Unruly Refugee has come up with a meme.
He sent me the one where Hillary’s being helped into prison.
I did the gallows and the one leading her into the ocean.
Feel free to come up with an idea based on the iconic image of a struggling Hillary being helped and maybe we can put it together.
The following were put together by Unruly Refugee. These are Reader Submitted Suggestions.
Thank you Unruly.
(credit says SineWaveII)
I’m joining in on the fun with the following — bfh
(credit: all too much / jethro)
The next one is a modification on a Jerry Manderin idea
(too far?)
Is this a vote?
I choose the rope! Can we hang her twice?
How about a “Home for the Criminally Insane”?
How about a wood chipper. Like this one
Empire State Building
You know, a guillotine execution would be most fitting for her.
Lead her to the mouth of Hell, with her buddy Satan waiting for her.
Make her do Bill’s laundry.
Wrong picture. Here’s the one with the guillotine
Let us lead her off a short pier first, then after drowning, haul her carcass back up, hang it, then after the neck snap, put her on the rack and quarter her carcass. Hang her head on the fence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, where she always wanted to return as head bitch. Mission complete.
Throw her into a cage full of starving hogs ala Hannibal
Finally Home!
Leading into Gitmo with ball and chain
Dragging in front of firing squad
Throwing into gitmo pit with terrorist detainess cringing
In stocks on a float going down 5th avenue with a rope dangling overhead
Tarred and feathered with airdrop over Benghazi with no chute
How about a kitchen?
The drivers seat of a car?
A rubber room?
A Church?
Being led into the Queen’s Vagina at Versailles.
The airlock on the ISS.
I was going to say a snake pit. But hell, that wold just be a family reunion.
ISIS fire cage.
Put her on the Lusitania, Edmond Fitzgerald or the Andrea Doria….maybe the Hidenburg?…
Hillary being fed to the sarlacc
or the rancor
Four coal mining tractors with ropes between them to pull her apart by the limbs.
Have her tipping over the Titanic…
Lead her to the TB sanatorium.
Arkansas – http://www.abandonedar.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/cover_story1-13.jpg
Chicago – http://francesarcher.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/img099a.jpg
Ted Kennedy’s car.
walk the plank
confront Dorothy with a bucket of water
Leading her into an alligator pit.
Pitch her into a swarm of killer bees.
An old fashioned witch ducking stool.
A room filled with victims of Bill’s sexual assaults.
It’s been a long time since I read the Raj Quartet (Paul Scott) and these are now illegal in Iran and India. The old ones still exist in Iran and outside Mumba but aren’t in use. Sometime illegal ones are still discovered.
Lead her to a Tower of Silence and stake her out for the buzzards to eat after she dies from exposure, dehydration, starvation.
Graphic images at the end. Just so you know.
Going into Fort Marcy Park.
A cattle squeeze chute.
…so she can be de-horned.
@Euginia – Fascinating. Thanks.
An open side door of her new campaign jet. At 35,000 feet.
A tub filled with liquified BleachBit.
A training class on national secret protection.
A meeting with Ambassador Stevens.
The debate stage, later this month.
Her past.
There are plenty of illegal pit bull fighting rings in parts of Ohio. Rub her down in bloody raw meat and pitch her to a couple dozen starving fighting dogs.
How about leading her to her master….Soros.
How about Hillary being led off a building by ISIS members?
how about harambe’s cage with a sign “don’t shoot harambe”
…to the Kaaba, with beaucoup rageboys.
Hillary being led to a grave in a corn field like Pesci at the end of “Casino.”
or that gay nightclub in orlando?
or infront of best buy with a sign “bleachbit 1/2 price”
Hillary being led onto the plank into the Sarlacc pit in “Return Of The Jedi.”
Or, even better, as a passenger on United Flight #175 on the morning of September 11, 2001.
That was the flight that so crippled the south tower of the World Trade Center that all 102 floors came crashing down exactly one hour later.
A present from Huma’s relatives, you stupid bitch!
Great moment to put her face on the granny going over the cliff that we ALWAYS get blamed for.
Cankles being led onto a space ship with a copy of “To Serve Man” in her hand.
An open septic tank.
Any rat infested sewer.
A dairy farm manure pit.
Out the back of a C-130 with no parachute
How about out the back door of a C-130 at about 20,000 ft?
That meme looks like how she was probably escorted out of lesbian bars back in the day. Bars she used to sneak into before the coughing fits.
Aztec human sacrifice.
