Ted Cruz Sanesplains To Glenn Beck Why He’s Voting For Trump – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Sanesplains To Glenn Beck Why He’s Voting For Trump

Glenn Beck grills Cruz. After every question he puts his hands behind his back and saunters around the fake oval office as if he’s Melvin Belli.

Beck’s core principle is “righteous posturing.” His lackeys in the studio, who began as coffee boys, have been elevated to mouthpieces of merit. Why, I have no idea. Their views are asinine, amounting to pouting that Cruz has moved on to blocking Hillary having the pick of 3-4 Supreme Court justices who will strip America of our founding principles.

They sit there like morons, clinging to the meaningless and ineffectual “I can’t vote for either” mantra.

That they sit there, day after day, listening to the pissdribble that spills out of Beck’s mouth, and never get up and leave and say, “I’ve had enough,” means they are either dumb as shite or they are in it for the money.


After Cruz signs off Beck goes into dopey meltdown. He calls Ted Cruz dishonorable and says that Cruz isn’t for the concept that “all men are created equal, all men have the right to pursue happiness and make their own godd@mn decision.”

Uhh, Cruz just made his own decision and he believes this is the best decision to preserve and pursue his happiness, you over-annunciating, phony blowhard.


My favorite comment regarding Beck’s lament that he didn’t support Rubio —

“But Glenn, if you had gone with Rubio instead of Cruz, wouldn’t you have been disregarding what god supposedly told you? Or did you forget that part?” – rloomis3


63 Comments on Ted Cruz Sanesplains To Glenn Beck Why He’s Voting For Trump

  1. Sorry, didn’t listen to the whole thing.
    Cruz has a gift with words…
    …whether they mean anything or not
    (i.e. I don’t trust him anymore).

    As far as Glenn Beck:
    An “oval office” stage?!?
    Beck is f*cking megalomanaical.

    “There is no difference between the two.”
    Beck being nuts reflects only upon Glenn.

    p.s. Per Beck’s own request,
    I’d LOVE to cover him in a bucket of blood.
    His own.

  2. THIS. This right here is one of the reasons I was pissed off at Cruz about. (Whom I supported so I’m not being a hater. Calm down. lol)
    BECK. Fucking Glenn Beck is a curse on everything he touches.
    And I’m pretty sure he touches himself A LOT.

  3. I liked his Fox show, mainly because of the interesting guests. I found authors like Ronald Pestritto, author of Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism via Beck on Fox.

    After a while I felt as if Beck’s show was becoming a cult of personality and lunacy. IMO, the fake Oval Office set was one of the final indications of an gigantic unhinged ego, along with many other things that were pointed out at iOTW. I completely stopped watching ANY Beck material about 4 years ago.

    Similar to cutting off the cable TV a few years back, I now look back at that stuff and ask myself how on Earth I could have ever been entertained by such tripe, I wonder how I ever could have regularly watched Beck’s material.

  4. To ridicule the strategy of picking the best of the 2 available choices presented to you in a presidential race (after 16 choices on your side were available) you have to do a lot of mental gymnastics, gyrations, convolutions and whistling past the graveyard for my tastes.
    Pick the better candidate for your self-interest and try again next time.

    Allowing the absolute worst choice for your own self-interest in the name of fart-cupping principles gets you to a very bad, bad place.
    Things don’t get better by subjecting yourself to a Hillary Rodham Clinton.
    The strategy is asinine.

  5. Beck is an example of why you DO NOT TAKE THE LORD’S NAME IN VAIN.

    Suggesting that God spoke to you and said that Cruz was “his pick,” only to be disavowing the man mere months later, is why Beck is not, in my opinion, a Christian.

    Rule Number One of God Club – Don’t Talk About God That Way.

  6. Tomorrow, he’ll call Cruz a woman hater because he’s voting Trump and not Hillary.
    Just like he said that Conservatives who would rather have voted for Gingrich than 0bama were rayciss because they’re the same! The SAME, do you hear?! THE SAAAAME!!!!
    As long as you’re not doing what Beck says, you’re wrong. End of story.
    I say, anything Beck tells you to do, do the opposite. lol

  7. “Hillary having the pick of 3-4 Supreme Court justices who will strip America of our founding principles.”

    No man, elected, appointed or otherwise, can strip anybody of America’s founding principles unless those who would be stripped acquiesce to that imposition.

    This is where the world, and the global initiative as a whole have America pegged wrong.

    So elect Hillary and let her future Supreme Court strip away whatever they want.

    1. I won’t give up my weapons.
    2. I’ll still resist however possible.
    3. I’ll never submit to Islam or Shariah Law.
    4. I’ll continue to have faith in God and his son, and our savior Jesus Christ.

    The bottom line is that you can’t FORCE anyone to do anything if they don’t want to do it.

