C. Steven Discusses the Trump Healthcare Plan on the Dan Proft Radio Show – IOTW Report

C. Steven Discusses the Trump Healthcare Plan on the Dan Proft Radio Show

C. Steven Tucker was on the Dan Proft radio show – Chicago’s Morning Answer- today. They spoke about last night’s debate and sorted out the stark difference between Trump’s healthcare plan and Hillary’s.

It’s worth listening to.

Tucker points out that Trump didn’t address Anderson Cooper’s “individual mandate” question as fully as he could have. Tucker says Trump has addressed it in his book, but is probably wrestling with 2 main options at this point and doesn’t need to box himself into any one solution.

18 Comments on C. Steven Discusses the Trump Healthcare Plan on the Dan Proft Radio Show

  1. Trump supports the individual mandate. He’s stated it. I remember because it pissed me off.

    I hope he changes his mind, because if he doesn’t I’ll tell him to go fuck himself just as fast as I’ve told Obama to shove it.

    I don’t CARE if Trumps plan is cheaper or is more competitive. The individual mandate is 100% bullshit.

  2. Trump has never, I repeat NEVER “supported the individual mandate”. Those who believe so are repeating the bogus narrative created by the “NeverTrumpers”. They purposely twisted an interview Trump did early on with Anderson’s pooper where he asked him about preexisting conditions. Trump expressed support for that, NOT the individual mandate.

  3. Steven,

    It’s on video somewhere. His words were, “I like the individual mandate”.

    After he said it, I was here on the board exclaiming my disgust.

    I am NOT a nevertrumper.

  4. I like the individual mandate. Where the individual takes care of his health care costs, not the government.
    If we get to set our coverage/costs, not the government, the health care system would have to accommodate us, not the other way around.

  5. I’m for the plan where everyone voluntarily gets healthcare insurance and I don’t. Then when I get sick I can get fixed up and screw over the hospital and not pay.
    Mwa hahahahahahahahahahahaahaaaaaaa.
    That’s my preferred plan! – Signed, the assholes that drive up the cost of healthcare.

  6. Before anyone claims I am advocating for an individual mandate, I’m not.
    The problems are complex.

    What I’ve illustrated above is just one of the many factors that drive up healthcare costs.
    It would be simple to say – “well, when the deadbeat takes advantage we’ll seize his assets.”

    What if they have no assets?
    What if seizing their assets creates a ward of the state, forever being on public assistance?

    This problem is extremely complex and starts with personal mindset.
    As this country lists towards the entitlement mentality, socialism, open borders, multi-culturalism that brings in its diseases as well as its very important mud huts and basket weaving, I have no faith that any system will ever work.

  7. Mandate everyone needs a minimal amount of coverage. After that get the government out of ALL OF IT. Open it up to the free market, let us get quotes from outside our state lines. Make them compete. Ever notice how comparatively cheap Lasik is?

  8. Any mandate imposed upon an individual or family is pure coercive authoritarianism. It’s dictatorial and despotic. There’s nothing “complex” about that.

    Just because healthcare may at some point be a necessity doesn’t automatically mean that everyone MUST be forced to pay for that eventuality. Government HAS NO BUSINESS telling anybody what they need, or how to acquire any service.

    Any government imposed mandate (for anything) is a direct infringement on my morality as a sovereign individual.

    It all boils down to one thing: HEALTHCARE ISN’T A RIGHT.

    There’s nothing complex about it unless you’re a bleeding heart liberal.

    It USED TO BE the Church that took care of the less fortunate among us, that is until the government incentivized them with a tax exemption status to effectively stay out of the charity business.

    Bitter pill, right. Tough shit. Grow up.

    Mandates are a slippery slope of the greasiest kind. Don’t believe me? Wait until Shariah Law takes over – the stage is being set.

    You do-gooders better wake the fuck up.

  9. “Just because healthcare may at some point be a necessity doesn’t automatically mean that everyone MUST be forced to pay for that eventuality.”

    I want the concession for supplying the ” Uninsured Dead Body Dumpsters” behind all the hospitals. Dude, you just made my head hurt. Who’s paying for your next medical emergency?

  10. Friends, Trump was referring to the mandate on health insurers that PREDATES Obamacare. Namely, the H.I.P.A.A. mandate of 1996 which requires both individual and group health insurance carriers to cover preexisting conditions so long as continuous coverage is maintained. He was NOT, I repeat NOT supporting the PPACA (Obamacare) “individual mandate”. He never has supported that and never will. Why? Because you don’t need an ‘individual mandate’ when you have healthy competition via a thriving market with a plethora of choices. I understand how this can be misconstrued and NO ONE used this confusion better to malign Mr. Trump than Ted Cruz and his allies during the primary. It worked but thankfully not well enough. I address this and more in a recent piece I wrote that reverses the false narrative Senator Cruz was pushing during the primary. It also addresses where Trump’s plan is lacking and the two choices he has to plug that hole. https://csteventucker.wordpress.com/2016/05/29/donald-trumps-health-care-plan-is-not-a-single-payer-socialized-medicine-plan/

  11. Best way to fix healthcare is to fix health insurance…..

    remove the state boundary restrictions…..

    Make it like auto insurance….any health insurance company can sell their insurance in any state.

  12. I specifically said I wasn’t advocating for mandatory purchase of insurance and you go on a rant anyway.
    I didn’t say having a mandate is complex, I said the problems associated with high healthcare costs are complex.

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