Nice with the 47.7%… Hillary’s popular vote percentage.
Cups say
Bill Clinton -First Man 2016
Hillary Clinton 2016
ht/ Moe Tom
Nice with the 47.7%… Hillary’s popular vote percentage.
Cups say
Bill Clinton -First Man 2016
Hillary Clinton 2016
ht/ Moe Tom
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They would be great for bailing out toilet bowls.
First Man? Wouldn’t the counterpart to First Lady be First Gentleman? Ah, but Bill is no gentleman…has been a user and disrespect-er of women all his life, yet continues to get a pass.
And Hillary’s not much of a lady either.
It would be even more of a dig if it were 52.3% off – the percentage of voters who did NOT vote for Death-eyes.
Of course, those numbers are based on the tooth-fairy-like belief that there weren’t at least three million illegal votes case by non-citizens, that the reports are false from North Carolina saying that voting irregularities and fraudulent votes cast in all 100 counties and that in all cases the bad votes were for Dems, and that the 2012 findings in Ft. Myers Florida that 100 people were excused from jury duty because they weren’t US citizens and the jury pool was taken from voter registrations, and you get my drift. I think it almost certain that Trump won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.
Perfect for the poisoned Kool-aid.
It sucks to go to beach junk shops during the offseason.
African kids will be dancing when the get their new gruel cups to go with all the tee shirts …
Still a HUGE rip off.
It’s not a ripoff if you are making a scat flick with Lena Dunham: One Girl, Two Cups.
$2.32 for both.
And she’s giving 95 per cent of on her Wall Street, Clinton Foundation speeches, for colleges. Wonderful Lady.
Gee Wally, Hillary sez her cup is half full.
Well, Beave, maybe she needs a smaller bra…
only 30% voted for her in my state, so 47% off is a deal, better snap em up.
For the foreign donors, it’s 100% off from now on.
I don’t think you can throw cups from a skeet house.
But maybe a few dems will volunteer to hand-throw them?
A new interpretation of “doubles” might well be required.
Even if Hitlery won Bubba wouldn’t be the First Man,
Bill Clinton is a rapist, he’s no man.
First Rapist is what Bill’s cup should say.