So, You Want Government Healthcare, Do You? – IOTW Report

So, You Want Government Healthcare, Do You?

Man amputates his own toes with pliers after government cancels his operation.

The doctors said the gangrene in his toes were going to kill him, but, due to shortages his scheduled surgery to remove his leg was canceled at the 12th hour.


He went home and removed what he felt was going to kill him. He sat in the living room, no painkillers and used a pair of pliers.

The initial problems all started when he got frostbite repairing a broken car in the snow.



ht/ rob e.

17 Comments on So, You Want Government Healthcare, Do You?

  1. Do we really need to see this guy’s foot? It’s bad enough you have those ads on the sides with the disgusting feet, but now you’re putting them in the articles. Come on.

  2. Hey Larry, what is uglier to you? The fact that this guy had to self amputate his own toes, or the fact that his national health care wouldn’t? That’s the trouble with you libs, you can’t stomach the reality that you ultimately create.

  3. I agree with you BFH. I did my own little survey of my p-a clients. Overwhelmingly, they said they wouldn’t have done it if they knew. Back in the early days, they were told it was just a clump of cells.

  4. Three hours to fix a head gasket is pretty fck’n good time.
    The man has some gonads, doing that without any pain med. But those are not pliers, they are dikes, diagonal cutters. Pliers just grab, though many have a small cutter near the pivot.

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