The Constitution? Not Cool – IOTW Report

The Constitution? Not Cool


22 Comments on The Constitution? Not Cool

  1. The left adores the senseless idea of a “living document.” They prefer the constitution to be a clown car of interpretations where they can pop a new clown interpretation out the door as their proclivity for growing the government progresses.

  2. Unruly Refugee has it right on the mark. There’s no ‘interpretation’ needed. We still speak and read English just like they did way back when. Technological advances do not warrant the need to ‘advance’ morals.

  3. Just imagine if “The Rules Of Golf” were “living” and changed on every whim because of their “unfairness”?
    Mulligans, breakfast balls, and gimmes; knock those nasty weeds away in a hazard, and oh, “if you like your handicap you can keep it,” or at least work to maintain it and keep it comfortably high by not posting low scores. Yeah, a living document, the dream of liberals in all walks of life. Now, take the NFL……but that’s another story.

  4. One of my brothers-in-law, an otherwise intelligent man, is a devout democrat and leftist — and he’s smugly disdainful of all things conservative.

    It seems to me that those who believe themselves to be superior are among those who are the easiest to mislead.

  5. The Huff Puff leftist morons expect to be pampered. They don’t know how to be conscientious citizens unless it involves fulfilling their selfish desires. The U.S. Constitution represents all citizens of America, not just a select class of clueless elitists who wouldn’t last a day under communist rule.

  6. @ 99th Squad Leader –
    “The U.S. Constitution represents all citizens of America, not just a select class of clueless elitists who wouldn’t last a day under communist rule.”

    BRAVO! And Bravo again!

  7. What’s wrong with interpreting the Constitution the way it was written? They didn’t have a problem with that for the first 200 years or so, why do they have a problem with it now?

  8. What is a huffing post?

    One of these days, if you stick around long enough, you’ll realize this is the least appreciated humor on this site.

    Pretending you are cool, even worse – actually thinking you are cool, by not knowing the people who are destroying America is counter-productive.

    Know your enemies. Fight them. Confront them when you can. Shame them into submission.

    Playing like you’re “too cool” to know is a losing strategy.

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