    The tougher path is the more righteous one.

  8. Tsunami –

    Alone in your jail cell or coffin with your principles.
    That’s not my idea of my founding principles not having been stripped.

    If it were as easy as you imply the settlers would’ve still been in England.

  9. America managed to vote itself a Marxist, put millions of people on welfare and imported terrorist/terrorism and is setting one race against others, and Congress does nothing to stop it. I have Republican mailers coming to my home saying that we should re-think gun control. A little more control isn’t all bad, they say.
    REPUBLICAN mailers. Not Democrat. So yes, the supremes are important. Because after that goes, it’s civil war, if you still have your gun and you’re somehow not a political prisoner. And the civil war- it won’t just be one side against the other, it’ll be many sides.

  10. What prevented America from not being ruled like Great Britain?

    I think you’ll find it was laws. Poetic talk is nice, but the talk is backed up by law and the tip of a spear.
    Our founding principles can most definitely be taken away from you. If you’re shooting at the government, you’re pursuit of happiness has been taken away, unless your secret desire, your secret happiness, was to shoot it out with a tyrannical government.

  11. I grew up in a socialist country and lived in one dictator infested nation for short time. Unless you have lived in that setting you have no fucking clue how bad shit could get. NONE.

  12. “unless your secret desire, your secret happiness, was to shoot it out with a tyrannical government.”

    Flash Bang in the middle of the night, you’re dead within 1 minute. It’ll take lots more organization than shaking your fist in the air. If it comes to that, you better start recruiting your local LE agency. The Flash Bang will probably not be thrown by them.

  13. It’s important to get the lawmakers’ heads right FIRST. So we don’t have to go out and team up with lo-fos. Lo-fos are deadweight and they don’t know why we’re pissed off at behemoth government. The biggest problem with lo-fos is education.

  14. I listened to the asinine interview between Beck and Cruz. Hey, Beck. Cruz signed a pledge to support whomever won the Republican nomination for President. So Beck, doesn’t Cruz’s WORD mean anything to you? Isn’t giving your word considered to be a PRINCIPLE?
    As you put it, Beck, I’m a brown shirt. And Hillary called me deplorable. You think I’m going to listen to ANYTHING you have to say to me? Just shut up, get the hell off the air, and go away. Forever.

  15. “If it were as easy as you imply the settlers would’ve still been in England.”

    And there’s the gist of the underlying problem right there, BFH.

    I’m only implying that the premise is ‘simple’. Nobody ever said it should be EASY.

    Those people who left England and FOUNDED this country EXPECTED to be thrown in jail for TREASON.

    The pledged the LIFE, their FORTUNES, and their SACRED HONOR.

    Ultimately, the Founding Fathers understood and honored what we have forgotten, or should I say have rejected.

  16. MJA,

    “Why do commies and muslims still exist?”

    Because we, as a predominantly and increasingly effete society, have CHOSEN not to eradicate the problem; only to justify our inaction.

  17. BFH,

    “What prevented America from not being ruled like Great Britain? I think you’ll find it was laws.”

    Laws are only suggestions enforceable by the honor principle of the individual willing to abide by them.

    Think about that the next time you catch yourself going 40 in a 25 mph zone.

    …..or getting shot at, and possible killed in a Gun Free Zone.

  18. Czar, To be fair, that doesn’t address what Tsunami was addressing. I spent the week end at a gun show and I could not count the number of dirt bags with few teeth that stood in front of our table drooling on our weapons that there’s no way they could afford all wearing “From My Dead Cold Hands” Tee shirts. So I’m a little saturated with that mentality. If the shit hits the fan these people would be of little or no help.
    However, there is a scenario I believe is a real possibility that will lead to armed conflict. If Trump wins, how far will Obama go to protect his “legacy”, or to continue his policies? How much pressure will the globalist put on him to “Do Something” about Trump. I believe there’s a strong possibility the BLM has been created for this scenario and Marshal law.

  19. CZAR,and many others….,

    You are missing my point, and simultaneously making my point to others here who understand.

    The Constitution doesn’t guarantee anything. Those words on paper don’t do anything other than give an indication and an acknowledgement of those truths that the Founders held that are self-evident.

    Words on paper can change. If those changed words can change your truths, then WE are, by definition, to weak-minded to deserve our own survival as a nation. Accepting that new paradigm is an acquiescence to a new reality imposed by what will come to be as the One World Governmental System – the beast.

    If the Constitution was suddenly deemed invalid entirely and completely, would you suddenly change how you think and succumb to the will of the new ‘authority’ who decides that you need to go into the guillotine willingly merely because you dare to believe in those truths that are self-evident?

    It all boils down to this one thing: Do you REALLY believe in God, or do you believe in MAN.

