Be Careful With Julian Assange – Don’t Hyperventilate Over Possible Hillary Wikileak Only To Have It Fall Flat – IOTW Report

Be Careful With Julian Assange – Don’t Hyperventilate Over Possible Hillary Wikileak Only To Have It Fall Flat

If Assange releases an October surprise against Hillary, great. But in the meantime I’m not going to promote his announcements of the forthcoming “devastating leaks” with the breathless anticipation he is counting on from right-wing media. That could be part of his ploy.

I’m just not buying that the ardent leftist is dedicating this election cycle to helping, in a de facto way, Trump.

Just before Andrew Breitbart died he said he was working on breaking some footage of Obama that could change the course of the election.

I thought that he had probably secured the Holy Grail, the LA Times tape of Obama toasting PLO operative Rashid Khalidi at a Jew-bashing fest.

After Andrew’s death, Joel Pollack and Ben Shapiro unveiled the much anticipated surprise. It was footage of Obama in college participating in a campus event that featured a radical leftist professor, Derrick Bell.

Had it not been overblown before its release it would have been a fine political counterpunch. But the anticipation made the reality feel flat. We know Obama was a typical leftist college student. Seeing those two make the tour with their “bombshell” footage made me feel like George C. Scott in Hardcore. I found myself screaming at the TV, “make it stop. MAKE IT STOP!” Every time they showed it I felt Obama’s poll numbers rise, which wasn’t the plan.

The LA Times footage would have been nuclear because the left had been denying that the footage exists. Seeing it would instantly legitimize every left-wing denial of right-wing charges. (“Hmmmmm… maybe Obama is a Muslim.”)

So be wary of Assange.

The “devastating leak” could be something calculatingly designed to make everyone go, “that’s it??”

And the collectively yawn would be in effect saying- “they really don’t have anything on Hillary, do they?”

Factual Clinton malfeasance would be swept away with the same collective one hand wave- “you got nothin'”

It’s just the way human nature works. Assange knows that.

I be more inclined to respond to Assange’s promised leaks by saying, “do we really need your leaks? Hillary is pretty much disqualified as it is, it’s just that millions refuse to admit it. Do your leaks put those doubts to rest, or not?”

Now, if the October surprise is indeed a bombshell, I apologize to Mr. Assange.

He really would be putting what’s right before protecting the party he is more aligned with. That would be very admirable.


25 Comments on Be Careful With Julian Assange – Don’t Hyperventilate Over Possible Hillary Wikileak Only To Have It Fall Flat

  1. I don’t hear the Trump campaign mention Assange at all. They seem to be doing quite well right now. And Hillary is her own worst enemy right now. Assange may have to pick up the pace if he hopes to be relevant in her collapse. Maybe.

  2. For me, the best thing about Assange is the added stress he puts on the sick old hag. That alone has got to add a few more milligrams of something in the pharma stew she consumes. Sorry, Mr. Gohmert.

  3. I don’t think that the real info Andrew Breitbart really had has ever seen the light of day. I think that what got put out after his death was just some cover shit. I think the real info went to the grave with him and either his publishers didn’t have the bombshell info or they were scared of ending up dead like Andrew.

  4. I think thirdtwin had it right when he said that it’s putting more and more stress o the old hag. She does not know what he has because she let too many people have their fingers on the computer. I won’t put all of my wondering about what Assange has, he had enough to sink Debbie Wasserman, and he may have enough to sink Hillary. However, Hillary is doing a good job of sinking herself. When all is said and done and Assange comes out with his wikileaks, no one will care because it is the end of Hillary.

    This song by the Doors is most appropriate for Hillary.

  5. I can’t be the only one who is tired of people claiming they can finally put an end to the illegal behavior of someone — only to find that they are blowing hot air. I simply won’t get my hopes up anymore. These people are just talkers, trying to keep their places in the news cycles. I’m waiting for TRUMP. If God wills, they will be just bugs on his windshield.

  6. Next week…

    *pause* *deep breath, then rapidly*

    Next week we’re going — Stu, are we about ready on this? — next we’re going to BLOW. THE. LID. OFF.

    Of something.

    Stay tuned.

  7. JohnS has been put on assignment until after the election.
    He is a good guy, but he’s a distraction right now.
    Same with Menderman.

    There was really no role they were playing other than getting people pissed off.
    Piss us off on November 9th. That’s fine.
    Until then, wtf do they want from people who are committed to voting for Trump?

  8. unless he’s got Illary on video biting heads off chickens, feeding babies to a wood-chipper & skull-fucking Obama, Media will declare ‘nothing to see here … she’s as pure as the driven snow’
    Assange is all hat & no cattle

  9. Well, meh.

    That’s my response to anyone claiming to have info on anyone. If you do, then spill it. Otherwise just shut up.

    Same with “Boom!” headlines. Or so-and-so DEVASTATES so-and-so. Then you watch it and when it’s over, you go, “Where was the boom? Where was the take-down?”


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