Everyone Moving To Canada Post Election: #CheckYourPrivilege – IOTW Report

Everyone Moving To Canada Post Election: #CheckYourPrivilege

In this video, Project Veritas Action Journalists encountered the Assistant Director of Leadership and Civic Engagement at Columbia University. She told the PVA journalist that saying “I am moving to Canada if Trump wins” is a privileged statement. Following statements from many members of the Hollywood elite who said they would also move to Canada

15 Comments on Everyone Moving To Canada Post Election: #CheckYourPrivilege

  1. I wonder what this stupid twat will do for a job. She can’t work unless she’s granted landed immigrant status and I suspect that applying for that may well screw up her American citizenship. What the hell, maybe she can Pole Dance off the books up in one of the Alberta OilSands projects or maybe a BC lumber camp.

  2. This video offers a spectacular view into the mind of a liberal. Notice how they don’t even bother to consider Mexico. That’s because they’re racists. Every single one of them said Canada without the slightest hesitation. Mexico? Don’t even think about it. Yeah, it’s sunny and warm, but there are too many Mexicans there.

  3. Scr: yes. And I have to be interview every five years to renew. I should be going for my next interview in about 6 months.

    Funny thing is: I figured my last interview was an important and serious matter (I still think it is) so I was dressed in a suit and the whole nine yards. When I was there, most other people were in t-shirts, flip-flops, and cut-offs. Way to make a good impression.

  4. This video reminds me of an idea I’ve had. Someone needs to set up a think-tank that would do investigative research of all of the people who are leftards. Start by finding out ALL of the information that is publically available about the left and famous and publish it. Then start to make an assessment of how much these people are worth and show evidence of it. This would be in the form of finding out the locations of the famous one’s homes and what the town, city or whatever assess for their property. Do the same for their car(s) and any other publically shown assets. Then put all of this online and embarrass the hell out of these people.

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