    If I end up in a jail cell scheduled for termination because I chose to defend what I KNOW is right and righteous, then I make that choice willingly and with the knowledge of Psalm 23:4.

    I’m a frail sinning bastard, but I know in MY heart of hearts where my CORE is.

  20. @BFH
    In regards to the “God told me” card, at my church we have always called that the “trump card” because who can argue with that, you have to do it right?
    Kind of a coincidence

  21. The destruction of our country is inevitable no matter who is elected…the only difference between the two is how long until it takes its last breath. For some reason, people continue to believe that the last branch of the government to be untested, SCOTUS, is not bought and paid for. I would bet my last dollar that that court has already sold their souls and the principals of the founding fathers are now just fairy tales. I’m still voting Trump but have lost all hope….America was a great ride, though.

  22. Tsunami,
    I live on earth.

    The discussion started because you seemingly had an issue with the statement that our founding principles could be stripped away.

    Existential, or transcendental rights, exist on every inch of this planet, including Aleppo.
    What sets us apart from any despotic hell hole is the pact we enter with our particular nation of laws.

    That can be taken away at any time. If you don’t appreciate this, why do you live in America and not Syria?
    There is nothing special about the soil underfoot here, as a place on earth, that guarantees anything. Those guarantees, like property rights, our the ones we actually enjoy in America and value more than being naked and alone in the woods with God’s law.

    If your blissful with the rights bestowed upon you by God I applaud you.
    I’m afraid that doesn’t cut it on earth.

    Otherwise, voting for Trump is meaningless. Elections are meaningless. The constitution is meaningless. SCOTUS is meaningless.

  23. The Israelites asked Moses to talk with God on their behalf because they experienced great fear when they heard the voice of God.

    I am always leery of anybody who says “god told me” anything. Beck is a liar and a fraud.

    Exodus 20:19 – Then they said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen; but let not God speak to us, or we will die.”

  24. Otherwise, voting for Trump is meaningless. Elections are meaningless. The constitution is meaningless. SCOTUS is meaningless.

    Exactly. This is why we have elections to find someone who will “protect and DEFEND” the Constitution and it’s principle; not arbitrarily create a new set of principles based on Mob Rule (Democracy).

    They can strip the paper with the words on it, but they can’t strip the founding principles that the country was initially founded on.

    The Constitution didn’t create the founding principles; the principles of our Founding Fathers created the Constitution.

  25. “Tsunami,
    I live on earth.

    The discussion started because you seemingly had an issue with the statement that our founding principles could be stripped away.

    What sets us apart from any despotic hell hole is the pact we enter with our particular nation of laws.”

    Okay, here’s my question:

    What it would take for you, BFH, to pick up a weapon and defend the founding principles that the Constitution was based on? What is YOUR line in the sand?

  26. Tsunami and Bad Brad

    If your point is that we need to stand and fight for the principles that make our country what it is (as each of us imagines it in our pea brains), then that’s fine and well and good.

    But what is your point in context of Beck/Cruz/Trump/this thread?
    I took this as more political and less philosophical.
    Or am I still missing your point?

    Talk talk talk is all well and good until the enemy keeps steamrolling you.
    Then you need to fight back with more firepower.
    (that’s a metaphor; not getting into firearms talk here, as you two are the non plus ultra experts here on that)

    I read somewhere recently that, while Trump may not do the traditional “conservative” talk talk talk about the Constitution, he is attempting to do something FUNDAMENTAL TO OUR CONSTITUTION: restore the power to the American citizen by attacking the behemoth, faceless, indifferent but ever-hungrier State.

  27. I’m starting to interpret what’s being written here by a few that either we’ve already lost, or it’s not worth fighting for. We should establish WTF before establishing the line in the sand.

  28. “But what is your point in context of Beck/Cruz/Trump/this thread?”

    My point is that they are only men, and as such they shouldn’t be relied upon as the only one person who could either fix or STRIP us of our founding principles.

    This is why Beck is exposing himself as the charlatan that he is.

    Beck is pissed at Cruz because Cruz isn’t “George Washington”. WTF, over? Cruz is Cruz. George Washington is George Washington.

    Who does Beck put his faith into, God or Ted Cruz? The reason Beck is butthurt is because he put his faith in Cruz, which is to say, man and NOT GOD. Washington, and many of the Founders were influenced by God; not man.

  29. Man gave you your freedom of speech, not God. God took that right away once he decided to have more than one human in his garden.
    Man’s law prevented the bigger guy from shutting you the ef up the natural way.
    Without the law, God’s law won’t help you here on earth, no matter how righteous you are.
    You may be happy about seeing God quicker if it should come to “shut up or I’ll kill you,” but I’m not happy about that arrangement.

    Man gave us the protection to speak freely with laws.
    Now man is punishing us with laws if we speak freely. The law has become the big guy that could crush you into submission.