Her worst nightmare
How about walking her into an emergency room or an alcohol rehab center?
Jerry Manderin- Ooh that’s a good one.
Draw and quartering, with horses waiting to pull in all directions. Then head upon a pike on the White House fence.
Dragging her to the judgement seat of God.
Honestly, last I heard Traitors are still killed by Gigi g squad. Google it. Her freinds should be included.
Volcano w/ hot lava, and fat ass bitch assisted interface
#BasketofDeplorables #CrookedHillary’s ROMNEY MOMENT! VIDEO
The best one is the hangman noose, hands down.
Photoshop that wide-mouthed pointing shot of Clinton screeching at a fan for Commodore Decker as he goes into the Doomsday Machine.
Hillary being led to that room in the dog pound in “Lady And The Tramp” where Nutsy was put down.
sig94. Sorry! I scrolled down too fast. I just saw your ROTJ idea. You beat me to the Sarlaac pit. Wait. Is that a good thing?
Nobody thought of this?
Leading her to a podium at the debate stage, with Trump standing at his podium, impatiently looking at his watch.
Building labeled “Hospice”
At a rodeo, toward a bull riding chute
At a launch pad, toward a rocket labeled “Mission to Mars”
Lead her into the Time Tunnel and transport her back to a time when people would actually burn cunts like her at a stake!
Leading her towards the ISIS cage where the guy was burned alive. She wants to bring these savages into the country to kill us so it’d be fitting.
“Ted Kennedy’s car” …hilarious!
Lead her into Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s office.
I like the air lift the best.
If I had the time and shop-foo I would do the ‘300-hole’.
The morning after Trump’s landslide victory…
Hillary alone in her apartment…Huma’s left…Bill’s long gone.
Chelsea hightailed it.
Nobody…not even her formerly sycophantic media, are even returning her calls.
Her whole life has been dedicated to becoming president, and it didn’t happen.
THAT would be a fitting punishment.
whatever happens, i wish that she’d “get busy living, or get busy dying”.
How about Tar and Feathers and being run out of the country on a rail!
There are simply too many good ones to care which was best. About 3/4 way down the screen my wife said behind me, “That’s a wicked laugh.” Yep.
Jabba but not the Sarlacc pit?
There’s something about the term “Leading Hillary” that sends shivers up my spine.
I prefer to call her “Trailing Hillary”. Let’s keep the polls like that all the way until election time.
“Too far?”
You just got the wrong Kennedy’s car.
Jethro’s debate one is gold.
St. Peter’s Pearly Gates, on the way out.
Toward Cthulhu…..
lead her over the wall Trump is gonna build
Too far? Not at all! how about leading her to the VIP box at Ford’s Theater for a performance of Our American Cousin?
In the car with Thelma and Louise as they ride to their doom.
This fun!
Take her to any Pakistani town. Put a sign around her neck that reads ‘I crapped on the Koran’ and toss her to the mob.
From my husband – lead her to the railroad tracks at night and tie her there.
What a creative and ‘Deplorable’ group we are. ROFLMAO
I love you guys.
There are so many excellent ways to deal with HRC and her fa-toss. One of the most effective would be solitary confinement.
A catheter store with a nice poop stain.
How about a video of the Hildebeest, Mrs. Danger, Cheryl, Bill, Sid, & Chelsea all riding the coaster into Mr. Bonestripper…..
I love the gates of hell one and rehab is appropriate. How about Gitmo?
How about a nice cell waiting for her at Pelican Bay.
Kennedy pic is not too far. It is obviously meant to draw the viewer’s attention to how far the Democrat Party has fallen since Camelot. Yeah, that’s it.
To a field full of the souls of the Clinton Dead.
OK, this one probably qualifies as cruel and unusual, but…
Lock her up in a self-driving car and send it to East Texas, with a bumper sticker on the car that reads, “I’M THE COMMIE LESBIAN THAT OBAMA SENT TO TAKE AWAY YOUR GUNS”.
(Estimated survival time: Depends on the local availability of rope and a suitable tree.)
“Too far?”
Many thanks for ‘shopping that for me Fur.
She’s not a virgin but how about throwing her into the mouth of a volcano??
or to the top of an Aztec ceremonial virgin sacrificing temple. Acknowledging, of course as KatieCunt (dam, that was fun) did, Hill’s reputed non-vingin status.
Thanks BFH. Tons of fun.

Lol, you created my vision, that’s awesome!
Put a mortuary’s name on the van they load her into.