HuffPo Pens Post Mortem – Why Hillary Lost – IOTW Report

HuffPo Pens Post Mortem – Why Hillary Lost

They run down a list. From Bill Clinton being Hillary’s worst nightmare, to David Axelrod, who tweets about Hillary in unkind ways, hey have their excuses lined up.


12 Comments on HuffPo Pens Post Mortem – Why Hillary Lost

  1. she hasn’t lost yet.
    the smell of massive voter fraud is strong in her.

    all they have to do and they are good at it is dump fraudulent votes in a few key precincts in high population density areas like large cities and they take the state.

    I hope trump voters all wear red to the polls.

  2. Yeah, they’re gonna move to Canada … like ticks prey on other ticks.

    This is another “see what I wrote in September?” if she loses, and conveniently forgotten if she “wins.” More fucking bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

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