meet Buddy, talked to both his brothers a couple of times. His dad used to come in to the hi fi store where I worked and tell us of finding some I more tapes Buddy made at somebody’s house. I’ve often wondered whatever became of those tapes.

    I used to be a serious 45 collector and had most of his; the amazing thing to me is how many really great songs he did in 21 years. He had several hits of course but if you like his music you really owe it to yourself to listen to some of the songs that didn’t chart. ”Learning TheGame” and “Crying, Waiting, Hoping” are a couple of my favorites.

  5. Buddy was a fine musician, composer and singer. I was 13 when he first hit it big. I am so glad I was there at the beginning. He was a decent gentleman and continues to deserve to Rest In Peace. God Bless.

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