NeverTrump’s Strange New Bedfellows – IOTW Report

NeverTrump’s Strange New Bedfellows

It’s been fascinating to watch the arc of NeverTrump crash landing directly into the left’s camp.

It’s only a matter of time before they’re leading a drum circle and chanting, “hey, hey, ho, ho, Trump racism has got to go.”

What exactly is Trump’s racism?

He wants to secure our southern border so that Mexican rapists and murderers can’t simply walk into our country. He wants America to be able to pick and choose who enters, like we have always done in the past. Make America Great AGAIN, like “the way we used to do it.”

“The way we used to do it.” That is a phrase that is about as conservative as it gets. That’s what MAGA means, and NeverTrump sneers, scoffs and guffaws at it, elbowing the ribs of the left and pointing and laughing with them.

Donald Trump delivered a soaring speech about the problems and the hopelessness of the inner cities. He promised not to forget minorities, like the left does once they secure their vote, and dedicate as much time restoring law and order in their communities as any other place so that prosperity could flourish.

“There can be no prosperity without law and order.” – Donald Trump

In Ben Howe’s new film, The Sociopath (a good autobiopic title, if you ask me), he slows down and zooms in on Trump’s mouth at that moment during his speech and loops it over and over. This is meant to show that Trump is a dictator. Promising law and order is dictatorial… now that Trump is saying it.

Law and order has always been a staple of the conservative movement. Now it’s used against Trump to show that he must be feared, just like the left has done to law and order candidates in the past. Think Rudy Giuliani.

I’ve read NeverTrump blog posts where the authors are very concerned with Trump’s Islamophobia because he won’t open the floodgates on refugees. Islamophobia is a phrase that the right has always felt to be an idiotic construct of the left.  NeverTrump embraces the term to describe Trump.

If NeverTrump wants to start a new party, may I suggest their icon be a wool hat and a pair of Birkenstocks?

vfqgsjda_400x400Lori Ziganto (yes, iOTW’s Snark and Boobs) writes a nice piece over at Twitchy about Evan McMullin, the NeverTrump’s “new conservative” that accuses the old conservatives of racism.

It dovetails nicely with a piece written by Ace.

It’s worth a read.





11 Comments on NeverTrump’s Strange New Bedfellows

  1. I have been done with the NeverTrumpers for some time. At least liberals/progressives, as oblivious as they are, are honest about what they are. NeverTrumpers are progressives masquerading as conservatives and/or as petulant as toddlers.

    I will actively campaign against any Bush who wants to run for any public office. I will actively campaign against any Republican who was a NeverTrumper. I understand some Republicans had concerns about Trump – that’s o.k. with me – but the NeverTrumpers are sour grapes artists who don’t give a damn about this country, and would rather see a corrupt, egotistical and narcissistic crony politician gain the White House than Trump.

    Good luck with whatever career you chose, NeverTrumpers, so long as it isn’t politics.

  2. On a side note:
    I had no idea Lt. Col. Ralph (Obama is a pussy) Peters is a never Trump kinda guy. I heard him on FBN this morning. Another nut case crawling out of the woodwork.
    Trump is doing an excellent job by illuminating the true positions of everyone – both personal and professional.

  3. Is Ben Shapiro still a NeverTrumper? I was on his site today and it’s a adtastic mess of pop ups, clickables, pop under screens selling this and that. What a mess. Scrambling for cash, maybe?

  4. What I don’t understand are so called Conservatives who don’t see the nation’s survival handwriting on the wall. They won’t declare support for anyone, citing as their defense that “Trump is a terrible person.” It’s like they’ve been overcome with their feelings (sound familiar?) and won’t even consider rational argument.

  5. The Left will use the exact same argument to support their candidate of choice that they will use to attack their opponent. They are completely oblivious to it. And you can’t get them to change their minds, ever – but you can educate the ignorant but skeptical observers and bring them to your point of view.

  6. I think of Trump as an exterminator who went into the conservative house and flushed all of the cockroaches out into the daylight where we can stomp on them. We would never have known how many traitors we had in our midst if not for him. But now we do know and no matter what happens tomorrow we won’t forget.

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