    You can claim all you want that nothing is going to prevent you from speaking your mind.
    But you’ll either end up in jail or fined, which prevents you from pursuing your happiness.

    You’re simply hung up on an esoteric point, for what reason, I really don’t know.

    The law prevents might being right.
    Now the law can potentially be the might that you need to fear.

    It makes for a great circular argument, one that I’m not interested in having.
    American law had it right in its founding principles.
    What they got right hangs in the balance if Hillary’s viewpoint becomes the law of the land.

    Remember though, having no law puts you pretty much in the same boat in regards to free speech. The bigger guy, the mightier guy, the more ruthless guy will prevent you from pursuing happiness.

    We seem to be on the same side of the argument, just thinking of it in a different way.
    It’s not worth arguing about.

  30. I find myself returning (as I often do) to a conversation in that wonderful movie,A Man For All Seasons, in which Thomas More argues for equal application of the law.

    William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!

    Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?

    William Roper: Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!

    Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ’round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!

  31. TO tsunami

    Fair enough what you say about God but, to sort of build on what Fur said, remember what Madison said:

    ”If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself.”

    We STILL need a few good MEN to LEAD men. George Washington’s great, but dead. Of the few alive, I’m going with Trump at the moment. There’s NO CONFLICT that I see here: i.e. God VS man.

  32. BFH and Tsunami

    You guys both have great points. You arguing the same thing from different angles.

    The Founders understood that your rights were God-given. They said as much numerous times. The government was instituted, with limitations, to protect those God-given rights.

    Now, evil people are trying to corrupt that government and it’s laws to usurp your God-given rights.

    Tsunami ultimately believes that God is in control. I agree with him. The U.S. is an anomaly in the history of empires. And now, that anomaly has turned its back on God and our way of life is being threatened.

    Tsunami doesn’t trust “men” to fix that and trusts God. I agree with him. BFH is hoping that men can fix he issue and protect our way of life. I hope he’s right.

    What happens if they don’t? Will you fight? What happens if socialism wins and our laws change, will you stand against it?

    What if they do imprison you? Where’s your hope? In men or in God? He can use men to further His purpose. Will He? Are we past the point of help from God? Has he turned His back on us?

    I love America. I love God more. My choice is simple. Won’t be easy. But it is simple……

  33. Mudjuice

    But if you take the “I don’t trust men” notion to its logical conclusion you must either isolate yourself or kill yourself.

    That reminds me too much of the big-balled machoSHTFers and their websites who all b!tch and whine about the government and try to convince others that there’s no point in voting. F*CK THAT. I tell ‘em to put action to their words, pick up their guns and start their war…or grow up and STFU.

    The reasonable compromise our Founders made was, as in Madison’s quote I offer above, to bridle those men whom we consent to govern us. To make that process work, the good among us MUST vote.

  34. Man gave you your freedom of speech, not God.

    Bullshit. 100%

    I suppose that MAN gave me right to self defense too?

    If you don’t think this isn’t worth arguing about, then maybe you’ve already acquiesced. Disappointing.

    It’s beginning to become more and more clear to me that some people don’t understand the difference between a right and a privilege.

    God gives and takes away rights.
    Man gives and takes away privileges.

    There is no arbitration on the subject of that truth. The problem with this world is that the people who have the privilege of power to delegate privilege think they can’t also dictate what is a right within the compass of said privilege.

    Truth dictates that the two can’t conflate.


    God’s law – Killing in cold blood is morally wrong.

    Man’s law – Abortion of an infant for reasons of vanity is perfectly okay.

    God’s law – 2+2=4.

    Man’s law – 2+2=4, only as long as no argument can be successfully disputed by the majority of people who believe otherwise. That is of course, only as long as it does not raise the possibility that said discussion of 2+2 doesn’t offend any gender, race, religion, or political affiliation.

    When you die BFH, man isn’t gonna judge you for your sins or mine.

    Man on the other hand, is convincing billions of people with no learned or natural morality or principle that there is no such thing as “sin”. See Pope Francis on this topic.

  35. deplorable muddjuice,

    Well put.

    The Founding father understood the frailty and evil that men are capable of. The tried to create a government that would PROTECT the citizenry by tying the hands of said government so that the people could prosper to the best there individual capabilities.

    The US Constitution was written and amended to create and perpetuate the atmosphere necessary to promote life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    The Founders intended the country to be a denizen of equal opportunity; NOT EQUAL OUTCOME.

    Government has steadily destroyed the intent of the document through unbridled humanism and less Godly influence.

    I believe there are those of us who still retain and practice the principles that made this country “exceptional”. All it takes is one who remains to fight the good fight.

    All that in spite of my public school education. Imagine that?

    That being said, I still maintain my original assertion: A possible totally left-wing Supreme Court can’t strip us of our founding principles; only our government-given privileges.

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