Tom Vilsack to America: Stop Wasting Food, Cut Back Portions – IOTW Report

Tom Vilsack to America: Stop Wasting Food, Cut Back Portions

PJM- WASHINGTON — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said America needs to stop wasting food, even if that means teaching people to cut back on the amount of food on their plates.

Speaking at the National Press Club on Monday, the former Iowa governor said long-term food insecurity “is a challenge, because we’re going to have to increase food production — I’ve seen anywhere from 50 to 70 percent in the next 35 years — to meet a growing world population.”

“But the first step, and the one way the USDA can provide help and assistance to meet this need, is to expand on the — on the issue of food waste,” Vilsack said. “A third of the food that we grow, raise and produce in this country is never consumed the way it was intended. It’s wasted.”  MORE

26 Comments on Tom Vilsack to America: Stop Wasting Food, Cut Back Portions

  1. Vil-SACK. Well that just says it all.

    Hey, how about you cease fretting over what I do or don’t have in my cupboard and stop inviting this vermin into our country, who’ve been given the green light that it’s o.k. to rob us before they kill us?

  2. When a One World Government is ushered in the UN will dictate what is grown, who will grow it, where it will be grown and what country receives it. Foreign Blue helmet enforcers will ensure proper portions of gruel will be ingested by all world citizens …. well, except for the world’s elite.

  3. “A third of the food that we grow, raise and produce in this country is never consumed the way it was intended. It’s wasted.”

    For a minute there I that this asshole was talking about taxes.

  4. Shit talking like this is one reason he’s been Sec/Ag since the beginning of the Obama/Jarrett nightmare. My R Rep, Mike Conaway, is a daily Vilsack Cock Gobbler so you know he’s been more then acceptable to the UniParty.

  5. Why is there so much “food” on our plates:

    Americans spend about 10 percent of their income on food, thanks to the U.S. agricultural system, while residents of other developed countries spend 20 percent. For those in developing countries, the outlay is 50 percent.

    As a result of U.S. farmers and the efficiencies of large-scale farms, Americans have more money in their pockets for things like housing, education and luxuries like vacations, Vilsack said.”

    In other words, shut up about sustainability and just be happy there’s plenty of cheap food to be had. What’s so crazy about a statement like this is the miniscule view it takes on a subject that has extraordinarily vast ramifications for human health and future generations.

    The High Cost of Cheap Food

    Within 60 years, the world’s topsoil may be completely lost.

    Potable water is quickly being depleted and becoming increasingly scarce.

    By 2050, antibiotic-resistant infections — a health crisis directly attributable to industrial farming — may kill 10 million people worldwide each year.

    Phosphorus, needed for fertilizer, may soon be completely depleted.

    …and on and on and on..

    We peddle crap for food in the US. That’s why.

  6. If you can control the food (i.e. Bayer-Monsanto) you can control the people. It’s all about control. Government has no business telling us what we can or cannot eat. They are our servants. We should have all the bastards pulling plows for us.

  7. 1984, Animal Farm, Archie Bunker, Idiocracy, all meant to be satire, Nostradamus wishes he was as accurate.
    No food gets thrown out in the Door household. Both my parents were children of the Depression and then rationing during WWII. I was trained from an early age to eat any and everything.
    We eat it, the dogs eat it, chickens eat it, worms and microbes eat it, so goes the chain.

  8. How would this asshole know who is wasting food anyway? What is he a dumpster diver?

    He is a shill for monsanto. And OT: Bayer is merging with Monsanto. They will control a great portion of the world’s food. Maybe Bayer can gene-edit Zyklon-B right into the food of certain selected groups.

  9. @Anonymous October 5, 2016 at 10:01 am

    > We all need a government minder in each and every house, how else will we survive?

    Already taken care of. They’re called “school children”.

    What problem can we solve next, for you? We’re The Government, And We’re Here To Help(TM).

  10. @ cato October 5, 2016 at 9:13 am

    Surely, you’re not suggesting that ranchers just let their livestock range free, willy-nilly, and ingest whatever they wander across? That way leads to anarchy! And, lack of data feedstock, which is wor… uh, I mean, ANARCHY!!!!!!!

  11. The guys a dick but he does make a point about wasting food and portion size. Due to some remarkable work in agriculture research the west produces a huge surplus of food. I think this has contributed to the increase in portion sizes both in restaurants and in the home. Take a real look at what you end up tossing out of the fridge on the weekly foray inside to clean it out. When you’re checking out cupboards before a holiday shopping trip how much expired stuff gets tossed.
    Same thing at restaurants. Order a club sandwich with fries and gravy. You get a huge sandwich with lots of chicken, bacon, tomatoes and lettuce. Some places toss on a cheese slice and you’ll never finish the mountain of fries they bring and you usually don’t get a small cup of gravy, you get a bowl. For us old folks out here, remember going into McD’s about 30 or 35 years ago and you’d get a lunch of 2 regular hamburgers, a small bag of fries and a small coke (maybe a large if it was a hot day). Well, check the trays now. The lunch is usually a quarter pound cheeseburger, large fries (and I mean Large), pie and a bottomless large coke (each McD’s now has a customer fill station for pop). It’s not McD’s fault, they’re only filling customer desires (although their commercials aren’t helping those with self control issues). I suspect we need to get back to portions that used to be fine a couple of generations ago, they were satisfying then and should be satisfying now (and we were a lot lighter). Be more careful about shopping like our parents were. It could save us a lot of money. By cutting down and getting more healthy we would have more food to sell overseas and would give the land a bit extra time to recover. By the way, changes to the way we eat is all voluntary, McD’s, Ruth Chris, Wendy’s, PizzaHut won’t change their approach unless the market dictates it. Hell, just do it for yourself and your pocketbook.

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